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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 16, 2015 6:35 PM!

Is Social Media Killing Game of Thrones & Artists, Creators and Audience Relationships?

Is Social Media Killing Game of Thrones & Artists, Creators and Audience Relationships? | Social Marketing Revolution |

HBO’s Games &  Game Theory
Game of Thrones season 5 finale was disturbing, depressing and as close to experiencing chemotherapy by watching TV you will ever get (and we hope you ever get period). The season 5 finale has us wondering if social media marketing is changing the way we create art and not always in good ways. 

What about you? Share your GOT and social media thoughts on Curagami:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 29, 2015 1:22 AM!

The $240,000 Nissan Rogue Social Marketing Event That Didn't Happen- Curagami

The $240,000 Nissan Rogue Social Marketing Event That Didn't Happen- Curagami | Social Marketing Revolution |

The day a big company understands social media marketing it may be time to buy water and canned goods and get in the basement. The end of days is near.

As this post shares, doesn't look like the end of days is near based on how TONE DEAF Nissan was to a cool social marketing idea, and idea that would have sold $240,000 in cars and costs...well NOTING.

We may NEVER need water and canned goods...sadly.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 3, 2015 10:19 PM!

Social Media Marketing...Because Your Past Doesn't Scale

Social Media Marketing...Because Your Past Doesn't Scale | Social Marketing Revolution |

Social Media Doubters Begone
Created an interesting spontaneous "campaign" for New Years. New Years day is my birthday. It is my father's birthday too. After a great suggestion from @Kelly HungerfordI set up a spontaneous event.

Every Happy Birth generated a $10 donation to Dr. John Byrd's work at the James Cancer Center at Ohio State where I'm being treated for the leukemia my father and I share.

After the event I created a report showing where my 72 Happy Birthdays came from:

33% Came from Social Media Friends (many made here on
24% came from work friends.

19% came from Greenwich (where I grew up during a special time)
12% came from Vassar where I graduated i 1980
11% came from Choate where I graduated in 1976

Still think social media doesn't matter? As I noted in the GPlus post, the ONLY thing that can scale in that list is Social Media. I may be able to incrementally increase my alumni networks, but only Social Media can quadruple.

The future is social. Get used to it and realize it changes everything.

Kelly Hungerford's comment, January 22, 2015 8:03 AM
This was an awesome idea, but you give me far too much credit! It was a true collaboration of blending ideas and inspiration! And in any case, you are always the catalyst Marty! That's one of the many things I love and respect so much about you! Love the stats you include in this post, by the way. Great analysis and social proof! :)
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management
October 30, 2014 3:59 AM!

Time To Think of Content As Part of User Experience

Time To Think of Content As Part of User Experience | Social Marketing Revolution |
Posted by wrttnwrd
Forget content marketing, SEO content, and whatever else as you know them. We need to fundamentally change our approach to content.
It's not an add-on or a separate thing. It's an inseparable part of the user experience.

Via malek, massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

YES, agree content is part of "user experience". Thinking social media should be in the same category.

malek's curator insight, October 29, 2014 7:58 AM
  1. Integrate content that can enhance the user experience
  2. Optimize what you already have
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 9, 2014 8:43 PM!

Klout: How Social Media Helps Build Your Business

Klout: How Social Media Helps Build Your Business | Social Marketing Revolution |
Klout has become a valuable resource for major brands and businesses looking to maximize their influence through social platforms. Here are some reasons your business should consider using this free online service.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great share from my G+ friend Mike Alton. Many cast aspersions on Klout as an idea. I don't. Klout is what helps us SEE into the social radar. Like any "modeled" number your Klout score will go up and down, but THAT is valuable information.

To deny Klout is to deny the importance of social media and such denial is becoming increasingly crazy.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 8, 2014 11:26 PM!

The Wiki-ization Of Marketing - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith

The Wiki-ization Of Marketing - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith | Social Marketing Revolution |

As social media changes the web marketers need to inspire the kind of commitment, support and contribution made popular by Wiki-pedia - the Wiki-ization of Marketing is happening. You in?

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from digital marketing strategy
January 28, 2014 10:12 AM!

