Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 218
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Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218
Marketing sociale. Health promotion. Social media.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 24, 2020 4:05 PM!

Social Media e Promozione della Salute - Di Giuseppe Fattori

Il Dossier completo su "la Salute umana" 

Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 12:52 PM!

Dalle App di servizio alle App di relazione: come cambia il rapporto medico-paziente. G.Fattori-N.Pinelli-S.Marcotullio

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 11:11 AM!

Literature review on effectiveness of the use of social media. A report for peel public health. Rebecca Schein et al

Literature review on effectiveness of the use of social media. A report for peel public health. Rebecca Schein et al | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Preliminary data from the field suggests that social media is becoming a powerful addition to the health communicators’ toolkit. Although there is a great deal of interest in using social media as a tool for public health communications, the research evaluating its utility is still in its infancy. As of yet, few research studies have examined the broader utility of social media for the adoption of health promoting and protective behaviours.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 5:53 PM!

#Salutesocial: inviaci un progetto social  della tua Azienda

#Salutesocial: inviaci un progetto social  della tua Azienda | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


  1. News
  2. Osservatorio
  3. Twitter
  4. #SaluteSocialGiovani
  5. #MappaSaluteSocial
  6. Slideshare
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 12, 2018 6:53 AM!

ISMA: Global Consensus On Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques

ISMA: Global Consensus On Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

 Developed by a 13-member working group chaired by Professor Jeff French (ESMA) over the past two and half years, the Global Consensus paper represents a broad agreement about the fundamental concepts and central principle of social marketing.  The consensus definition of Social Marketing:

Social Marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviour that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good. Social Marketing practice is guided by ethical principles. It seeks to integrate research, best practice, theory, audience and partnership insight, to inform the delivery of competition sensitive and segmented social change programmes that are effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
April 11, 2018 8:00 PM!

Guidebook for Patient Access to Health Information  -#esante #digitalhealth #hcsmeu

Guidebook for Patient Access to Health Information  -#esante #digitalhealth #hcsmeu | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

April 04, 2018 - HHS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has issued a new guidebook to assist patient access to health information. This playbook comes as a part of the HHS and CMS MyHealthEData initiative.

The ONC Guide to Getting and Using Your Health Records is an online and patient-facing document helping patients overcome the challenges they face in accessing their medical records. The guide reviews obtaining a patient health record, checking the health record for accuracy and completeness, and using health records and data sharing for better patient engagement.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek, Giuseppe Fattori
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 11, 2018 4:59 PM!

Una guida pratica alle principali APP per monitorare il movimento quotidiano. ASL Torino4

Una guida pratica alle principali APP per monitorare il movimento quotidiano. ASL Torino4 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

A cura di Piergiorgio Ferretti, Maurizio Gottin – ASL TO4



1) RunKeeper - RunKeeper sfrutta il GPS dello smartphone per raccogliere informazioni sulla corsa: inoltre è possibile attivare un “allenatore virtuale” per migliorare il tempo di corsa con un programma di allenamento specifico, ricevendo messaggi incoraggianti. RunKeeper può anche impostare passeggiate, contare i passi, misurare gite in bicicletta, canottaggio, sci e altro ancora; in generale è adatta per controllare qualsiasi sport di spostamento lungo un percorso.

2) Runtastic - App gratuita per iPhone e Android ideale per lo sport all’aperto. Come un personal trainer permette di programmare gli allenamenti e controllare i risultati nella corsa e nel ciclismo. Anche questa App sfrutta il GPS per registrare i percorsi ed i progressi delle sessioni di corsa nel tempo. Di questa applicazione esiste inoltre una versione non gratuita progettata per il fitness e gli esercizi di ginnastica e palestra da fare anche a casa: Runtastic Results - .


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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:50 PM!

The 2017 State of Cancer Report: The Impact of Digital Information and Patient Support Networks

The 2017 State of Cancer Report: The Impact of Digital Information and Patient Support Networks | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
There are clear differences in how each generation of cancer patients and caregivers use online resources and approach their cancer care.


In 2014, there were an estimated 14,738,719 people living with cancer in the United States. Every year, about 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer. In only two decades, the way patients with cancer approach their diagnosis has changed in dramatic ways.

Perhaps the biggest factor in that revolution is access to the internet — and more useful health information and support communities on it.


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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:46 PM!

