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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 6, 2012 9:24 AM!

Ireland's National Principles on Open Access Policy Statement

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 5, 2012 4:02 PM!

Paris Open Access Week 2012. A video by MyScienceWork

Open access is a topic as important for the French research community as for any other, and, yet, no major events to mark International Open Access Week had  ever been held in Paris—until now.

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 4, 2012 3:23 PM!

Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities A guide for academics and researchers

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 4, 2012 11:27 AM!

ORBi: Overview of Open Access: history, basic concepts, myths and legends, definitions

ORBi: Overview of Open Access: history, basic concepts, myths and legends, definitions | Open-Up Public Science! |
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 4, 2012 11:19 AM!

ORBi News : Open Access : les ministres belges s'engagent ! La Déclaration de Bruxelles sur l’Open Access

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 8:51 AM!

Ten tips on how to make your #OpenAccess research visible online (JISC)

Ten tips on how to make your #OpenAccess research visible online (JISC) | Open-Up Public Science! |

RT @SarahGoodier: 10 tips on making your #OpenAccess research visible online by @briankelly #openscience #OA 

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 7:18 AM!

Millennium development goals – the key datasets you need to know

Millennium development goals – the key datasets you need to know | Open-Up Public Science! |
As the post-2015 process kicks off in London we look at the key datasets on progress made towards meeting the MDGs (RT @openscience: Funders can require #opendata, and #openaccess.)...
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 7:17 AM!

PLOS Medicine: Research Ethics Review in Humanitarian Contexts: The Experience of the Independent Ethics Review Board of Médecins Sans Frontières

PLOS Medicine: Research Ethics Review in Humanitarian Contexts: The Experience of the Independent Ethics Review Board of Médecins Sans Frontières | Open-Up Public Science! |
PLOS Medicine is an open-access, peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes outstanding human studies that substantially enhance the understanding of human health and disease.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:11 AM!

Recent Articles | eLife | The new funder-researcher collaboration and open-access journal for outstanding advancements in life and biomedical research

Recent Articles | eLife | The new funder-researcher collaboration and open-access journal for outstanding advancements in life and biomedical research | Open-Up Public Science! |
Since eLife first opened for submissions in June 2012, our editors have worked hard to deliver prompt, attentive, and constructive feedback to authors.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:10 AM!

In brief: Open access at the University of Southampton - pushing the boundaries and the art of the impossible : JISC

In brief: Open access at the University of Southampton - pushing the boundaries and the art of the impossible : JISC | Open-Up Public Science! |
The University of Southampton was the first university in the UK to adopt an institutional mandate for the deposit of research materials in its open access repository – it now features more than 65,000 items.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:09 AM!

Open Access Week @ AIMS | Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS)

Open Access Week @ AIMS | Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) | Open-Up Public Science! |
RT @bernardrentier: Agriculture: #OpenAccess at FAO - Porcari, Guedon, Swan & Gerittsma -
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 2, 2012 12:00 PM!

New Working Paper: “Testing the Finch Hypothesis on Green OA Mandate Ineffectiveness” | LJ INFOdocket

New Working Paper: “Testing the Finch Hypothesis on Green OA Mandate Ineffectiveness” | LJ INFOdocket | Open-Up Public Science! |

New Working Paper: “Testing the Finch Hypothesis on Green OA Mandate Ineffectiveness” #oa @duraspace...

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Rescooped by Bernard Rentier from Science ouverte - Open science
November 2, 2012 11:54 AM!

ORBi: le répertoire en ligne de l'ULg atteint le cap du million de téléchargements

ORBi: le répertoire en ligne de l'ULg atteint le cap du million de téléchargements | Open-Up Public Science! |

Le répertoire institutionnel en ligne de l'Université de LIège, ORBi, créé en 2008 et comptant 86.000 références, vient d'atteindre le cap de 1.000.000 téléchargements. L'ULg est à la pointe en la matière et son "mandat" fait des émules. 

Via Florence Piron
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 6, 2012 1:40 AM!

eScholarship@UIC: High-impact open access journals

Librarians are sometimes asked to identify high-impact open access journals. That's a hard question, in part because there's not much consensus about how to measure journal impact. Andrew Bonamici takes a stab at ...
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 5, 2012 7:32 AM!

#OAWeek2012 A la découverte de l'Open Acces à l'UPMC pour l'Open Access Week

Du 22 au 28 octobre 2012 s'est déroulée la semaine mondiale de l’Open Access. A cette occasion, MyScienceWork a consacré deux soirées dédiées à l’Open Access à Paris dont une le 23 octobre à l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 4, 2012 2:37 PM!

GOAL: The Importance of Repository EC- (OpenAire) and RCUK-Compliance Tags for Mandate Compliance Verification

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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 4, 2012 11:24 AM!

ORBi: Tour d'horizon de l'Open Access: historique, concepts de base, mythes et légendes, définitions

ORBi: Tour d'horizon de l'Open Access: historique, concepts de base, mythes et légendes, définitions | Open-Up Public Science! |
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 8:52 AM!

PLOS ONE: How the Scientific Community Reacts to Newly Submitted Preprints: Article Downloads, Twitter Mentions, and Citations

PLOS ONE: How the Scientific Community Reacts to Newly Submitted Preprints: Article Downloads, Twitter Mentions, and Citations | Open-Up Public Science! |
PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all disciplines freely available to the whole world.
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 7:19 AM!

What is Open Access? (PhD Comics)

What is Open Access? (PhD Comics) | Open-Up Public Science! |
Link to Piled Higher and Deeper (RT @DalyaSamur: Great portrayal of the elephant in the room by PhdComics #OpenAccess
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 7:17 AM!

British Medical Journal

British Medical Journal | Open-Up Public Science! |
NotesCite this as: BMJ 2012;345:e7332 (Open access reporting in clinical trials. Lets seize the day!
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:13 AM!

Open Access - All Harvard Biomed pubs now open through Harvard's DASH prepublication submission to PubMedCentral. YAY!

Open Access - All Harvard Biomed pubs now open through Harvard's DASH prepublication submission to PubMedCentral. YAY! | Open-Up Public Science! |
Click on the photo to comment, share or view other great photos (RT @openscience: All @Harvard #Biomed publications are now #openaccess via @HarvardDASH prepub submission to PubMed Central, ht @winhide
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:10 AM!

ScienceGuide - OA: pretty unstoppable now

ScienceGuide - OA: pretty unstoppable now | Open-Up Public Science! |
OA Open Access Elsevier publishing (The open-access movement is "unstoppable." via @ScienceGuideNL / RT @Jeffrey_Beall...)...
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 3, 2012 4:09 AM!

Times Higher Education - How publishers feather their nests on open access to public money

Times Higher Education - How publishers feather their nests on open access to public money | Open-Up Public Science! |
Publisher's profits & Open Access Why don't RCs & others insist on Green OA publishing?
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 2, 2012 12:02 PM!

Peter Suber - Google+ - Help the WCRF understand the difference between green and…

Peter Suber - Google+ - Help the WCRF understand the difference between green and… | Open-Up Public Science! |
Help the WCRF understand the difference between green and gold OA policies The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) says it would like to require OA for… (Help the WCRF understand the difference between green and gold OA policies The World Cancer…...
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Scooped by Bernard Rentier
November 2, 2012 11:56 AM!

The humanities and open access: opportunities and challenges

The humanities and open access: opportunities and challenges | Open-Up Public Science! |
He went on to describe a number of practical projects that creatively engage with open access, for example allowing contributors to learn about OA issues as they draw content from existing OA sources and repackage it, as in the Living Books about...
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