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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 14, 2013 4:51 AM!

Why Content Curation Is Disruptive and A Very Powerful Tool Done Right

Why Content Curation Is Disruptive and A Very Powerful Tool Done Right | Latest Social Media News |

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, November 13, 2013 12:50 PM

This thought-provoking piece was written by Marty Smith who is one of our top scoopers here who knows what he's talking about when it comes to curation and why it is disruptive in this marketplace.

Marty gives you some great tips on how to use Scoopit to evaluate what works and what doesn't with your audience and more....

Marty Smith:

"When everyone is doing something as complicated as content marketing quality goes down. My ratios used to be about 50% curation to 50% creation. we can afford to lower creation now for two reasons:

  • An archive of almost a million words published across 4 blogs.
  • With so many people creating so much POOR content, creating LESS and making it BETTER is disruptive.
  • This “less and better” is  Curatti’s Editors of Chaos mission.

Snippet Curation with a powerful tool like moves your Internet marketing away from the pack. The pack is creating content faster and faster without a full understanding of what works

Most content marketers add NOISE in the hope screaming louder will make content stand out. It never does.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering, Curation, Social Business and Beyond

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Stephen Dale's curator insight, November 14, 2013 12:59 PM

I've said this before, and will repeat...Contet Curation is not just for the Marketeers. I think it is as yet a vastly untapped skill/resource/process for Enterprise information professionals (IM/KM) in delivering themed, value--added and decision-ready content for their internal customers. #kmers #curation

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 12, 2013 6:47 AM!

Why Thought Leaders Need Provocateurs

Why Thought Leaders Need Provocateurs | Latest Social Media News |

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, November 11, 2013 9:37 PM
This piece was written by Andy Capaloff for Curatti
Collaboration across multiple skillsets is essential in any advancement, whether in the social sphere or in business.  Just as a good curator adds context related to their readership and an observation on the running of a small business can help take it to the next level, so input from people outside of the current thought leadership sphere can catapult conversations to new heights.
There are different types of smarts, and just because you may not feel that your writing matches up those involved in innovations that you are drawn to, does not mean that your input, providing a new angle, will not provide an ingredient that nobody even realized was missing.
Here are some highlights:
Technology and Social Media are branching out into many new forms at a rate few if any can keep up with.  Inevitably, natural selection comes into play, ensuring that even some of the best ideas barely see the light of day.
There is huge value in “multiple skillsets being employed in any process, with questions being asked by the non-experts or those with complementary skills”
There comes a point when a different viewpoint borne of different experiences and knowledge become essential to lift any great idea towards a new, far greater plateau
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
November 13, 2013 5:27 AM! Launches Editors of Chaos ScentTrail Marketing Launches Editors of Chaos ScentTrail Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, November 12, 2013 12:19 PM

I want to thank you Marty Smith, who is one of the top scoopers, bloggers and amazing friend anyone could ever have. He wrote this   wonderful piece on the launch of Curatti.

Jan Gordon:

It has been a long time coming I have always been passionate about new media and technology and how it impacts our everyday lives. My purpose was to help others stay current and informed. My vision was Curatti, a place where you could go to find the best information, tools and resources all in one place. Lots more to come in the coming months.


I created Curatti because as we all know, there is just too much content, too many changes everytime we turn around, not enough insights and most of all business people need to understand what information pertains to their needs and how they can utilize it to build sustainable businesses now and in the future.

Curatti is committed to giving you only the best information and content from bloggers and curators that are doing outstanding things to shape the future of business.

We hope you will visit Curatti, we welcome suggestions on future posts, that address the concerns and challenges you're having in your business today. Now my journey can become our journey as we navigate the digital world together.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Curation, Social Business and Beyond

Read more here: []

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
July 24, 2013 5:44 AM!

The Semantic Web is Hugely Important to Tomorrow's Business - Here's Why

The Semantic Web is Hugely Important to Tomorrow's Business - Here's Why | Latest Social Media News |
The "semantic Web" is hugely important to tomorrow's business. Do not underestimate its significance: It truly changes everything. Embrace it, or risk extinction. But what is it? And what does it mean for your business?

Via janlgordon
Content Carnivores's curator insight, July 25, 2013 9:34 AM

Add this to advances in context and authorship and the fun has already started. 

Bart van Maanen's curator insight, August 3, 2013 8:48 AM

Zoekmachines - en Google - voorop gaan de context van zoektermen steeds beter begrijpen, zodat gebruikers betere en op hun situatie (plek, voorkeuren) toegespitste resultaten krijgen. Omdat het daarbij om de zogeheten 'big data' draait, is onder meer het gebruik van Google+ belangrijk voor Google. 


Kort gezegd gaat het betekenen dat zoekwoord 'pizza' niet leidt naar allerhande recepten websites, maar naar de Italiaan om de hoek.

janlgordon's comment, August 8, 2013 3:50 PM
Jeff Walker, love your comment, I absolutely agree!