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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 23, 2018 3:54 AM!

Open Access Button

Open Access Button | Open-Up Public Science! |
Free, legal research articles and data delivered instantly or automatically requested from authors.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
October 16, 2018 1:33 AM!

FPublicly funded research output should neither be hidden behind paywalls nor be a ‘pay-to-publish’ game ».
Young Academies Release Statement in Response to ‘Plan S’ on Open Access of Scientific Ou...

FPublicly funded research output should neither be hidden behind paywalls nor be a ‘pay-to-publish’ game ».<br/>Young Academies Release Statement in Response to ‘Plan S’ on Open Access of Scientific Ou... | Open-Up Public Science! |
Publicly funded research output should neither be hidden behind paywalls nor be a ‘pay-to-publish’ game. This is one of the core tenets of the Position Statement titled ‘Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Plan S – The View of Young Academies’, which is the result of discussions among several European young academies and the Global Young
Bernard Rentier's insight:
An other word of caution concerning Plan_S.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 25, 2018 3:57 AM!

“Dataset Search” is Google’s new pilot to search for Open Data

“Dataset Search” is Google’s new pilot to search for Open Data | Open-Up Public Science! |
Google is focusing on accessibility of Open Data - European Data Portal
Bernard Rentier's insight:

“Dataset Search” is Google’s new pilot to search for Open Data

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 16, 2018 7:01 PM!

We're still failing to deliver open access and solve the serials crisis: to succeed we need a digital transformation of scholarly communication using internet-era principles.

We're still failing to deliver open access and solve the serials crisis: to succeed we need a digital transformation of scholarly communication using internet-era principles. | Open-Up Public Science! |
A year ago, I concluded that we had failed in our quest to make scholarship open access (OA): the race had been won by pirates like SciHub (Green, 2017). Twelve months on, how do things look? Key points: We’re still failing to deliver open access (OA): around a fifth of new articles will be born free in 2018, roughly the same as in 2017. Librarians, funders and negotiators are getting tougher with publishers but offsetting, ‘Publish and Read’, deals based on APCs won’t deliver OA for all or solve the serials crisis. The authors of Budapest, Bethesda and Berlin OA declarations foresaw three changes with the coming of the internet. Flipping to a barrier to publish (APCs) from a barrier to read (subscriptions) wasn’t one of them. By itself, OA won’t reduce costs to solve the serials crisis: a digital transformation of scholarly communications based on internet-era principles is needed.  Following the internet-era principle of ‘fail-fast’, what if papers are first posted as preprints and only if they succeed in gaining attention will editors invite submission to their journal In clinging onto traditional journals to advance the careers of the few (authors), OA is delayed for the many (readers): rebuilding the reputation economy to accept preprints could be the catalyst to deliver OA, solve the serials crisis and drive out predatory journals
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 15, 2018 2:22 AM!

How fast are we moving? 11 years ago, in an open letter to the U.S. Congress, 26 Nobel Prize Winners were urging for #OpenAccess to medical publications.

« We object to barriers that hinder, delay or block the spread of scientific knowledge supported by federal tax dollars - including our own works. Thanks to the internet, we can transform the speed and ease with which the results of research can be shared and built upon. However, to our great frustration, the results of NIH-supported medical research continue to be largely inaccessible to taxpayers who have already paid for it ». (July 2007)
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 11, 2018 5:15 AM!

Peer reviewers unmasked: largest global survey reveals trends

Peer reviewers unmasked: largest global survey reveals trends | Open-Up Public Science! |
Scientists in emerging economies respond fastest to peer review invitations, but are invited least.
Bernard Rentier's insight:
Peter Suber’s comments: « Scholars spend 68,500,000 hours/year performing peer review.… The US federal minimum wage is $7.25/hour. Scholars deserve more than that, but take it as a starting point. That's a gift to publishers of at least $496,625,000/year in free labor. »
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 3, 2018 12:54 AM!

Open Access: « Free our Knowledge », a radical proposal, at last !

Open Access: « Free our Knowledge », a radical proposal, at last ! | Open-Up Public Science! |
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 25, 2018 6:14 AM!

