Chinese media make inroads into Africa - | Metaglossia: The Translation World |

Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- For years, China has been pumping billions of dollars across Africa to build large-scale infrastructure projects and grant cheap loans in exchange for access to the continent's natural resources and growing markets.
And lately, along with its economic and political engagements, Beijing has also been making significant strides in expanding its media engagements in Africa. In January, the Chinese Central Television (CCTV), a state-owned news behemoth with bureaus all over the world, chose the Kenyan capital of Nairobi as the location of its first broadcast hub outside its Beijing headquarters.
Analysts say it's all part of efforts to win the hearts and minds of people in the continent and create a more fertile business environment.
"CCTV's expansion in Africa is mainly one step of this whole national engine into Africa," says analyst Jinghoa Lu of Frontier Advisory. "China's investment in Africa has increased several folds in the last several years and the trade between China and the whole continent has reached $166 billion, so China really has a very significant show up at this continent."