Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Curated by Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
April 24, 2019 11:39 PM!

"Listening to What Students Are Asking: The Role of an Academic Library" by Elizabeth Jardine

"Listening to What Students Are Asking: The Role of an Academic Library" by Elizabeth Jardine | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Students at our public, urban community college were experiencing difficulties finding correct, consistent answers to their questions about navigating college processes, information students needed to succeed in school. These difficulties were fueled not only by our students’ backgrounds—they are often the first generation in their family to attend college, may require additional academic preparation, or lack support for their higher education dreams—but also by the siloed information environment prevalent in academia. When our college president realized the extent of student challenges in this area, she looked to the college’s librarians, campus experts in knowledge organization and provision, for direction with a knowledge management initiative to support our students.

Knowledge management can be broadly thought of as the ways institutional knowledge is gathered, organized, and made available in coordinated ways that are useful to the organization. Along with Student Affairs, the Library co-led the development of a collegewide knowledge base, the goal of which was to provide students and other users, including college faculty and staff, with the correct answer to common questions. The Library hired a part-time metadata librarian originally just for this project, but that librarian was later appointed full-time faculty while continuing to manage daily operation of the knowledge base.

Now in its fifth year, the collaborative Ask LaGuardia knowledge base has become an institution at the college. Usage has grown. Librarians involved in knowledge

Via Elizabeth E Charles
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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Content Curation World
December 29, 2013 10:57 AM!

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Thinking of adding value should be the first stage in curation, PKM, or any professional online sharing.

Via Robin Good
Pierre Clause's curator insight, January 5, 2014 5:07 AM

Adding value can be as small as : what touched me in this article ? what resonates for me ? any sensible way to express your P.O.V. actually !

SyReach's curator insight, July 7, 2014 4:53 AM

SyReach Notes now offers a full coverage of personal KM needs: Seek with integrated watch module and search engines, Sense with note and article edition, linking and knowledge building. Share by email or publish to selected resources linked to your articles!

Joe Matthews's curator insight, September 29, 2014 3:01 PM

Really thought provoking

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from Content Curation World
December 4, 2013 5:54 AM!

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It

Most Important Thing in Content Curation: Adding Value - Here 14 Ways To Do It | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Thinking of adding value should be the first stage in curation, PKM, or any professional online sharing.

Via Robin Good
Pierre Clause's curator insight, January 5, 2014 5:07 AM

Adding value can be as small as : what touched me in this article ? what resonates for me ? any sensible way to express your P.O.V. actually !

SyReach's curator insight, July 7, 2014 4:53 AM

SyReach Notes now offers a full coverage of personal KM needs: Seek with integrated watch module and search engines, Sense with note and article edition, linking and knowledge building. Share by email or publish to selected resources linked to your articles!

Joe Matthews's curator insight, September 29, 2014 3:01 PM

Really thought provoking

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 26, 2013 10:58 PM!

Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future

Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Students Need Professional Learning Networks, Too

Learning to create, manage and promote a professional learning network (PLN) will soon become, if it’s not already, one of the most necessary and sought after skills for a global citizen, and as such, must become a prominent feature of any school curriculum.


Via Gust MEES
Ali Anani's curator insight, December 2, 2013 12:52 AM

The emergence of social networks impact is well-explained in this post.

Amanda Feliu's curator insight, December 2, 2013 4:55 AM

Un article molt interessant que parla sobre que els estudiants necessiten aprendre des de xarxes socials professionals.

Kim Flintoff's curator insight, July 8, 2014 1:27 AM

Collaboration can be both a formal structure for learning activity but also an underpinning framework for engagement and fostering life-long learning.  Learning networks are part the new learning ecosystem and should be recognised and supported.