Dutch publishing giant cuts off researchers in Germany and Sweden

Dutch publishing giant cuts off researchers in Germany and Sweden | Open-Up Public Science! |
Negotiations with Elsevier have stalled over open-access deals.
Bernard Rentier's insight:
As expected. However, it marks a major break in the process based on negotiations. I keep believing strongly that negotiating leads us nowhere as long as we will not bow to their requirements. The solution is elsewhere, with public publication platforms, no private sector involved between researchers. Period.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 11, 2018 4:55 PM!

Elsevier Will Monitor Open Science In EU Using Measurement System That Favors Its Own Titles | Techdirt

Elsevier Will Monitor Open Science In EU Using Measurement System That Favors Its Own Titles | Techdirt | Open-Up Public Science! |
Back in April, we wrote about a curious decision to give the widely-hated publisher Elsevier the job of monitoring open science in the EU. That would include open access too, an area where the company has major investments.
Bernard Rentier's insight:
Such a shame !!
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 6, 2018 4:29 AM!

EUA publishes Roadmap on Research Assessment

EUA publishes Roadmap on Research Assessment | Open-Up Public Science! |
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Rescooped by Bernard Rentier from Science ouverte - Open science
June 30, 2018 4:21 AM!

Elsevier are corrupting open science in Europe | Science | The Guardian

Elsevier are corrupting open science in Europe | Science | The Guardian | Open-Up Public Science! |
Elsevier - one of the largest and most notorious scholarly publishers - are monitoring Open Science in the EU on behalf of the European Commission. Jon Tennant argues that they cannot be trusted.

Via Florence Piron
Bernard Rentier's insight:

The blatant conflict of interest I was denouncing a few weeks ago is becoming a reality. It ruins the credibility of Europe’s Open Science Monitor. The research community should react loudly to this.

It is just like asking Coca Cola to monitor the progress of healthy drinks.

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
May 9, 2018 4:51 AM!

What is the supposedly impossible Open Peer Review ?

Bernard Rentier's insight:
One important leg of Open Science, Open Access and Open Publication Platforms is Open Peer Review which is supposed to be totally unrealistic, lacking seriousness and scientific rigor. Here is a clear and didactic demonstration of what we are talking about. And why it is the way to go.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
April 20, 2018 12:32 PM!

L’Université de Lorraine s’engage en faveur de la science ouverte

L’Université de Lorraine s’engage en faveur de la science ouverte | Open-Up Public Science! |
Bernard Rentier's insight:
Magnifique initiative ! Bravo ! On espérait tous qu’un jour, l’écœurement conduirait à la rupture et que les formidables économies qui en résulteraient pourraient alimenter un vrai renouveau ! C’est la bonne voie, la seule possible, à terme ! Finis les Big Deals et autres arnaques sans fin ! Ça suffit, les négociations perdues d’avance ! Maintenant, que tout le monde fasse de même, ce n’est qu’un court moment de courage académique, mais quelle ouverture, là derrière!!!
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
October 22, 2018 1:33 AM!

HEP Vaud, Lausanne « Open Access: Levier pour la carrière académique » - Mardi 23 oct 2018 pm

HEP Vaud, Lausanne « Open Access: Levier pour la carrière académique » - Mardi 23 oct 2018 pm | Open-Up Public Science! |
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 26, 2018 4:34 PM!

UNIFI (Universities Finland) demands Open Access and gives its full support to FinELib’s negotiation goals

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 21, 2018 12:10 PM!

Who’s afraid of the big bad directive ?

Who’s afraid of the big bad directive ? | Open-Up Public Science! |
The new European directive on copyright in the digital single market adopted on 12 September by the European Parliament, which is undoubtedly beneficial for music or film broadcasting, is worrying the academic world of research. Why? Essentially because the publication - and therefore dissemination - of public research results is a fundamentally different process. Traditionally,…
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 15, 2018 5:26 AM!

Scholarly publishing: what if it were « Love Boat »?

Scholarly publishing: what if it were « Love Boat »? | Open-Up Public Science! |
On September 14, 2018 the Guardian’s columnist George Monbiot published a violent charge against the publishers of scholarly journals and this should please us who have been fighting for open access for a long time. However, is the target the right one? Imagine a very select and reputable travel agency that sells…
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 14, 2018 8:59 AM!

[GOAL] #OpenAccess. Stevan Harnad: the acclaimed "Plan S" Needs to Drop its "Option B"

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
September 7, 2018 4:37 AM!

