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#Cancer : Non, l’eau d’ail germé ne permet pas de vaincre la maladie #FakeNews #CancerColorectal #Prévention #Risques @OncoPacaCorse #Chimiothérapie @LaStatale


L'ail a toutefois un effet préventif du cancer colorectal, mais peut réduire l'effet de certains traitements contre le cancer, et augmenter la toxicité de la chimiothérapie
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Twitter, public health, and misinformation


Over the past few months, Twitter has rolled out its new subscription-based verification
services, Verified Organizations and an updated version of Twitter Blue. Many legacy
verified accounts have since lost their blue tick, including The Lancet journals.
These paid-for services could drive the spread of health misinformation through a
rise in the verification of malicious accounts and reduced visibility of bonafide
public health experts and groups who opt not to (or cannot afford to) subscribe.
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The Experiences of Stakeholders Using Social Media as a Tool for Health Service Design and Quality Improvement: A Scoping Review - PMC


Background: Health organisations and stakeholders use social media for a range of functions, including engaging stakeholders in the design and quality improvement (QI) of services. Social media may help overcome some of the limitations of traditiona
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Combining Patient Voice with Physician Insights to Improve Patient Experience and Deliver Better Healthcare Outcomes - IQVIA


The increasing digitization of healthcare and the exponential growth of social media has fundamentally changed the role of the patient in the treatment of their condition. The capacity to discuss their needs, fears and treatment protocols with likeminded patients globally has adapted how they perceive their role, from being a follower of traditional physician led decision making to a more empowered decision influencer of their own care. This paradigm shift requires a response from pharmaceutical and MedTech companies who have traditionally worked towards delivering the best patient outcomes by understanding the role and decision-making behaviors of physicians and engaging them to understand the patient journey. With a new active stakeholder now part of the treatment dialogue, the model for understanding patients journeys and making more effective decisions needs to be updated.

Patient Journey studies have become an increasingly valuable tool to enable decision making across the product lifecycle, to understand the person behind the patient, and inform brand strategy. In essence, the patient journeys provide a working model of patient /illness/treatment interactions, encompassing the full patient experience throughout their care pathway (onset of symptoms, consultation, treatment, and disease management) and the myriad interactions (both in-person and virtual) patients have with stakeholders through their treatment journey.

Traditionally, patient journey studies have been focused on the clinical, treatment protocol, and product-oriented aspects of healthcare. Under this model the personal patient experience was viewed largely through the lens of physicians, regulators, and payers, which neglected or downweighed the patient’s perspective in relation to their satisfaction, experience and engagement. This approach was therefore of more limited value in understanding and engaging with patients emotional and informational needs.

To date, Primary Market Research (PMR) has set the gold standard for understanding patient journeys, primarily through physician facing qualitative and quantitative studies to capture key patient journey insights from a clinical perspective. While these studies remain critically important to understand the motivations and decision-making process of the key physician/payer stakeholder group, they are more limited in generating insights for the emerging group of interconnected and empowered patients. To meet the needs of a new stakeholder, we need to evolve the patient journey model and give sufficient weight and value to their voice.

Understanding that the dynamics are changing, the IQVIA Social Media Intelligence (SMI) team has developed innovative data led techniques to capture, enrich, analyze and interpret patient level data and seamlessly incorporate it with physician and industry led patient journey studies to provide a holistic modern view of each stakeholder group to our clients.

IQVIA’s SMI team has been at the forefront of harnessing technology, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and human ingenuity to generate actionable insights from unstructured data on digital mediums. Our research indicates that patients and caregivers increasingly participate on social media networks to publicly share their disease treatment experiences, disease management challenges, emotional and social needs, and concerns around prognosis, diagnosis, and medication. Social Media has a become a rich source of uninhibited patient voice, offering access to previously unheard concerns, motivations, fears, desires and needs, at scale. We believe by understanding the person behind the patient our clients will be better positioned to identify, serve and engage the patient base and develop their business offering to benefit everyone. Our approach to patient journey has evolved and by integrating patient journey insights derived from physician PMR with those from our patient voice analysis model we are delivering a more comprehensive perspective than any other available to our clients.

The life sciences industry today focuses on mapping patient-centric journeys for precise targeting and personalized treatments. To achieve this the patient voice must be valued and captured for a deeper understanding of patient experiences, disease burdens, unmet needs, and inflection points across the journey. Such in-depth understanding can help companies devise effective patient-centric initiatives that drive better health outcomes.


