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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 13, 2017 8:56 AM!

The Infographic that Will Revolutionize Your Approach to Content Creation

The Infographic that Will Revolutionize Your Approach to Content Creation | Curation Revolution |

Rise of Interactive Content
We agree with the premise if not the over-hype of this infographic. We see a trend to making websites more conversational, more interactive. The "one size fits all" days are gone. 

In the next few years, we'll see websites capable of wrapping themselves around users like a glove. Web sites that look and feel different from one visitor to the next based on predictive analytics, behavior and creative. If this sounds like the quants and the creatives are about to take over that is what we think too. 

These unlikely affinity groups - right brain engineers and left brain creatives - will need to think, act and design as one. Don't forget our favorite content creation rule - don't create your content ask for help and get others to create it for you. 

Such a "community approach" to content creation is the best way we know to turn your tribe into zealous advocates. Think about it. What are you more likely to advocate your stuff or ours? Answer to that question is obvious and an indication why community is the key to future commerce online. Now that is a revolutionary infographic we'd like to see :). 

Gail Grannum's curator insight, April 9, 2017 6:04 PM
Now is the time to get comfortable with content creation tools that curate information for website visitors and customers.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 22, 2016 9:02 AM!

Social Media Infographic Inspired by Oracle - Curagami

Social Media Infographic Inspired by Oracle - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Social Media Marketing - Oracle Gets It Do You?

Oracle's white papers, linked from this Curagami post, inspired us to create an infographic. Oracle may be the biggest vendor we know of that gets the emotional, connective and conversational nature of social media marketing. 

Oracle only has half the evolving world as we see it - they are still missing community and gamification. We hope it takes Oracle at least a year to catch up since they are a bellwether for everyone else. 

Great reads and seeing Oracle understand this much about how social marketing really works should create a sense of urgency. If Oracle is HERE now can the world be far behind on community and then community shock in your business category? 

Answer: No. 

BTW, link at the bottom of the infographic goes to Oracles landing page. Our page featuring this infographic is here: 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 10, 2014 8:55 AM!

Visual Guide for Social Media Networks [INFOGRAPHIC]

Visual Guide for Social Media Networks [INFOGRAPHIC] | Curation Revolution |

This great infographic features tips for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr,  Pinterest, Instagram, and Vine.

Check it out at


Cendrine Marrouat

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great tips and factoids in this SMM summary infographic.

No Boxes's curator insight, November 10, 2014 1:35 PM

Tips for using #social media platforms.

Nine0Media's curator insight, November 10, 2014 3:08 PM

#SEOLocal #SocialMediaTools

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 30, 2014 4:39 PM!

Video + Teach Beats Video Alone In Online Learning [Infographic] via @RKirkOwen

Video + Teach Beats Video Alone In Online Learning [Infographic] via  @RKirkOwen | Curation Revolution |

Marty Note
Great meeting today with our Triangle Startup Factory mentor Kirk Owen (@RKirkOwen). Kirk is a Jedi Master Mentor and Internet marketer. He is working with VC Firm Intersouth Partners (@intersouth) to create an online site to help teach music with a combination of VIDEO and "live" via the web instructors.

COOL idea for ecommerce merchants to adapt especially given results of this study showing higher engagement and more money when video marketing is supplemented by a "live" instructor.

So imagine you are the Bass Pro Shop site. You are learning about new lures from videos and waiting for the Bass Pro to come explain how he matches lures to weather, water and other conditions. Videos helped you learn some features but the "live to the web" presentation via a G+ Hangout or via a streaming service increases engagement and conversion.

Oh, Time on Site goes up to since I bet Bass Pro Shops would find a large audience consuming videos immediately before and after the "live" presentation. Kirk is an amazing IMer, entrepreneur, coach and mentor. Follow him on Twitter and if you are in the Triangle area of NC ask him to lunch and guarantee you will be smarter for it.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 14, 2013 3:11 AM!

Is Social Media Making Us Narcissistic? [infographic]

Is Social Media Making Us Narcissistic? [infographic] | Curation Revolution |
Social Media & Narcissism [INFOGRAPHIC] #socialmedia
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This reminds me of the first time I took a Myers Briggs test. After the test and the assessment everyone walked around amazed at what the test said about them. No big surprises to me since I filled out the test (lol). Just as I don't think the test MADE my fellow NTLers anything I don't think social media is MAKING us one thing or another. Is social media amplifying an existing trend? Sure but mirrors aren't people and they continue to be the enemy of vampires (not sure what that means but was fun to think about :). M

Amy Williamson's curator insight, February 5, 2014 5:08 AM

A fascinating infographic, are you guilty of any of the things mentioned?