Leading Biomedical Funders Call For Open Peer Review Of Academic Research | Techdirt

Leading Biomedical Funders Call For Open Peer Review Of Academic Research | Techdirt | Open-Up Public Science! |
Techdirt has written many posts about open access -- the movement to make digital versions of academic research freely available to everyone. Open access is about how research is disseminated once it has been selected for publication. So far
Bernard Rentier's insight:

Open Peer Review is an essential pillar of Open Science, like Open Access, Open Data, Open Software and Open Evaluation. Open Science as an ultimate goal is unreachable without full transparency at all stages.

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 25, 2018 11:27 PM!

A beginner’s guide to avoiding ‘predatory’ journals (using your critical thinking skills) - AuthorAID

A beginner’s guide to avoiding ‘predatory’ journals (using your critical thinking skills) - AuthorAID | Open-Up Public Science! |
Six basic principles:1. Don’t trust email invites and ‘Call for Papers’ (unless you recognise the sender) 2. Be sceptical of ‘international’ or ‘global’ journals, and those with a wide scope 3. Double-check claims of prestigious indexing and impact factors 4. Read the ‘Aims and scope’ or ‘About’ page – check the journal understands your field 5. Check who is publishing the journal – are they a credible scholarly organisation? 6. Check your reference lists – familiarise yourself with good journals in your field
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 20, 2018 1:32 AM!

More than 5,000 German scientists have published papers in pseudo-scientific journals |

Publishers are taking advantage in dubious ways of the pressure on academics to publish papers in what has been described as "a disaster for scientific credibility."
Bernard Rentier's insight:
‪Scientific publication in parasitic pseudo-journals (aka predatory): a direct consequence of the « publish or perish » pressure in the « pay for Gold OA » era. Research assessment must now evolve towards less indirect, more relevant and more diversified criteria‬.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 8, 2018 4:48 AM!

Elsevier demands unacceptable for the academic community - German Rectors' Conference #OA

Elsevier demands unacceptable for the academic community - German Rectors' Conference #OA | Open-Up Public Science! |
“The excessive demands put forward by Elsevier have left us with no choice but to suspend negotiations between the publisher and the DEAL project set up by the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany.” That was the verdict of the lead negotiator and spokesperson for the DEAL Project
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
July 6, 2018 1:31 AM!

Le Plan national pour la science ouverte (les résultats de la recherche scientifique ouverts à tous, sans entrave, sans délai, sans paiement) met en place les conditions du développement d’une scie...

Le Plan national pour la science ouverte (les résultats de la recherche scientifique ouverts à tous, sans entrave, sans délai, sans paiement) met en place les conditions du développement d’une scie... | Open-Up Public Science! |
Le Plan national pour la science ouverte annoncé par Frédérique Vidal, le 4 juillet 2018, rend obligatoire l’accès ouvert pour les publications et pour les données issues de recherches financées sur projets. Il met en place un Comité pour la science ouverte et soutient des initiatives majeures de structuration du paysage concernant les publications et les données. Enfin, il est doté d’un volet formation et d’un volet international qui sont essentiels à la mobilisation des communautés scientifiques et à l’influence de la France dans ce paysage en cours de constitution.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
May 19, 2018 2:07 AM!

Europe’s open-access drive escalates as university stand-offs spread

Europe’s open-access drive escalates as university stand-offs spread | Open-Up Public Science! |
Sweden is latest country to hold out on journal subscriptions, while negotiators share tactics to broker new deals with publishers.
Bernard Rentier's insight:
These various breaks in negotiations are very instructive as to the discomfort experienced by the universities for decades, but the very fact that they are not definitive shows that the national academic consortia (German, Dutch, French, Swedish, .. .) expect only to strike a better deal with giant publishing houses but fail to envision the scholarly publication process without them and miss the opportunity to move ahead towards a different concept although it is now technically simple. The decision by the Université de Lorraine to allocate to open publication initiatives the money spared by the stand-off should be followed by all institutions. This would quickly solve an otherwise insoluble problem.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
May 5, 2018 12:16 AM!

In Europe, Open Access negotiators prepare for a future without academic publishers

Gerard Meijer: “Our patience with the academic publishers has run out.” OA negotiators in European universities are getting organized and gather to consider alternatives to traditional publication, including taking back the editing/publishing business.
Bernard Rentier's insight:
There comes a time when, tired of being strangled, the golden egg hen rebels and beaks back.
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