Richard Feynman’s “Notebook Technique” Will Help You Learn Any Subject–at School, at Work, or in Life | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
Richard Feynman knew his stuff. Had he not, he probably wouldn't have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, let alone his various other prestigious scientific awards. But his reputation for learning all his life long with a special depth and rigor survives him, and in a sense accounts for his fame — of a degree that ensures his stern yet playful face will gaze out from dorm-room posters for generations to come — even more than does his "real" work. Many students of physics still, understandably, want to be like Feynman, but everyone else, even those of us with no interest in physics whatsoever, could also do well to learn from him: not from what he thought about, but from how he thought about it.

Via Elizabeth E Charles