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Réglementation de la FDA et recherche sur l'expérience des patients sur les réseaux sociaux - Sciences de la vie réelle


étudient les expériences et les comportements des patients afin de mieux concevoir des soins centrés sur le patient.
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Les chiffres clés d’Internet et des réseaux sociaux dans le monde en avril 2023


Découvrez les points clés à retenir de l’étude de We Are Social et Meltwater sur les tendances du numérique.
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ChatGPT and Generative AI for Social Media Marketing


Many social media marketers are already experimenting with generative AI tools. However, these tools aren't the solution for every scenario.
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LinkedIn a discrètement gagné 30 millions d'utilisateurs en 4 mois


En marge des autres réseaux sociaux occidentaux LinkedIn continue de grappiller des utilisateurs à bas bruit, 30 millions depuis janvier.
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Comparaison des réponses des médecins et des chatbots d'intelligence artificielle aux questions des patients publiées sur un forum public de médias sociaux | Informatique de santé | JAMA médecine i...


This cross-sectional study evaluates the ability of an artificial intelligent chatbot to provide quality and empathetic responses to patient questions.
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Instagram : pharma on y va !


Bien que certains laboratoires commencent à investir le réseau social Instagram, l’industrie pharmaceutique reste…
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Pour mincir, des influenceurs détournent les capteurs de glycémie dédiés aux diabétiques


Un patch rond collé derrière le bras : le capteur de glycémie devient un accessoire des influenceuses sur TikTok pour contrôler sa prise de poids.
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DIGITAL REPORT FRANCE 2023 🇫🇷 De nos jours, près d’un français sur trois se tourne vers les réseaux sociaux pour chercher des informations sur les marques ! Quelques jours après le lancement de notre Digital Report 2023 international We Are Social x Meltwater, place aujourd’hui à notre rapport annuel focus France. Cette large étude délivre les […]
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Omnicanal et Influence : les codes de l'influence vont-ils déborder la réglementation en santé ?


Les réseaux sociaux sont aujourd’hui omniprésents avec l’essor de nouveaux relais d’opinions. Le phénomène de l’influence impacte progressivement le monde de la santé
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BMS, Boehringer and Roche most mature pharmas on social media


Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim and Roche are the most mature pharmas on social media, though there are still areas in which the companies can do better.  | Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim and Roche are the most mature pharmas on social media, though there are still areas in which the companies can do better.
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Des médecins envahissent le nouveau réseau social TikTok pour faire de la prévention


Des médecins envahissent le nouveau réseau social TikTok pour faire de la prévention - Pour essayer de lutter contre la désinformation auprès des adolescents, de nombreux médecins s’emparent de TikTok pour poster des vidéos courtes et préventives. What’s up Doc a contacté deux d’entre elles.
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Vidéos de patients :  quand les professionnels de santé dérapent sur les réseaux sociaux - Actusoins actualité infirmière


Sur les réseaux sociaux (TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat...), des vidéos de patients ou de résidents d’Ehpad circulent librement. Les professionnels qui les tournent et les mettent en ligne le font de façon totalement illégale.  Cet article a été rédigé par un juriste en droit de la santé, pour
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Des médecins envahissent le nouveau réseau social TikTok pour faire de la prévention


Des médecins envahissent le nouveau réseau social TikTok pour faire de la prévention - Pour essayer de lutter contre la désinformation auprès des adolescents, de nombreux médecins s’emparent de TikTok pour poster des vidéos courtes et préventives. What’s up Doc a contacté deux d’entre elles.
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Exploring The Potential of Social Media for Improving Health Literacy –


Health literacy is an essential component of health education that enables individuals to take an active role in managing their health and well-being. However, a significant portion of the population lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex health information landscape.
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A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Social Media Exposure to Upward Comparison Targets on Self-Evaluations and Emotions: Media Psychology: Vol 0, No 0


Social media have become a pervasive part of contemporary culture and are an essential part of the daily lives of an increasing number of people. Its popularity has brought unlimited opportunities ...
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Baromètre social media 2023 : analyses, conseils et benchmarks


Comme chaque année, Brandwatch propose une nouvelle édition de son incontournable baromètre social média.
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