Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Curated by Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
October 1, 2014 6:39 PM!

How to Successfully Manage Employees From Different Generations

How to Successfully Manage Employees From Different Generations | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Embrace Different Perspectives

"We'll never stop employing people of different generations here. Although it's a challenge to work together, meshing new ideas, different energy levels, and time-tested experience, I'm a firm believer that evolution only happens by getting outside the comfort zone. There's great value in the diversity of our employees. They provide insight on our wide range of customers, giving us a well-balanced perspective."

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, October 1, 2014 6:08 PM

Generation gaps can often undermine team performance, but they don't have to.

Carlos Rodrigues Cadre's curator insight, October 2, 2014 8:28 AM

adicionar a sua visão ...

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Eclectic Technology
April 19, 2013 12:34 PM!

iPad as the Teacher's Pet

iPad as the Teacher's Pet | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Hey, teacher! Got an iPad? Then you've got a toolbox that you can fill to help you be an even better teacher! Spend some time with this infographic to discover how your iPad can be your handy assistant.

Via Beth Dichter
Chris Carter's curator insight, April 21, 2013 9:51 PM

Worth a look.

Chris Carter's comment, April 23, 2013 1:19 AM
Sorry for that, Rob. It works fine on mine.
Beth Dichter's comment, April 23, 2013 6:05 AM
The files are large, esp. if you download the 24 page one.
Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
August 6, 2014 12:03 AM!

Performance Management: We Won’t Fix the Problem by Ignoring It

Performance Management: We Won’t Fix the Problem by Ignoring It | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

To meet this goal, a performance management system must provide some way to determine how employees are performing relative to their co-workers. Yet there is currently a trend in HR to “fix” performance management by eliminating the use of methods that compare employees based on performance.

This makes no sense since this is the very thing senior business leaders want from performance management!


The 2 performance management methods:

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, August 5, 2014 7:49 PM

When I ask business leaders in large companies what they want from performance management systems, the answer usually includes “identify the top performers in the company.”

Graeme Reid's curator insight, August 5, 2014 8:29 PM

If we want to fix performance management, we must create methods that accurately classify employees based on past performance in a way that maximizes their future performance and retention.  Rating employees to fit a bell-curve distribution is nonsensical, but identifying your top 10% of performers makes a lot of sense.

Ian Berry's curator insight, August 7, 2014 1:47 AM

Performance management like people management is dead. The question to ask of all performance systems Does our system inspire and make it simple for people to bring their best to their work? Any answer other than a resounding yes means system must be improved.