Alexander Abramov's curator insight, March 22, 2014 8:23 PM

add your insight...

Kelly Saiz's curator insight, April 15, 2014 8:29 AM

This is a question that I have wondered about. While this graphic gives an abbreviated, visual response to the question, it provides key insights into the issue. 


The image cleverly illustrates the signs of narcissism before depicting the negative effects of social media, which include ADHD, depression and narcissistic personality disorder and addiction, among others. 


It would be interesting to know the reasons WHY "People who use Facebook the most tend to have more narcissistic or insecure personalities" and why "those who [score] higher in narcissism also posted more often on twitter". While this post points out yet another important issue surrounding social media that cannot be ignored by business professionals and users alike, it does not provide enough information for the reasoning behind its statements. 

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management
November 11, 2013 11:08 AM!

Brands and SEO - Importance Of Technical SEO Remains

Brands and SEO - Importance Of Technical SEO Remains | Curation Revolution |

SEO Infographic based on the market research is showing that 93 % of consumers use search engines to look for something and then visit these websites.

Via massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Got into a controversy over the weekend about how SEO is or isn't dead ( ). Let's leave that controvery as settled and understnd that telling Google or any search engine what your branded web pages are about is and will always be important.

Having the right title, a consistent and natural bocy copy, solid H1's, H2's etc and good alt text is just common sense. Don't be fooled by all the "SEO is Dead" proclamations to think you shouldn't create solid techncial SEO.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 16, 2013 9:56 AM!

The Content Marketing Mix [INFOGRAPHIC] - Pardot

The Content Marketing Mix [INFOGRAPHIC] - Pardot | Curation Revolution |
As the proliferation of the web continues to create more independent and informed consumers, sales and marketing teams have had to evolve their strategies to cater to a generation of consumers that no longer wish to be “sold” to.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Working on a business plan for a suite of publishing tools called SpinSnip and found this post and graphic from the inbound marketing team at Pardot (didn't know they were purchased by SalesForce...interesting) helpful. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 26, 2013 8:29 AM!

True Colors Shinning Through: Everyone likes Blue, Green, Red Women Like Purple

True Colors Shinning Through: Everyone likes Blue, Green, Red Women Like Purple | Curation Revolution |
From the day that babies are brought home and cradled in their pink or blue blankets, implications have been made about gender and color. Let's take a look at what they say about color and gender.
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Daily Magazine
April 19, 2013 8:15 PM!

How & Why Google Killed the Longtail of Search

How & Why Google Killed the Longtail of Search | Curation Revolution |
An infographic about how Google killed the long-tail with stuff like Google Instant, localization, updates like Mayday and Panda, verticals, scrapers and the ‘not provided’ keywords.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Why Google Killed Search's Long Tail
Why would Google want to kill the long tail of search? The long tail represented a back door to organic listings. The little guys could string together a series of small wins to achieve enough organic traffic they wouldn't need to purchase as much PPC. 

Consolidation via the tactic outlined in this infographic removes the backdoor. If you were running successful long tail search keywords the removal of the tactic means you have little choice but to buy PC to fill the void. 

Google is accelerating a natural network trend. All content networks tend to create hubs, sites whose authority is more dominant than others. Becoming an authority is what every Internet marketer is playing for because with authority comes traffic and with traffic comes money and influence. 

New ways to diversify your website's traffic resources:
* Begin to gather cell phone numbers.
* Create profiles on a wide range of social nets.

* Contribute content to a wide range of social nets.

* Ask your current followers to recommend you to friends.

* Gamify "friends and family" concept.

* Gamify 'friends of friends' concept.


The reason you want many channels contributing traffic is the more traffic you own (i.e. that joins YOUR list) the less dependent you are on the whims of Google. 

jalp Internet Consulting Services's comment, April 22, 2013 10:36 AM
Well said! Long term strategies are the best bases. Truth and proper managment!!
agilesite's comment, April 22, 2013 8:39 PM
Agreed Martin. Well put.
Romain Callier's curator insight, May 21, 2013 9:35 AM

Interesting !

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 25, 2013 11:17 AM!

