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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Inspiring Social Media
August 29, 2013 6:50 AM!

15 Potential Income Streams For Bloggers

15 Potential Income Streams For Bloggers | Latest Social Media News |

Here's a great memory jogger list of 15 potential ways a blogger can generate an income.  

Via Brian D. Hawkins, Lisa Sicard
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from MarketingHits
November 5, 2012 3:18 AM!

The Reputation Economy Is Coming: Here's What You Need To Know To Start Preparing For It

The Reputation Economy Is Coming: Here's What You Need To Know To Start Preparing For It | Latest Social Media News |

Robin Good: If you are interested in learning what the "reputation economy" is all about and why it will trump traditional approaches to marketing in the next few years, I highly recommend reading this Wired feature article.


In it you will find not only lots of good information on what measuring reputation really means, and how reputation may be used in the near future, but you will also get a shortlist of the key companies moving in this space and a simple ten-step reputation plan that you can use to start steering in the right direction.


Here a few excerpts from it:


"When asked for the sources upon which a user's trustworthiness is based, reputation startups list the usual suspects -- LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter -- but refuse to go further, saying that the algorithm is proprietary.

For these trust-validation services to become credible they're going to need to differentiate their products from those offered by companies such as PeerIndex, Kred and Klout, which collect digital information from different social-media sources.

Their metrics -- who I "follow", who "follows" me, who I know professionally, where I check in, what I chat about -- are measuring social influence, not reputation.

"Influence measures your ability to drag someone into action," says Joe Fernandez, cofounder of San Francisco-based Klout (wired 08.12). "Reputation is an indicator of whether a person is good or bad and, ultimately, are they trustworthy?"




"...reputation is largely contextual, so it's tricky to transport it to other situations. Sure, you might be an impeccable Airbnb host, but does that mean I would trust you with my car?"



"...Many of the ventures starting to make strides in the reputation economy are measuring different dimensions of reputation.

On Stack Overflow, for instance, reputation is a measure of knowledge; on Airbnb it's a measure of trust; on Wonga it's a measure of propensity to pay; on Klout and PeerIndex it's a measure of influence."



"The most basic level is verification of your true identity -- is this person a real person? Are they are who they say they are?

It's also foreseeable that data giving a good indicator of character, such as reliability and helpfulness, in one marketplace is a baseline of how you will behave in another marketplace.

Do we do what we say we are going to do? How well do we respect another person's property? Can we be trusted to pay on time?"



Valuable read. Recommended. 9/10


Full article:



Via Robin Good, Brian Yanish -
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Bootstrapping Social Media Tools & Apps
June 20, 2012 2:09 AM!

Inspiring Breakthroughs - OsakaBentures

Inspiring Breakthroughs - OsakaBentures | Latest Social Media News |

#bootstrapping #socialmedia #startup #howto via @osakasaul #sso powered by #ritetag

Via OsakaSaul
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
March 21, 2012 10:27 PM!

Report: The Rise of Digital Influence and Why You Should Care

Report: The Rise of Digital Influence and Why You Should Care | Latest Social Media News |

This piece and report was done by Brian Solis .  Brian has done an outstanding job of helping us to understand the rocky road of social media/business and this is no exception. Happy anniversary Brian! It's unbelievable it's already a year that you've been Principal Analyst of Altimeter Group, great job.


Those of us who are involved with social networks are already aware of Klout, Kred, PeerIndex and many others that are yet to come down the pike. Some people don't pay attention, others wish these services would be more transparent about how they measure our standing in the social community. No matter where you stand on this issue, it's not going away but becoming more important than ever. In this piece, Brian gives us some valuable insights and takeaways (slideshare) that is very important for your business now and in the future.



Here's what caught my attention:


Whether we know it or not, our social activity now contributes to our stature within each network.


**New services such as Klout, PeerIndex among many others not only measure who you know, what you say, and what you do, they attempt to score or rank your ability to influence those to whom you’re connected.


**As a result, social network users are now starting to rethink how they connect and communicate to improve their stature within each network. 


**At the same time, brands are starting to take notice of those services also help organizations identify individuals who are both connected and relevant to help expand reach into new media and markets.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
Tom George's comment, March 21, 2012 6:20 PM
Thanks for sharing some great curation today
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
December 5, 2012 3:48 AM!

10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2013 Is Your Business Ready?

10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2013 Is Your Business Ready? | Latest Social Media News |

Trend BriefingClick here to edit the content...

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, December 4, 2012 3:52 PM

This piece from Trendwatching contains some very valuable information about the future of business and how you can stay relevant by staying informed.

Here are some of the highlights that caught my attention:

Mega-trend of transparency in 2013?

**Brands  must move from 'having nothing to hide' to pro-actively showing and proving they have nothing to hide.

**The perfect storm of consumers' ever-greater lust for NEWISM and niches, the expectation of (instantly!) getting jut the right product, ongoing eco-concerns and the desire for more interesting stories will all combine with the spread of new local manufacturing technologies such as:

  *3D-printing and make-on-demand, to trigger a resurgence in

    domestic manufacturing in established markets in 2013

Mobile Moments

**in 2013, consumers will look to their mobile devices to maximize absolutely every moment, multi-if-not-hypertasking their experiences, purchases and communications...

Eco Trend for 2013

**Rather than being discarded or even recycled (by someone else), these products can be given back to nature to grow something new, with all the eco-status and eco-stories

Selected by Jan Gordon covering: "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"

Read full article here: []

Barbara Saunders's curator insight, December 11, 2012 2:26 PM

Knowing what's coming and what's happening is 80% of the battle - positioning yourself properly is the rest.

C3 Consensus's curator insight, January 24, 2013 8:13 AM

Les tendances consommation pour l'année 2013

Scooped by Gerrit Bes
October 13, 2012 2:57 AM!

Bad Tweets Happen to Good Brands Who Don't Manage Social Media Risk Properly

Bad Tweets Happen to Good Brands Who Don't Manage Social Media Risk Properly | Latest Social Media News |

Ask KitchenAid what impact 140 characters can have on your brand. When will brands wake up and take twitter seriously? . . .

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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
June 11, 2012 10:24 PM!

How To Get 10k Twitter Followers in Less Than 90 Days

How To Get 10k Twitter Followers in Less Than 90 Days | Latest Social Media News |

Robin Good: Matthew Fields has published a really good guide on SocialMediaChimps for anyone who wants to get serious in using Twitter for reputation-building and marketing purposes.


In the illustrated article he showcases four key concepts and many small tips and tools that helped his own account (the SocialMediaChimps one) get more than 10k followers in less than 90 days.


Useful. 8/10


Full article: ;

Via Robin Good
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
February 16, 2012 5:27 AM!

Trust and Reputation Platform Allows Others To Define Your Expertise and Competence Areas

Trust and Reputation Platform Allows Others To Define Your Expertise and Competence Areas | Latest Social Media News |

"There's a new buzz on the airwaves and it's called


This is not another flash in the pan but a serious contender for building trust and reputation across your social network."


I like it a lot too. Go give it a try: 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Robin Good
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