Patient–Physician Interaction on Social Media: The Physician's Point of View

Patient–Physician Interaction on Social Media: The Physician's Point of View | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
The use of social media (SM) in healthcare has provided a novel means of communication in line with a more modernised approach to care. For physicians, SM provides opportunities for enhancing professional development, networking, public health, and organisational promotion, among others. For patients, SM provides potential for taking a more active role in health, sharing information, and building virtual communities, especially in the case of chronic and/or rare diseases. SM has the potential to bring patients and physicians closer together, beyond the walls of clinics; however, the interaction between physicians and patients on SM has received mixed feelings, especially from the physicians’ perspective. On the one hand, the potential for a more enhanced, albeit remote, communication has been viewed positively, especially in an era where digital technologies are fast expanding. Conversely, concerns around breaches in professional boundaries and ethical conduct, such as mishandling of patient-sensitive information on these platforms, have fuelled heavy criticism around its use. From this viewpoint, issues arising from the use of SM in healthcare, with a focus on the patient–physician interaction, discussing the potential benefits and pitfalls are covered in this article.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 4:19 PM!

Policymaking for Citizen Behavior Change: A Social Marketing Approach -  Nancy R. Lee 2018

Policymaking for Citizen Behavior Change: A Social Marketing Approach -  Nancy R. Lee 2018 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Social marketing is a discipline unfamiliar to many policymakers, often confused with the more frequently applied and studied fields of social media, behavioral economics, or social change. Social marketing is a growing field and methodology, however, that has been successfully applied to improve public health, prevent injuries, protect the environment, engage communities, and improve financial well-being. Policymaking for Citizen Behavior Change is designed to demonstrate the ways in which social marketing can be an effective and efficient tool to change citizens’ behavior, and how to advocate for and support its appropriate application.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
January 25, 2018 4:08 PM!

Game-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity Among Families

Game-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity Among Families | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Key Points

Question  Does gamification, the application of game design elements such as points and levels in nongame contexts, that uses insights from behavioral economics to enhance social incentives increase physical activity among families in the community?

Findings  In this randomized clinical trial of 200 adults comprising 94 families, participants in the gamification arm had significantly greater physical activity during the 12-week intervention than participants in the control arm, including the proportion of days that step goals were achieved and the change in the mean daily steps.

Meaning  Gamification designed to leverage insights from behavioral economics to enhance social incentives could offer a promising approach to improve daily health behaviors.


Benjamin D'HONT's curator insight, January 30, 2018 11:48 AM

Un résultat intéressant. J'ajoute: que se passe t'il après 3 mois pour induire un changement comportemental durable?

Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
November 23, 2017 3:42 PM!

How Doctors View and Use Social Media: A National Survey

How Doctors View and Use Social Media: A National Survey | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


Doctors are uncertain of their ethical and legal obligations when communicating with patients online. Professional guidelines for patient-doctor interaction online have been written with limited quantitative data about doctors’ current usage and attitudes toward the medium. Further research into these trends will help to inform more focused policy and guidelines for doctors communicating with patients online.Objective

The intent of the study was to provide the first national profile of Australian doctors’ attitudes toward and use of online social media.



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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 23, 2017 3:09 PM!

Big Pharma Can't Figure Out Social Media, and the FDA Isn't Helping

Big Pharma Can't Figure Out Social Media, and the FDA Isn't Helping | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Instead, drug companies are just ignoring potentially vital adverse event reports.

Pharmaceutical companies are finding that the best—or at least safest—route to take with social media is to just ignore it. Given the a so-far unadapted FDA regulatory scheme for communication via things like Twitter and YouTube comments, rules for how drug companies can and can't interact with consumers online have remained prohibitively vague.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 1:14 PM!

Alcune immagini da "European Social Marketing Conference" Anversa 2018

Alcune immagini da "European Social Marketing Conference" Anversa 2018 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 11:22 AM!

Beyond ROI: Measuring Digital Health Content's Full Economic Benefits. Enspektos LLC

-Why focusing on ROI is a mistake in health

-Can digital health content change behavior?

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 6:16 PM!

11° Corso di "Marketing Sociale"  Compass - Scienze Politiche -  Università di Bologna. Dal 27 settembre Aula  S.Cristina.  

11° Corso di "Marketing Sociale"  Compass - Scienze Politiche -  Università di Bologna. Dal 27 settembre Aula  S.Cristina.   | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Al termine del corso lo studente acquisisce competenze concettuali, metodologiche ed applicative di marketing sociale applicato a temi di pubblica utilità, con particolare riferimento alla promozione della salute, dello sviluppo sostenibile e degli stili di vita.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 12, 2018 8:11 AM!

Social media e salute: giornalismo di pubblica utilità. Lo sviluppo della rete oncologica Piemonte Valle d'Aosta

Social media e salute: giornalismo di pubblica utilità. Lo sviluppo della rete oncologica Piemonte Valle d'Aosta | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

La Rete Oncologica esempio di attuazione del Piano della cronicità

La rete Oncologica è fiore all’occhiello della sanità piemontese, punto di riferimento delle altre regioni italiane eccellenza del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale.
Non è solo un modello organizzativo e operativo ma un modello culturale di gestione della persona attraverso la presa in carico globale e continuativa del paziente e l’intervento nel sostegno ai familiari, o accompagnatori, a partire dalle fasi iniziali del percorso di assistenza e per tutta la durata dello stesso.


