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November 10, 2023 10:25 AM
I built this mechanically dimming lamp because, I hated the flicker of LED's when you dim them down. This flicker ruined my romantic dinners with my wife turning them into some sort of rave party. So using the idea of a camera aperture or iris. I designed and built this one of a kind lamp to mechanically dim light rather than do it electronically. In turn, saving my romantic dinners with my wife and ending rave parties at my house forever.
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May 17, 2022 6:04 AM
I decided to completely custom keyboard for my SIDE project in my engineering class taught by Ms. Berbawy at Irvington High School. This board features a TKL minus F-row layout, rotary encoder that serves as a volume knob, and support for an OLED display.
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May 12, 2022 5:07 AM
In this episode of In The Kitchen With Matt, I will show you how to make Ambrosia Salad. This easy fruit salad recipe is tangy and sweet and oh so delicious. It is very popular in the Southern United States. The term "ambrosia" references the food eaten by the Greek Gods. If you like fruit salad, give this recipe a try! If I can do it, you can do it. Let's get started!
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April 18, 2022 9:53 AM
This project is part of my Master's thesis and design research about open-design and distributed design. I want to get a better understanding and connection to the maker community. Therefore I'm looking forward to see how this project will be received. My hope is that someone, somewhere would like to re-create this and hopefully even customize and re-iterate the design.
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April 8, 2022 4:23 AM
I have quite a lot of vacuum tubes collected over the years and I'm always thinking of things to do with them. I actually have a bit of an obsession with them! To me they are beautiful objects. I've made displays for them in the past, stuck LED's into them and used them on ray gun builds. This time I decided to make some little spider mechanical bugs out of them! I had seen something similar and thought that I could make my own version.
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February 28, 2022 6:40 AM
This is about installing hydronic radiant floor heating in a slab floor system. While it was done as a new house was being built, in my last house I poured a concrete floor on top of a wood framed floor system and could have put radiant heat in that as well. The system works via pex pipe, a small pump, a water heater, and a thermostat.
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February 17, 2022 6:22 AM
Around 5 years back I made a Floor Cleaning Robot (CleanSweep) from scratch, which was a hit and a lot of people followed the guide and tried making their own robot. But that design actually had some flaws. So last year I had to make my Engineering Mini Project and I decided to work on the same idea but with some improvements. However, it is quite ironical that even after 3 years of university I worked on the same project that I built when I was in school (lol).
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December 14, 2021 4:00 AM
Electro Ukulele: My kid loves to play ukulele, and one day I've got an idea to make it electric.Since strings are non-metal - piezo pickups should be used. I've found all necessary hardware on Aliexpress.
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November 30, 2021 7:56 AM
I have been studying electrochemistry for some years and one day, I discovered something fascinating. I read a paper that showed that plants could be used to generate electrical power. Now, the mechanism behind how it works is a bit complex and some knowledge in chemistry is needed. Organic oxidation and reduction of bacteria cause potential differences and stores energy, just like capacitors. If you want to know more about the chemical process look at The thing is, making these plant fuel cells are crazy simple! So I am here to show you how to make your plant fuel cell. The research uses moss, which blew my mind off first because these plants don't have roots!
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November 23, 2021 2:23 AM
In this guide we'll create a wireless midi CC controller, allowing you to use your Microbit as a midi controller and connect it to your favourite music production software.
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November 12, 2021 5:39 AM
Waveform generation may not immediately spring to mind with regard to the Microbit as it is a digital device. However, with the addition of some external logic, waveforms other than pulses can be generated. This will be realised with a Function Generator, which is a signal generator that produces different types of waveforms. In this case these waveforms will be sine, sawtooth and pulse with the pulse frequency adjustable over the range 0 to 1MHz. This project is an enhancement to an earlier project previously published:
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November 4, 2021 6:40 AM
This instructable combines art and sculpture with electronics into a single project. This steampunk-inspired circuit sculpture looks impressive on or off and casts a soft glow onto its surroundings.
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October 23, 2021 5:29 AM
Split flap displays are a fun, and quirky way to display messages in alphanumeric text.
