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Curated by Youyouk
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 19, 2011 6:07 PM!

Ad+ on the Behance Network

Ad+ on the Behance Network | youyouk |
Ads inspired in Escher's work.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 19, 2011 4:27 PM!

YouTube - Shop Vac (kinetic typography animation)

A kinetic typography music video for Jonathan Coulton&#39s Shop Vac. This was created using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere and Toon Boom...
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 19, 2011 5:23 AM!

Visual Design Small Magblog For Designers | VisonwidGet

Visual Design Small Magblog For Designers | VisonwidGet | youyouk | is a deviant website dedicated to visual design, web developers and designers resources, wordpress themes, identity and branding design, photography, Web Development Tools, ect.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 12:57 PM!

70 High Quality and Very Detailed Adobe Illustrator Object Tutorials | DesignBeep

70 High Quality and Very Detailed Adobe Illustrator Object Tutorials | DesignBeep | youyouk |
You know Adobe Illustrator is the most preferred vector illustration application.When it comes to technical drawing you can easily see the difference between
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 9:37 AM!

Blue in Web Design – 45 Inspiring Examples

Blue in Web Design – 45 Inspiring Examples | youyouk |
We've recently shown you our picks of both red in web design and the use of strong earth tones. It seems a lot of designers find these collections inspiring in different ways, so this time we've had a look at blue. The color blue is often related to sky, water and referred to as a natural universal color. It can be used to have a design look both conservative and modern in combination with the right elements and typography.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 7:15 AM!

Face Swaps: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Face Swaps: Pics, Videos, Links, News | youyouk |
Face Swaps: For some reason this cheap photoshop gimmick never seems to get any less hilarious. Saved some hilarious ones of your own? Post them please!..
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 4:55 AM!

60 plugins ou widgets sociaux pour votre plateforme Wordpress, Joomla ou Drupal | - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social Media

60 plugins ou widgets sociaux pour votre plateforme Wordpress, Joomla ou Drupal | - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social Media | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 14, 2011 10:18 AM!

Daria blablate - Canons de la beauté au fil de l’histoire : so...

Daria blablate - Canons de la beauté au fil de l’histoire : so... | youyouk |
Canons de la beauté au fil de l’histoire : so true ! (RT @darialalala: Photo: Canons de la beauté au fil de l’histoire : so true ! via...
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 14, 2011 10:18 AM!

Quelle est la taille d'internet ? | PassioN @Net

Quelle est la taille d'internet ? | PassioN @Net | youyouk |
Internet, un monde dans un monde dans lequel nous rajoutons quotidiennement notre petit grain de sable mais savez-vous seulement quelle taille fait-il ? Combien d'URLs sont indexées ? (RT @PassionNet_FR: Quelle est la taille d'internet ?
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 13, 2011 1:07 PM!

25 Best Mac Apps That Every Designer Must Know

25 Best Mac Apps That Every Designer Must Know | youyouk |
As a freelance designer everyone wants to be at the top of the game which means wish to have the most useful tools available to you. Your arsenal should be heavy with all sorts of development, financial, and time tracking tools that will be of great use.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 13, 2011 1:06 PM!

30+Useful Example CSS3 Style (Really Useful CSS) « CSS - FreshDesignWeb

30+Useful Example CSS3 Style (Really Useful CSS) « CSS  - FreshDesignWeb | youyouk |
Today i collected some style design of CSS3 example that available for demo view and download such Text Effects and Layout, CSS3 Animated, CSS3  3D  Text,
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 19, 2011 4:55 PM!

YouTube - Human Waves at Tokyo Summerland

August 15, 2009. Took this video of the hourly "wave time" at Tokyo Summerland's indoor pool. Kewl huh?
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 19, 2011 7:41 AM!

Unusual Computer Mice You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

Unusual Computer Mice You Probably Haven’t Seen Before | youyouk |
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 12:56 PM!

Folds & Burns

Folds & Burns | youyouk |
Play as Arson in an HTML5 shooter game, and help prevent the destruction of planet GOC. Created by Interactive duo Joshua Perez and Mirtho Prepont.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 18, 2011 5:25 AM!

L’histoire du jeu vidéo vu à la première personne… | Graphisme & interactivité blog par Geoffrey Dorne

L’histoire du jeu vidéo vu à la première personne… | Graphisme & interactivité blog par Geoffrey Dorne | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 15, 2011 2:39 PM!

Angry Birds Adult Beanie Hats CHOOSE ONE by couturecrochetbykt

Angry Birds Adult Beanie Hats CHOOSE ONE by couturecrochetbykt | youyouk |
This listing is for ONE custom made ANGRY BIRD beanie hat for ADULT You may choose either ANGRY RED CARDINAL BIRD BEANIE or ANGRY GREEN PIG
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 14, 2011 10:19 AM!

How a colony of ants dealt with a fly that invaded their territory | Mail Online

How a colony of ants dealt with a fly that invaded their territory  | Mail Online | youyouk |
The airborne insect may have been more than double the size of its attackers but it didn't stand a chance against their combined might.
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 14, 2011 10:18 AM!

BMX Race Start Epic Fail

Mass faceplant (RT @tom_80 via @elie_p: J'en ai fait pendant 3 ans, mais j'ai jamais vu un bon petit fail comme ça!
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 14, 2011 10:18 AM!

So you still think the internet is free...

Data Visualizations on Internet Censorship (Où internet est-il censuré ? Dans quels pays, pour quels motifs, par qui ?...
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Scooped by Youyouk
January 13, 2011 1:07 PM!

20 Free Web Apps for Freelancer Web Designers | DesignModo

20 Free Web Apps for Freelancer Web Designers | DesignModo | youyouk |
Nowadays there are tons of different web based applications in the internet. We selected twenty best free web applications for Freelancer Web Designers which may significantly increase your productivity.
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