Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Curated by Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Education and Tech Tools
September 14, 2017 5:26 PM!

Save the Date: Nov 14, 2017 - Sakai Virtual Conference 2017

Save the Date: Nov 14, 2017 - Sakai Virtual Conference 2017 | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Mark your calendars for the fourth annual online Sakai Virtual Conference, with a focus on teaching, learning, sharing, best practices, and community building. This is a faculty-friendly event. No need to travel-the whole day's workshops will be online! 

Via Becky Roehrs
Becky Roehrs's curator insight, September 13, 2017 10:01 AM

Don't miss out on teaching/learning fun, swag, prizes, and proceeds going to a great cause! 

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Education and Tech Tools
February 2, 2017 12:11 PM!

What Edtech Tools Are Community Colleges Flocking To? (EdSurge News)

What Edtech Tools Are Community Colleges Flocking To? (EdSurge News) | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Like all education ecosystems, community colleges have an array of different edtech tools to choose from. Where does one begin to search through the myriad of products out there—and find the ones best tailored to specific needs? One suggestion: Listen to other community college educators..

Via Becky Roehrs
Becky Roehrs's curator insight, February 1, 2017 5:13 PM
  • I like Screencast-O-Matic, EDpuzzle, YouTube, Kahn Academy, BigBlueButton (open source web conferencing tool) and our Sakai LMS's (open source) checklists, quizzes and assignments at our community college.
  • Other faculty use Office Mix (PowerPoint voice-overs) wikispaces, our Sakai "student content" areas (student project areas) and blogs. 
  • Here's our EdTech Resources "Tools for Teaching"
Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Education and Tech Tools
June 2, 2017 11:52 AM!

In Sakai Lessons: Are you seeing a Download file message? Here's the fix!

In Sakai Lessons: Are you seeing a Download file message? Here's the fix! | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Why are you seeing a Download file message on your Lessons page? There is a difference between "embedding" or showing content and "adding" or creating links to documents.

Via Becky Roehrs
Becky Roehrs's curator insight, June 1, 2017 1:28 PM

In Sakai Lessons, It's easy to click on the first link that contains the word "content", but you'll get different results than you expect, when trying to link to a Word document or PowerPoint presentation..

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Education and Tech Tools
January 21, 2017 3:02 PM!

Sakai 11 is here!

Sakai 11 is here! | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Sakai 11 is here! Find out what you can do with Sakai 11 using our new videos and handouts.
Via Becky Roehrs
Becky Roehrs's curator insight, January 18, 2017 5:40 PM

We not only have Sakai 11 instructor and student videos and handouts-but try out the new Lessons, check lists, questions, and updated student content/pages. It's responsive and accessible -displays on any device.