There Is A New SEO Sheriff In Town - Facebook Becomes #1 Web Destination

There Is A New SEO Sheriff In Town - Facebook Becomes #1 Web Destination | Curation Revolution |
We were more fascinated by our SEO game's rules than why we were playing then a giant snapped his fingers and Daniel Pink's new mind prediction was true.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Facebook vs. Google & The New SEO
Facebook becoming the #1 web destination is as much a VOTE for something (content and content curation) as against something (Google).

There will be a day when Google is as powerful in social networking as Facebook. People laugh at G+. I don't. I LOVE under valued tools because then I get to BUY LOW and SELL HIGH. 

Wrote this piece as Facebook's traffic line crossed Google's. You can see that infogrpahic here:

Facebook vs. Google Infographic  

If it feels like that event is bigger than it seems I agree. Facebook becoming the web's top destination is a statement about how TRUE Daniel Pink's book A Whole New Mind is and will be. Couldn't resist sharing thoughts on such a momentous event.  

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Suggested by Christino Martin
January 28, 2013 12:06 PM!

Facebook Has USAGE, LinkedIn Has B2B Buyers: What is Best Chanel For Your Marketing? [Infograpahic]

Facebook Has USAGE, LinkedIn Has B2B Buyers: What is Best Chanel For Your Marketing? [Infograpahic] | Curation Revolution |
Infographic on Facebook Vs LinkedIn marketing opportunity and approach with social media marketing on Google+ Plus Vs Facebook B2B & B2C Marketing
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Determining the "best" social network for your marketing is highly dependent on what you are selling and looking for engagement for and about. If you are a B2B company selling high end engagement to the C level you may be better off concentrating on LinkedIn. 

B2B companies shouldn’t abandon Facebook entirely since you never know what offer will resonate where, at least you won't know until you test. Create a campaign and then split your initial investment 70% on LinkedIn and 25% Facebook and 5% Twitter and see what you get back. 

Remember to set up generous Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the beginning such as unique traffic, time on site and names into your list. You can worry about who makes it all the way down your buying funnel after you figure out what drives traffic in. You might find Facebook drives small amounts of traffic that convert better. Who knows. 

If you are a B2C play you might reverse those numbers focusing mainly on Facebook and seeding other social nets lightly to see if they have any ability to drive converting traffic. 

Bottom line is test everything and then doubles down on the social net that wins.  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Must Market
December 19, 2012 9:28 AM!

Visual CRUSHING Textual Social Marketing [infographic]

Visual CRUSHING Textual Social Marketing [infographic] | Curation Revolution |
Tips for being more visual with your social media and how being more visual increases engagement.

Via Rose Marie DeSousa, Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 18, 2012 2:31 PM

Great infographic here chronicling the shift to more visual social media marketing. I would argue all marketing is shifting along these same lines. Who reads anymore?


I was a faithful WIRED Fast Company and Inc. reader. Not so much anymore. Then I was a faithful book reader. You name a marketing book and I wanted to read it. Not so much anymore. 

Now I read blogs, write for and on several and live online. Find a way to deliver food through this thing and may never leave (lol). The visuals are crushing the Textuals and that is wreaking havoc all over. 


Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, December 18, 2012 2:36 PM
Not sure why my friend John van den Brink isn't listed on this. I found it and thought I rescooped it from @AtDotComSocial. If you don't already follow John you should :). M
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, December 18, 2012 8:46 PM

Really good tips for visuals.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Must Market
December 6, 2012 11:14 AM!

Marketing Automation By The Numbers (Infographic)

Marketing Automation By The Numbers (Infographic) | Curation Revolution |

We love this infographic outlining the Marketing Automation industry by Carlos Hidalgo from the Annuitas Group. While the Marketing Automation field is only about a decade old, experts expect the field to grow rapidly. Leading B2B research firm SiriusDecisions predicts the adoption of Marketing Automation technology will grow to 50% by 2015. How do companies benefit from the usage of Marketing Automation? Research shows that businesses who use Marketing Automation to nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads.


Via massimo facchinetti, Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 4, 2012 7:58 PM

Cool Infographic for inbound marketing and marketing auto. 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 9, 2017 4:19 PM!

The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags | Curation Revolution |

Ultimate Guide To Hashtags
Love 'em or hate them #hashtags are crucial to having your content shared, curated and extended. Looks like 2 hashtags perform the best. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 20, 2015 11:37 AM!

The Platform Revolution #infographic via @Curagami

The Platform Revolution #infographic via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

The Platform Revolution "
Google is all about big brands now," a frustrated customer said. The complaint was about how this Small to Medium Sized Business couldn't win organic listings anymore. We disagreed. Google isn't rewarding top organic listings to Big Brands. Big brands look and feel more like platforms and that is why they are winning in spite of themselves. 

