P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances
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P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances
Une source d'inspiration pour présenter des connaissances et quelques autres petites choses... moins sérieuses
Curated by Lucas Gruez
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Rescooped by Lucas Gruez from Classemapping
April 2, 2015 1:39 PM

L'univers de Game of Thrones transformé en plan de métro

L'univers de Game of Thrones transformé en plan de métro | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
Un petit tour à King's Landing via les transports en commun, ça vous dit ? Un designer a eu l'idée de transférer l'univers de Game of Thrones en une carte de métro.
Lucas Gruez's curator insight, April 2, 2015 1:38 PM

Un petit clin d'oeil sur l'usage du mapping

Scooped by Lucas Gruez
December 20, 2014 10:51 AM

Le mind mapping en une infographie selon Mindjet

Le mind mapping en une infographie selon Mindjet | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Le mind mapping, ou représentation visuelle de la pensée, est « une carte mentale » qui facilite l’organisation d’idées. A l’origine utilisée sur papier, cette technique a été adaptée sur ordinateur il y a 20 ans à travers le logiciel édité par Mindjet « MindManager »*.

Cette infographie met en évidence les avantages principaux du mind mapping :
- Le rassemblement des idées
- L’augmentation de la créativité
- L’amélioration de la mémorisation
- La gestion de projets
- L’innovation


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
June 28, 2014 2:05 PM

7 Characteristics of A Digitally Competent Teacher - Infographic

7 Characteristics of A Digitally Competent Teacher - Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

What does being a ‘digitally competent’ teacher mean? Does it mean using laptops, smartphones, or tablets in your classroom? Does it mean finding new and interesting ways to use those devices along with apps and web tools?  What level of expertise with technology constitutes ‘competent’? Or does the concept encompass more than that? ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 20, 2014 9:15 AM

GlobalPOV Project in SketchNoting

The #GlobalPOV Project combines critical social theory, improv art and old|new|social media to explore innovative ways of thinking about poverty, inequality ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 14, 2014 2:59 PM

Hilarious Graphs Prove That Correlation Isn’t Causation

Hilarious Graphs Prove That Correlation Isn’t Causation | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... Here’s the cure to being duped again. It’s a site called Spurious Correlations by Tyler Vigen--or more accurately, Tyler Vigen’s software. He created code to spot correlations in public data sets and pump out ugly but hilarious graphs in response...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 27, 2014 10:29 AM

Cartes heuristiques pour l'enseignement et la recherche

Cartes heuristiques pour l'enseignement et la recherche | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

La dernière version (17 avril) du stage "Utiliser les cartes heuristiques pour l'enseignement et la recherche" s'est accompagnée de différents supports : une mise à jour du support ppt, et surtout trois cartes heuristiques, accessibles en libre...


Lucas Gruez's insight:

Les cartes suivantes sont disponibles sur Mindmeister:

- la carte correspondant au stage "Cartes heuristiques à l'université" ;

- une carte d'initiation à FreePlane "Utiliser FreePlane" ;

- et une carte d'introduction à Docear "Docear : prise en mains". 

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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 26, 2014 7:59 AM

Mapping the Commons

Mapping the Commons | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... The questions, then, would be: may the commons provide us with alternative concepts and tactics to the dominant power, for a more democratic, tolerant, and heterogeneous society, which allows more participation and collectivity? Can we open up the different definitions of the commons, and are there different ways of understanding and discussing the commons through various practices? Due to our tradition of the private and the public, of property and individualism, the commons are still hard to see for our late 20th Century eyes.may the commons provide us with alternative concepts and tactics to the dominant power, for a more democratic, tolerant, and heterogeneous society, which allows more participation and collectivity? Can we open up the different definitions of the commons, and are there different ways of understanding and discussing the commons through various practices? Due to our tradition of the private and the public, of property and individualism, the commons are still hard to see for our late 20th Century eyes....


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 18, 2014 9:36 AM

You Are Here : to make maps of the little things

You Are Here : to make maps of the little things | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
You Are Here is a study of place. We use software to make sense of our cities and tell stories about how we live.

By the Social Computing Group at the MIT Media Lab


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 7, 2014 4:53 AM

Computers or Campuses?

Computers or Campuses? | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

It’s not surprising that more and more schools are offering degrees earned entirely online, or that more and more university students are enrolling in web-based courses. Considering the upward trend of online schooling, will physical colleges ever be rendered obsolete? ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
March 11, 2014 9:34 AM

Infographic : Imagine Google Glass in 2015

Infographic : Imagine Google Glass in 2015 | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... It is the product that Google has been working towards, one step at a time. By combining all their services (Google+, Google Calendar, - Now, -Weather, -Tasks, -Talk, -Maps, -Search, YouTube ...) Google Glass will be the next step in the consumer driven mobile revolution...


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Suggested by Aurélien de PIERREFEU
February 21, 2014 5:23 PM

Avec qui allez vous skier ?

Avec qui allez vous skier ? | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
Grâce aux statistiques de location de ski d'INTERSPORT, découvrez qui fréquente votre station.