10 Big, Recent Changes To Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin You Should Know

10 Big, Recent Changes To Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin You Should Know | Social Marketing Revolution |

In search of a better social media strategy? Listen up: these changes will change the way you share.


Social media changes so fast that we often miss the small differences on each platform we use. Every now and then I find it really useful to do a roundup of what’s been changing on the big networks lately. Here are 10 changes I found that took place in the last couple of months, which could be useful for your social media strategy....

Via Jeff Domansky, malek
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Missed some of these recent changes.

Chevelle's curator insight, January 29, 2014 11:57 AM

Love the offline conversion metrics

Antoine Gravet's curator insight, January 31, 2014 3:03 AM

Vous suivez les actus de nos plus importants réseaux sociaux? Alors vous n'avez pas pu rater les plus gros changements qu'ils opèrent et vont opérer qui influenceront nos choix et nos comportements. Rappel.

Arianna Bejarano's curator insight, February 13, 2014 5:15 PM

The social media has changed the world today. Mostly everyone has a tweeter or even a Facebook but nobody nows the actually changes since tweeter and Facebook come out in the media. Well there are 10 bigs changes that make tweeter and Facebook one of the biggest social media today. 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 8, 2013 12:41 AM!

Be A MENSCH Not A DeFriender Since Unfriending On Facebook Can HURT

Be A MENSCH Not A DeFriender Since Unfriending On Facebook Can HURT | Social Marketing Revolution |

Quick IM Lesson For Non-IMers
If you don't work in Internet marketing you may not realize every blog post, social net and Tweet is connected and summarized into a Klout score. Here is my Klout score profile page:

The key chart shows Facebook is half of my Klout score. Klout is being used in job interviews and to asses legitimacy of ideas like Right now I have 567 Facebook followers mostly friends form Choate, Vassar and my jobs with P&G, M&M/Mars and NutraSweet (some startup friends too).

When you defriend someone you hurt their Klout score and that could be a very big deal. My Facebook churns - Five come on and five drop off. If you are a friend of mine and I did something that makes you want to hit the UNFRIEND button please tell me what it was so I don't do it again (share WHY even if you go ahead and hit the unfriend button as at least then I will know how to avoid more drop offs).

if your Facebook KLOUT is strong and you unfriend then damage is multiplied. I can't think of a GOOD reason to delist someone from your Facebook. Even the most ardent Facebook content creators don't post more than a few times a day (shoot every second a thousand messages hit my twitter feeds).

Please try to be CAREFUL about defriending your friends who are Internet marketers since to do so could cost them jobs and in my case literaly millions for #curingcancer..

If hurting them is what you want then learn a lesson from a cancer survivor - Life is too short to be that mad about nothing at all. I suspect most "de-frienders" have no idea clicking on defriend could hurt the person they are defriending.

I ONLY defriend for spam and will never defriend people I went to school with or know from the various weigh stations of my career. So please don't draw the defriend gun out unless you really mean to inflict HARM (and even then don't defriend).


lorrinda's curator insight, November 10, 2013 1:50 AM sounds like a sort of digital credit score.  wow.  SO -- use this as a basis for formulating  your, "how to handle unfriendly friends on facebook policy."

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 10, 2015 10:55 AM!

Social Media Marketing A Waste? Nope & Harvard = Wrong via @Curagami

Social Media Marketing A Waste? Nope & Harvard = Wrong via @Curagami | Social Marketing Revolution |

A prominent author tells brands that social media will not help their bottom line. Marketing leaders think differently.

Marty Note
Don't be fooled by nattering nabobs of negativity. Social media is changing the world and marketing at its core. Here's why....

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Startup, Business, Tech, Growth, Marketing, Design, UX, Tools, Resources, Lists, Tips
January 19, 2015 8:00 PM!

30 Twitter Tools To Boost Marketing Results In 2015

30 Twitter Tools To Boost Marketing Results In 2015 | Social Marketing Revolution |

This article covers the best Twitter tools to use in 2015 for getting better marketing results. If you want to get the most out of this year: click now!