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May 18, 2022 3:29 AM
Most levitation occurs through magnets, but what about making objects levitate with something else, like sound? This design demonstrates acoustic levitation, a concept that uses opposing sound waves to make a tiny object levitate. I created this project in my Principles of Engineering class with the help of Ms. Berbawy and my peers.
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May 13, 2022 4:09 AM
Introducing the Harmanie light! This project was inspired by my best friend Harmanie, thus the name. We were walking down a sidewalk in Vancouver at night and I saw that in the spaces between street lights the sidewalk was occasionally very dark and made it hard for us to see obstacles. It occurred to me that she could really benefit from a flashlight that would always be with her chair. Harmanie is a disabled dance artist who dances in her chair so the light needed to be sleek and nearly hidden so she wouldn't have to remove it for performances. She also had an open footplate design so I decided I could hide a battery between the tubes, put led's along the bottom, and also give her a solid surface for her feet. And Harmanie loves gold.
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April 28, 2022 10:10 AM
As the uncle of a 5 year old curious boy, I have to make something "out of the mainstream" for his birthday, as usual. This time just something simple like a kaleidoscope. Hmmm, I can do better than that, so I fitted it with LEDs and a battery, and it was an LED kaleidoscope. Old technology brought into the 21st century. But we'll have to take it apart on His birthday, because He'll want to know how the whole thing works.
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April 18, 2022 5:19 AM
This instructable is about making an air graver. In the past, I made the same tool but the working principle is completely different. That graver uses suction and compression while the one I am telling in this Instructables only uses compression, which means that the regular air compressor works without any hassle. Now one thing that is similar in both cases is that I am using a 20 mm bolt for the build. I do a lot of stainless steel work and I have a few of these bolts available from one of the repairs I didn't do a few years ago. This build requires quite a lot of precision and doing this without a lathe is a bit more difficult task to do but if you ask me it's definitely doable and the only thing you need is patience.
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March 13, 2022 4:59 PM
On the Instructables website I saw the "One board contest". In the description of the contest it said: "We want to see how you can maximize material usage through smart, efficient designs." It made me think: what can I make from a single 2x4 framing stud, using the entire stud efficiently? While I was thinking about what I could make, I was looking out of the window and our chicken came to sit just in front of me. I thought: I am going to make a large egg from a single 2x4 and try to make it as large as possible. If I would make the egg of solid wood, the egg would not be very large, so I decided to make a hollow egg by cutting the 2x4 in many small pieces and gluing them all together.
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February 23, 2022 5:44 AM
Let’s take it back to basic by modeling the traffic lights circuit on a Powered Breadboard PBB-272B and with a few other electronics components. This circuit turns ON the green LED, keeps it ON for some time, then turns ON the yellow LED for a moment, and finally turns ON the red LED for almost the same duration as the green LED. This cycle again starts from the green LED.
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February 11, 2022 6:54 AM
DIY Sakura Tree: Good afternoon, dear viewers and readers! Today I will show you how to make a sakura tree at home from a regular branch and wax candles.
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December 1, 2021 2:24 PM
In this instructable, I'll walk you through the build process of the smallest, and coolest, aircraft I have ever built! It even fits in your hand!
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November 26, 2021 2:27 PM
The one's who don't know about this amazing tool its called Vernier scale its a measuring device that consists of a main scale with a fixed jaw and a sliding jaw with an attached Vernier. I wanted one for my Aeromodelling work as we need extreme precise measurements even a small difference in change in the dimension of the object can be catastrophic.
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November 22, 2021 5:32 AM
There are three parts to this Instructable: first making light audible, then making sound visible (also called light modulation) and then as a bonus transmitting sound via laser.
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November 11, 2021 3:57 AM
Mhhhh only the bright colours on your plate will make you smile and tease your appetite! Then the first bite will give you culinary satisfaction when the taste of saffron and beetroot play around with your tongue in full harmony... Well, that are my feelings when I enjoy this delicious but easy prepared maincourse. along with yogurt - garlic dip and a crispy sallad this is a bullet proof combination that even carnivores enjoy! be my guest and cook along!
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October 26, 2021 5:32 AM
Let's make a solar balloon that floats with the power of hot air! This is the perfect backyard activity for a sunny day. A few common trash bags taped together can become a science experiment and entertaining way to spend an afternoon.
We're living in the future!