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Scooped by Youyouk
January 8, 2011 9:10 AM!

Angry Birds Board Game: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Angry Birds Board Game: Pics, Videos, Links, News | youyouk |
Angry Birds Board Game: Play Angry Birds in real life! Starting this May. You can keep this with your other useless Angry Birds paraphernalia. ( Via .)..
Emyrky's comment January 14, 2011 8:53 AM
je suis fan!
Scooped by Youyouk
January 7, 2011 1:26 PM!

40 Exceptional jQuery Photo Gallery and Slider | Free and Useful Online... - StumbleUpon

40 Exceptional jQuery Photo Gallery and Slider | Free and Useful Online... - StumbleUpon | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 6:02 PM!

The first solar eclipse of 2011 - The Big Picture -

The first solar eclipse of 2011 - The Big Picture - | youyouk |
Yesterday a partial solar eclipse took place, observable through most of Europe and northwestern Asia. Over parts of Europe, as much as two-thirds of the sun slipped from view behind the moon. The region that saw the greatest eclipse was in northern Sweden. This was the first of four partial solar eclipses which will occur in 2011, the others taking place on June 1st, July 1st and November 25th. Collected here are photographs of yesterday's celestial event and observers here on Earth as they tried to catch a glimpse. (RT @Laurentec La galerie de l'éclipse solaire par The Big Picture est magnifique ! As usual !
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 8:22 AM!

The Top 150 Web Development Highlights from 2010 | Nettuts+

The Top 150 Web Development Highlights from 2010 | Nettuts+ | youyouk |
It’s hard to believe that yet another year has gone by; but 2010 was an incredible year in the web development industry. So, what tutorials, tips, and (The Top 150 Web Development Highlights from 2010
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 8:19 AM!

Thierry Legault - Partial solar eclipse and transit of the Space Stationfrom Oman

Thierry Legault - Partial solar eclipse and transit of the Space Stationfrom Oman | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 7:41 AM!

➜ 50 pubs créatives que vous ne connaissiez pas | Youyouk: le blog

➜   50 pubs créatives que vous ne connaissiez pas | Youyouk: le blog | youyouk |
La page risque d'être un peu longue à charger, mais tant pis. Voici donc une sélection de 50 publicités, parfois seules, parfois issues d'une série, et qu'il va vous falloir "comprendre".
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 7:24 AM!

➜ 30 Wallpapers HD pack 2 (pour iMac 27″ – 2560 x 1440) | Youyouk: le blog

➜   30 Wallpapers HD pack 2 (pour iMac 27″ – 2560 x 1440) | Youyouk: le blog | youyouk |
Reconnaissez qu'il est dommage d'afficher une image de mauvaise qualité sur un écran d'ordinateur dont la résolution affiche -comme celle de l'iMac27"- 2560 pixels sur 1440! Je vous ai donc concocté une nouvelle gallerie de wallpapers (oui, des fonds d'écran ^^), spécialement adaptés pour s'afficher parfaitement sur vos grands écrans :) ...
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 5:20 AM!

8 Incredible LEGO Mods - The Most Incredible LEGO Models Ever Constructed - Popular Mechanics

8 Incredible LEGO Mods - The Most Incredible LEGO Models Ever Constructed - Popular Mechanics | youyouk |
Building a LEGO model by following the directions is one thing, but it takes ingenuity and engineering ability to create an original LEGO composition. Here are eight of the most incredible LEGO mods ever constructed.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:03 PM!

YouTube - Jaki jest widok z czuba iglicy Burj Khalifa?

Więcej na Zobaczcie sami. Trzech gości siedzi sobie jak na ławce w parku. (3 gars assis au sommet du Burj Dubaï #video ( via @chinkyaku @proutz ))
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:02 PM!

Dailymotion - McDo : une passion française - une vidéo TV

Dailymotion - McDo : une passion française - une vidéo TV | youyouk |
Comment l'irréductible pays gaulois s'est laissé envahir par des légions de McDonald's.Réalisateur : Stanislas Kraland(France, 2010, 26mn) ARTE Fhttp://ww (RT @cooly08: RT @youyouk 1.2M de Français mangent au McDo chaque jour faisant de la France le marché le + rentable après les USA
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:02 PM!

Infographie – Création de contenu créatif et efficace sur le web | LE MARKETING SUR LE WEB

Infographie – Création de contenu créatif et efficace sur le web | LE MARKETING SUR LE WEB | youyouk |
RT @camj59: Sur mon blog : Infographie – Création de contenu créatif et efficace sur le web
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 5:38 PM!

YouTube - Bohemian Rhapsody, for Four Violins

Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen. Arranged for four violins and performed by Joe Edmonds. Free download available at: (a...
Marc Rougier's comment, January 4, 2011 6:24 PM
ps: if you like it, you might have a look at too :)
Youyouk's comment, January 4, 2011 6:53 PM
thanks ;)
Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 5:04 PM!

4chan déclare la guerre à la France : "Pourrissons leurs sites" -

4chan déclare la guerre à la France : "Pourrissons leurs sites" - | youyouk |
Les membres du célèbre forum sont furieux : le 300.000.000e post, tant attendu, représente la France.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 8, 2011 6:44 AM!

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Fanart | What The Flux

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Fanart | What The Flux | youyouk |
To gear up for the Houston Symphony concert featuring music from Star Wars (and an excuse to have more geekiness for today), we've collected a series of fan
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 6:02 PM!

YouTube - ねむいよ・・

あったかいお湯に浸かっていると眠くなっちゃいます。【ブログ】 (RT @Anim_addict Il ne lui manque plus qu'un petit cocktail avec une paille !!!...
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 6:02 PM!

Insolite : Lettre d’un pirate à Ubisoft | UnderNews

Insolite : Lettre d’un pirate à Ubisoft  | UnderNews | youyouk |
Voici une lettre (ici la traduction Française) qui a été publiée sur plusieurs site sur la Toile il y a quelque temps par un pirate. La voici dans son intégralité. (So true ! RT @youyouk : "Le piratage est une conséquence de votre mépris du consommateur" lettre d'un pirate à @Ubisoft
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 7:44 AM!

Dessine moi un objet » Blog Archive » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock

Dessine moi un objet  » Blog Archive   » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock | youyouk |
Le DIY du jour!
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 7:34 AM!

Origine des symboles informatiques - EN

Origine des symboles informatiques - EN | youyouk |
Petite histoire des principaux #logos
online 720p's comment January 5, 2011 7:55 AM
<a href="">online 720p</a>
Scooped by Youyouk
January 5, 2011 7:16 AM!

Facebook's 2010 by numbers - Telegraph

Facebook's 2010 by numbers - Telegraph | youyouk |
Social network Facebook has revealed key data about how people used the site
in 2010
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:30 PM!

Find the shortest route between two Wikipedia articles.

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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:02 PM!

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey | youyouk |
Prey is a lightweight laptop and phone tracker that helps you locate, secure, lock and recover your stuff if it goes missing. Works in Mac, Windows, Linux and Android phones. (Excellent: un logiciel gratuit pour verrouiller son ordi à distance et le localiser ça aurait pu servir @FatBazooka)
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 6:02 PM!

imgur: the simple image sharer

imgur: the simple image sharer | youyouk |
Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities. You can also view the funniest pictures from all over the Internet. There's no limit to how many you can share or upload, and uploading only takes seconds. (RT @youyouk #pic Zombies vs Top Modèles
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 4, 2011 5:53 PM!


Flash Animation Portfolio.
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