Great list of "new to me" Twitter tools. Twitter is the "radio of the web" and so indispensable to an online marketing strategy. Content evolves, changes and spins. As it does so always good idea to share the latest revolutions on Twitter.

Just don't forget to curate content from from other trusted sources related to your brands and don't push too hard. Twitter is like water - hard to hold in your hand and always flowing  downstream.

Via Levent Cem Aydan
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 2, 2014 9:23 AM!

3 Reasons Marketers Fail Using Social Media | @TedRubin

3 Reasons Marketers Fail Using Social Media | @TedRubin | Social Marketing Revolution |

Marty Note
Solid post by Ted that explains the subterranean traps many marketers fall into when using social media. Rubin points out that some OLD marketing truths still hold water such as:

  1. You are NOT Your Customer—Do Your Research
  1. Frequency Isn’t a Bad Thing
  1. Story is Important

Great tips here about lessons every marketer learned but seem to forget when "social media" is in front of "marketing".

Neil Ferree's curator insight, December 31, 2014 5:05 PM

Finding your voice, your tempo, your style and your frequency are "almost" as important as the content you curate and share.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from digital marketing strategy
October 1, 2014 6:54 PM!

I spent 48 hours on Ello. This is what I saw via @malekalby

I spent 48 hours on Ello. This is what I saw via @malekalby | Social Marketing Revolution |

 Ello is currently in beta, and we are inviting new users in small groups as we roll out new features.

Marty Note
Fellow Scoopiteer @malek
post notes favorable disposition to the ad free nature of Ellow, but doubts the nascent social net is ready to de-throne Facebook. Others agree: .

I will weigh in once I get my double secret beta login (and if that last statement sounds frustrated already you are correct).

Via malek
malek's curator insight, October 1, 2014 6:17 PM

Top secret new social media. Going back to the ad-free model, that may be the secret behind the rapid expansion of Ello. But too early to name Ello as the killer of Facebook.

[url=/u/129000 x-already-notified=1]Martin (Marty) Smith[/url] called it the new/better Facebook here

Adlava's curator insight, October 2, 2014 5:56 PM

Haven't heard of a lot of these, thanks for sharing, @Martin (Marty) Smith

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 26, 2014 8:11 AM!

Social Media Is About Being SOCIAL..Who Knew via @HaikuDeck

Social Media Is About Being SOCIAL..Who Knew via @HaikuDeck | Social Marketing Revolution |

Social Media It's The Conversation, Stupid is about the new rules of branding being created by a social world. If you aren't creating LOVE and winning hearts and minds online this Haiku Deck may help you join the revolution (in a good way). 

Clare Wakeman's curator insight, April 26, 2014 2:54 PM

social media is social services too and they are bent

Suggested by Julien Rio
February 25, 2014 7:58 PM!

Truth About Social Media's Impact, ROI and Strategies

Truth About Social Media's Impact, ROI and Strategies | Social Marketing Revolution |

It is now common for companies to develop Social Media strategies and to hire Social Media Managers in order to boost their online presence. But what can you really expect from Social Media Marketing?

Marty Note
Don't agree with every aspect of this "truth", but I have been working on a new concept about social media marketing that discusses means and ends. The means of social media helps find the wind to sail.

The ends of social media should be positive ROI. ROI can be difficult since attribution is something we don't currently have the tools to accurately measure and that is one truth this post skips over.

I also don't agree that social media's forward momentum stops the instant promotional efforts cease. Yes that is the way traditional one sided advertising works. No money no momentum.

Social media is a conversation so YOU the marketer are being changed by the interaction (if you are doing it right) and that benefit could pay returns for a long time. This is the means not fully discussed in these "truths".

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 15, 2014 4:48 PM!

Does Your Business LOVE Social or Are You Doing the Minimum?

Does Your Business LOVE Social or Are You Doing the Minimum? | Social Marketing Revolution |

This @HaikuDeck provides specific tests to know if your business loves social media marketing or, like many, your biz is doing the minimum. Tips for how to learn to love social media marketing are included. 

Not every business must become a "social business" and the specific conditions such as an established and growing brand with many brand advocate helpers or a brand or company so elite and well known growth is assured.

2014 will be the "beyond social media tipping point" for most businesses.  

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