Many smart wearable devices can even monitor mental-health data #esante #hcsmeufr | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

It is projected that by next year, over 7.6 billion people throughout the world will use over 30 billion smart, sensor-based wearable devices that will monitor human activities, including mental-health data.


Smartphones and wearable sensors are able to detect and analyze behaviors such as activity (by GPS, location, and speed); sleep hours (your total time in bed or asleep); and various brain functions through games prompted to test memory, executive capacities, emotions and moods.


This will soon become the paramount source of obtaining health data with a special emphasis on mental health issues.


Psychiatrists will be able to use these new technologies to identify a healthy person at risk by being able to analyze samplings of feelings, thoughts, and general behaviors as they occur in real time and in their real life.


Well, there are reliability issues, problem of missing data, retention/adherence abilities, and subjects neglecting to wear or charge their devices after a certain period of time.


The new learning algorithms of artificial intelligence technologies are able to integrate structured and unstructured data and should eventually be able to tackle these potential pitfalls.

Via nrip, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek