Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 2, 2013 2:59 AM!

Mapping mHealth Research: A Decade of Evolution

Mapping mHealth Research: A Decade of Evolution | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Mapping mHealth Research: A Decade of Evolution
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 1, 2013 11:40 AM!

Nielsen March-2013: Cross Platform Repor

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 17, 2013 4:37 PM!

Health policies and data - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Health policies and data - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |

This second edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators of health status, determinants of health, health care resources and activities, quality of care, health expenditure and financing in 35 European countries, including the 27 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries.

The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a set of indicators that has been developed to guide the reporting of health statistics in the European Union. It is complemented by additional indicators on health expenditure and quality of care, building on the OECD expertise in these areas.

Each indicator is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, a brief descriptive analysis highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 17, 2013 4:18 PM!

The Joy of Stats

The Joy of Stats | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
This four-minute video clip is from BBC Four's programme, The Joy of Stats. In this clip, Hans Rosling plots life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, to show how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 11, 2013 12:19 PM!

U.S. versus European healthcare costs: the data

U.S. versus European healthcare costs: the data | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
We’ve all heard that U.S. healthcare services cost more and deliver less “value for the money” than European systems—i.e., less mortality benefits for the amount of money spent.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Health Care Social Media And Digital Health
May 11, 2013 9:08 AM!

Social Media Guidelines For Health Care Practitioners

Draws on the RCGP Social Media Highway Code, the IMO Position Paper on Social Media and the Nursing and Midwifery Code to the Use of Social Networking Sites.

Via Marie Ennis-O'Connor
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 3, 2013 1:39 PM!

Online Medical Professionalism: Patient and Public Relationships - Policy Statement From the American College of Physicians and the Federation of State Medical Boards

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 27, 2013 5:49 PM!

19 Metrics to Measure Hospitals' Progress Toward Value-Based Care | Strategic Planning

19 Metrics to Measure Hospitals' Progress Toward Value-Based Care | Strategic Planning | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Hospitals and health systems need metrics to determine their progress in moving toward a pay-for-performance model.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 20, 2013 5:45 PM!

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2012 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2012 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Is tackling in-work poverty the key for anti-poverty initiatives?
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Innovation in Health
April 16, 2013 4:35 PM!

Transforming Health Care Through Big Data

Via Rowan Norrie
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Open Government Daily
April 15, 2013 3:05 PM!

Open Health Data: An International Snapshot

Open Health Data: An International Snapshot | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
The 2009 Digital Britain Report described data as ‘an innovation currency’ and ‘the lifeblood of the knowledge economy.’  We are now in 2013 and while

Via Ivan Begtin
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 14, 2013 4:38 AM!

The 2012 Ageing Report: Economic and budgetary projections for the EU27 Member States (2010 2060)

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 13, 2013 1:12 PM!

Social media policies at US medical schools


Medical schools and their students are using social media. Almost all US medical schools have a Facebook presence, yet most do not have policies addressing student online social networking behavior. While social media use rises, policy informing appropriate conduct in medical schools lags behind. Established policies at some medical schools can provide a blueprint for others to adopt and adapt.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from mHealth- Advances, Knowledge and Patient Engagement
June 2, 2013 2:19 AM!

11 tips for developing a mobile app

11 tips for developing a mobile app | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Entrepreneurs are now going well beyond building mobile-friendly versions of their websites to create apps that actually add to their bottom line -- but doing it well is easier said ...

Via eMedToday
eMedToday's curator insight, May 31, 2013 4:27 AM

Great list of advise for app developers

Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from i-Pharma Digital
May 31, 2013 5:01 PM!

Mobile Health Apps and Government Regulation: What You Need to Know

Mobile Health Apps and Government Regulation: What You Need to Know | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Mobile apps represent an exciting new frontier in patient care. The industry, however, is largely unregulated. But that's about to change.

Via Nikos Papaioannou
eMedToday's curator insight, May 31, 2013 8:26 PM

Key points:


"While final guidelines and determinations remain to be seen, the FDA has offered the following:

Lifestyle apps, such as pedometers, will not be regulated.Similarly, apps that serve as personal or electronic health record systems will also avoid regulation.Mobile app developers will not need to seek federal re-evaluation for minor changes.There are no plans at this time to tax apps under the Affordable Care Act."
Relatris's curator insight, June 2, 2013 8:12 AM

Looking at the alarming numbers of apps that do NOT provide correct results (e.g. opiod converting apps as showed earlier on this site or around 50% OF ONCOLOGY APPS  (see our next entry)) it is highly important that there is some control. We can see multiple attemps starting right now, including one of the FDA. Unfortunately, in all the information we could found, the main issue seems to be privacy and which which apps will NOT be regulated.