Lucas Gruez's insight:

Une datavisualisation animée originale créé par http://dataveyes.com/#!/fr

Merci à A. de Pierrefeu

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Rescooped by Lucas Gruez from Intelligences Multiples
February 14, 2014 2:33 PM

Teaching examples using Gardner's 8 intelligences

Teaching tips to incorporate the 8 intelligences from Howard Gardner's theory.


Lucas Gruez's insight:

Une présentation "low tech" simple, efficace, originale.

Une source d'inspiration!

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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
February 5, 2014 12:37 PM

Five Graphic Takeaways from “Learning 2013″

Five Graphic Takeaways from “Learning 2013″ | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

More than 1,600 people converged in Orlando, Florida for Learning 2013, a dynamic immersion in all aspects of organizational learning...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
December 26, 2014 11:41 AM

The 18 Best Infographics Of 2014

The 18 Best Infographics Of 2014 | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
2014 saw stellar examples of the power of data visualization to shed light on nearly any subject, from politics to dogs.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
July 29, 2014 8:35 AM

How Teens Are Really Using Social Media - Infographic

How Teens Are Really Using Social Media - Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... The handy infographic below takes a look at the social media use of teens and tweens: What platforms are they using and how much? What is appropriate for them? How can you monitor their use and ensure their safety? Keep reading to learn more...

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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 25, 2014 12:11 PM

10 Blended Learning Trends -Infographic

10 Blended Learning Trends -Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Blended learning can tick a lot of boxes for a lot of different teachers who teach in potentially quite different scenarios. (...) The handy infographic below takes a look at 10 blended learning trends that are showing up in today’s classrooms....


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 17, 2014 6:01 AM

How Teachers Are Actually Using Technology In Their Classrooms - Infographic

How Teachers Are Actually Using Technology In Their Classrooms - Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Earlier this year, a study was completed that aimed to understand how teachers use technology in their classrooms, and to identify some best practices for all to benefit from. (...) The handy infographic below takes a look at some of the more important data points from that study...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
May 6, 2014 8:03 AM

Inside the Science That Delivers Your Scary-Smart Facebook and Twitter Feeds

Inside the Science That Delivers Your Scary-Smart Facebook and Twitter Feeds | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Ever since Twitter and Facebook debuted their feeds in 2006, the model of continually streaming updates has come to define how we consume information. We’ve grown accustomed to a world in which data flows by us, letting us dip into the stream whenever, wherever, and however we want. But feeds have really taken off in the mobile era, ...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 27, 2014 10:16 AM

Kowloon Walled City : webdoc

Kowloon Walled City : webdoc | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City was the densest place on the planet before it was torn down 20 years ago. In this Wall Street Journal interactive, you can take a trip through the city, explore its history and hear from the people who lived there.


Julie Cumming-Debrot's curator insight, July 9, 2016 3:53 AM

What a fascinating look into the past of this long demolished city.

Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 23, 2014 2:20 PM

Le phénomène du Social Gaming en 2012 infographie

Le phénomène du Social Gaming en 2012 infographie | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Le phénomène des jeux sociaux en 2012, c’est :

* Plus de 500 millions de joueurs dans le monde* 13 millions de joueurs en France en 2012$8,6 milliards de CA en 2014* Joueur type sur les réseaux sociaux : une femme de 43 ans !
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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
April 10, 2014 9:59 AM

Why You Should Care About M-Learning - Infographic

Why You Should Care About M-Learning - Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... The infographic below (originally created by Upside Learning) presents some very compelling facts about the shift to mobile learning in the workplace, and the opportunity that is there for organizations that take action...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
March 25, 2014 6:21 AM

Conversation animée avec Noam Chomsky de Michel Gondry

Conversation animée avec Noam Chomsky de Michel Gondry | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

Conversations avec le linguiste et philosophe américain Noam Chomsky, sur sa vision du monde, de l’homme et de tout ce qui nous entoure, dans une série d’interviews avec Michel Gondry, et animé à la main par ce dernier (...)

Conversation animée avec Noam Chomsky de Michel Gondry en salles le 30 avril 2014.


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
February 28, 2014 3:18 AM

An Internet Minute Infographic

An Internet Minute Infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

... But just how much stuff is happening on the internet? The handy infographic below takes a look at a minute in the existence of the internet. Some of the statistics are mind boggling, but moreover, I can’t wait to see what these numbers look like and what additions have been made in five or ten years! Keep reading to learn more! 


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
February 20, 2014 5:15 AM

How To Implement Blended Learning -infographic

How To Implement Blended Learning -infographic | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it

...  the handy infographic below. It takes a look at how to set up a blended learning environment, some of the features of a great blended learning program, and some other tidbits of information...


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Scooped by Lucas Gruez
February 6, 2014 6:22 AM

Why Should Teachers Use Infographics?

Why Should Teachers Use Infographics? | P O C: Présentation Originale des Connaissances | Scoop.it
The handy infographic below takes a look at infographics. A sort of self-evaluation, of sorts. What are infographics? Why bother using them? How do they fit into education? Keep reading to learn more!


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