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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
April 11, 2018 8:04 PM!

Passive Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using a Commercially Available Smartwatch-JAMA Cardiology

Passive Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using a Commercially Available Smartwatch-JAMA Cardiology | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


Conclusions and Relevance  This proof-of-concept study found that smartwatch photoplethysmography coupled with a deep neural network can passively detect AF but with some loss of sensitivity and specificity against a criterion-standard ECG. Further studies will help identify the optimal role for smartwatch-guided rhythm assessment.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
April 11, 2018 7:57 PM!

Use of Social Network Sites for Communication Among Health Professionals: Systematic Review

Use of Social Network Sites for Communication Among Health Professionals: Systematic Review | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


Conclusions: SNSs provide platforms facilitating efficient communication, interactions, and connections among health professionals in frontline clinical practice, professional networks, education, and training with limitations identified as technical knowledge, professionalism, and risks of data protection. The evolving use of SNSs necessitates robust research to explore the full potential and the relative effectiveness of SNSs in professional communication.


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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
March 5, 2018 3:44 PM!

3 Keys to Drive Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

3 Keys to Drive Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Artificial intelligence adoption is on the rise, but businesses must improve their adoption strategies, data integrity and leadership training to reap the benefits.

For artificial intelligence in healthcare to grow, organizations must improve implementation strategies, data management, and leadership training, according to an Infosys report.

The cross-industry survey of more than 1,000 business and IT leaders in seven countries set out to determine the effect of artificial intelligence (AI) on return on investment, employees, and organizational leadership.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:48 PM!

The Digital Health Manifesto

The Digital Health Manifesto | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Digital Health is a cultural transformation, not just a set of new technologies. Written by e-Patient Dave deBronkart and Dr. Bertalan Meskó. ..........................................................................


The root problem is that many digital health writers know plenty about apps but nothing about medicine. A secondary problem is a resulting sense that digital health is for idiots: imagine a trusting reader (you?) who goes to a doctor and mentions the article. The doctor concludes that e-health is stupid and the patient is naive....


It is essential that health and care achieve their potential, which cannot be done based on false understandings. This is why I asked Dave to contribute with his revolutionary ideas and vision. Whenever I saw him speak, there was a standing ovation. If this article helps you see what Dave and I independently observed in our travels despite our completely different backgrounds, we will be grateful.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 4:49 PM!

Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass – Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche)

Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass – Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche) | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Concluso il Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass, Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche).  Presentati 9 progetti di buon livello,  3 particolarmente innovativi saranno portati avanti  dalle Associazioni di volontariato.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 3:51 PM!

ESMC 2018 Warm-up: The Power of Behaviour Change Marketing

ESMC 2018 Warm-up: The Power of Behaviour Change Marketing | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Eventbrite - European Social Marketing Association & Fuse Events presents ESMC 2018 Warm-up: The Power of Behaviour Change Marketing - Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at Den Bell. Find event and ticket information.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Co-creation in health
November 23, 2017 3:46 PM!

Giovanna : "chaque malade que j'ai rencontré a été particulièrement touchant" - We Are Patients | Histoires de patients et malades

Giovanna : "chaque malade que j'ai rencontré a été particulièrement touchant" - We Are Patients | Histoires de patients et malades | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Avocate italienne, Giovanna vit aujourd’hui à Paris où elle met en œuvre son engagement dans les questions de parité, d’égalité et d’accès aux droits des malades. Actuellement en mission au Service public d’Information Santé au Ministère de la santé, elle est également à l’initiative de Cancer Contribution.

Présente à l’Université d’Été des déserts médicaux et numériques début septembre, elle a accepté de répondre à nos questions. Giovanna évoque notamment son engagement auprès des sujets fragilisés.

Via catherine cerisey, Giuseppe Fattori
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 23, 2017 3:13 PM!

Beyond KOL Marketing: Tapping Digital Opinion Influencers

Beyond KOL Marketing: Tapping Digital Opinion Influencers | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Pharma has long recognized the power of key opinion leaders, but with HCPs and patients now acquiring much of their information online, there is a new opportunity for "digital opinion influencers".


Pharma firms have long recognized the power of key opinion leaders (KOLs) in driving influence through traditional channels: journals, speaking events and word of mouth. The problem, however, is that healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients are acquiring information about disease and treatment in the online world – and many KOLs are not “digital opinion influencers,” or DOIs. This creates an opportunity – strategic DOI identification, outreach and management – for brand, communications and medical teams that is often overlooked or poorly addressed.

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