Fortunately, there are some other initiatives like the Happtique Health App Certification Program: 


Apps that meet all of the Technical Standards will then be evaluated for the Content Standards, which will be conducted under the auspices of internationally recognized third party organizations, such as the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and CGFNS International, and performed by clinical specialists selected based on the mobile app’s specific subject matter. Happtique will continue to expand its HACP Content Review Partners and is currently in discussions with a number of organizations with various areas of clinical expertise.

We will introduce more of these control processes and other criticism of the use of medical apps here on this site in the next days. 

Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 17, 2013 4:20 PM!

Health Care Costs from Birth to Death (Aging Report) | HCCI

Health Care Costs from Birth to Death (Aging Report) | HCCI | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Health Care Costs from Birth to Death examines the impact of age and gender on pre-retiree, retiree, Medicare, and disease health costs. Executive S...
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 17, 2013 4:13 PM!

Hans Rosling: the man who's making data cool

Hans Rosling: the man who's making data cool | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Celebrity statistician says data can help challenge common myths about the world, particularly on population, fertility and development. Claire Provost meets him
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 11, 2013 9:18 AM!

140 Health Care Uses For Twitter

140 Health Care Uses for Twitter: Suggested Uses for Microsharing in the 21st Century
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 6, 2013 5:45 PM!

Droga. Cnr: "Uno studente su 4 fuma cannabis. Ma in 30mila usano eroina e in 60mila cocaina" - Quotidiano Sanità

Droga. Cnr: "Uno studente su 4 fuma cannabis. Ma in 30mila usano eroina e in 60mila cocaina" - Quotidiano Sanità | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
Pubblicato il 15° rapporto Espad-Italia del Cnr di Pisa. Sono ormai circa 550mila i giovani studenti consumatori di cannabis. Ma preoccupa l'incremento, anche se modesto, degli oppiacei. Ne fa uso l'1,3% degli studenti.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 3, 2013 11:46 AM!

Rapporto Osservasalute 2012 “Atlante” della salute nelle Regioni italiane

Giuseppe Fattori's insight:

Emilia Romagna: la Regione con la percentuale maggiore di ex-fumatori
L’Emilia Romagna è la Regione con la quota maggiore di persone che hanno smesso di fumare: infatti presenta una quota di ex-fumatori pari al 27,3% della popolazione regionale di 14 anni ed oltre (23,4% il valore italiano).

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 20, 2013 5:47 PM!

Patient driven medicine - Reform

Patient driven medicine - Reform | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |

The internet has changed nearly every walk of life. Eight out of ten people now book their holidays online and 40 per cent of internet users access online banking once a week. Social media is now a worldwide phenomenon with over a billion people regularly using Facebook, while Twitter has over 500 million registered users,

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Innovation in Health
April 16, 2013 4:36 PM!

Visualizations | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

Visualizations | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |

Via Rowan Norrie
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Analytics & Social media impact on Healthcare
April 15, 2013 3:07 PM!

How big data analytics' enable a ACO by improving health outcomes

How big data analytics' enable a ACO by improving health outcomes | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |

More than simply an IT catchphrase, "big data" in health care will lead doctors to become more accountable for positive patient outcomes, an EMC executive said.

Big data is going through a transformation, and health care IT will be a major beneficiary of its analytics capabilities, according to an executive at EMC, a major provider of cloud computing, data backup and big data infrastructure. The health care industry can use big data analytics to better detect diseases and aid medical research. "There's a fair amount of hype in big data in general," Dave Dimond, chief strategist for industry solutions at EMC, told eWEEK. "In health care it's coming together." Although the concept of big data may not have been as well-understood a year ago, rather than just being aligned with research, it's getting more focused, said Dimond.



Via Chatu Jayadewa
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 14, 2013 4:39 AM!

Consumi delle famiglie italiane

Consumi delle famiglie italiane | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 14, 2013 4:32 AM!

La mappa dei migliori (e peggiori) ospedali d'Italia -

La mappa dei migliori (e peggiori) ospedali d'Italia - | Medici per l'ambiente - A cura di ISDE Modena in collaborazione con "Marketing sociale". Newsletter N°34 |

Per aiutarti a capire dove ti curi, ma anche dove vanno i tuoi soldi di contribuente, Wired pubblica i dati integrali sulla qualità delle cure in tutti i 1.200 ospedali italiani, pubblici e privati, raccolti dall’Agenzia nazionale per i servizi sanitari (Agenas)del ministero della Salute. 

Da dove arrivano esattamente questi dati? Ogni anno Agenas raccoglie i valori presenti nelle schede di dimissione ospedaliera (Sdo) che l'ospedale compila per le dimissioni di ogni paziente ricoverato. Da tutte le schede di dimissione ospedaliera vengono calcolati gli indici di rischio con cui il ministero della Sanità tiene sotto controllo le performance dei vari nosocomi. Un lavoro imponente che fino allo scorso anno veniva eseguito in silenzio. Solo nel 2012, infatti, questi dati stati resi accessibili ai medici e ai giornalisti accreditati. Wired li pubblica integralmente per la prima volta in un formato ricercabile.

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