Learn more about why you MUST think in platforms NOW:  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
October 29, 2014 1:53 PM!

Leveraging Influential Customers: Your Most Important Online Marketing #Infographic

Leveraging Influential Customers: Your Most Important Online Marketing #Infographic | Curation Revolution |

As a business, one of the most effective ways to gain traction and visibility is through a strategically planned marketing and/or public relations campaign. But did you know that your customers can be just as effective?

Customers can be more influential than ever these days, thanks to social networks and the internet. In fact, the average customer has a reach of 42 people for each positive experience or engagement with your company online. That means if you have only 200 customers who are brand advocates, you have a potential customer reach of 8,400!

Marty Note
An important Infographic and idea. At our Durham, NC based startup Curagami we see the next phase of web development as devoted to learning how to empower, listen to and benefit from the kind of leverage ONLY customers provide such as:

* User Generated Content - the most valuable content you can't buy.

* Social shares and its help with seo, traffic and profits.

* Brand advocacy and word-of-mouth advertising.

* Brand shaping via listening and curation of content created by influential customers.

Last night I realized I needed to order boxer shorts as all of this travel, I'm currently in Columbus Ohio, is putting a strain on a limited supply. Instead of buying Joe Boxer boxers I went to a site and made a cancer survivor design.

The first product I created, Poetryslam Magnetic Word Game (c. 1999), took six months and $10,000. Last night I created a line of boxer shorts for $100 and an hour of my time using drag and drop tools.

Put that experience in the context of this excellent infographic about the power of your influential customers to arrive at the game plan we suggest to B2C ecommerce and B2B content marketing partners daily:

* Create an Ambassadors Program as the foundation of online community.
* Empower Ambassadors with social tools.
* Feature great Ambassadors to create healthy competition.

* Reward Ambassadors with social listening, support and inclusion.

* ASK for help.
* Rinse and Repeat.

Find ways to listen, curate and feature your customer's input and social shares to make your online marketing easier, more fun and sustainable.

Via Brian Yanish -
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 21, 2014 6:27 PM!

Piktochart Infographic & Graphic Design Tool for Non-Designers [Scenttrail Review]

Piktochart Infographic & Graphic Design Tool for Non-Designers [Scenttrail Review] | Curation Revolution |

Piktochart is an easy infographic design app that requires very little effort to produce simple and high quality graphics. Create free infographics here.

Marty (@Scenttrail) Review
I used Piktochart yesterday to create an infographic to support my 5 Easy Email Marketing Tips ( ). I am NOT a graphic designer, but I found Piktochart helped me think like one.

Creation of my first "infographic", and I put infographic in quotes not to offend any true infographic pro, took about two hours. Piktochart's User Interface is excellent, intuitive and drag and drop friendly.

At first I tried to do everything IN Piktochart. Then I noticed they have a robust import tool so I created a draft in the tool, took a screen shot, sized the screen shot up to their 600 x 400 and worked on it in photoshop.

Piktochart, if you are reading this, you may want to make an export tool that is as easy to use as your import tool. If I could export a block at a time it would be ideal. Even when I was finished and published I manipulated some spacing of the infographic by selecting and moving blocks in Photoshop.

The tool comes complete with icons like the bulls eye and pad. I couldn't understand how to color my fonts (their styling options seem to not come up the way they are supposed too) so I added the text color in Photoshop and important the resulting block overlaying what was there.

My process made the graphic HEAVY since I had 2 copies of everything, so it would be great to export, work on a block in Photoshop, import it back in and then overlay on a blank canvas. The only way I can see to do that now is start over.

Creating visual support for our blog posts is so important Piktochart is a great new tool for any content marketer / blogger. Interesting to note my infographic of 5 Easy Email Tips got 3x the views and shares of my written Scoop. We know the visual marketing revolution is upon us, so getting as good as someone like Mark Smiciklas ( ).

Piktochart is a great and timely tool! Highly recommended. Marty

malek's curator insight, February 21, 2014 6:47 PM

A guided tour into Piktochart by a no-designer. You can't help but like the story behind the infographic. 

Raj Nadar's comment February 22, 2014 5:35 AM
I had built my visual online CV on this and I'm a no-tech no designer guy, was very easy to create still, thank you for sharing
malek's comment, February 22, 2014 3:07 PM
@Raj Nadar great utilization of piktochart
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 15, 2013 11:30 AM!

Think VISUAL ASSETS Not Infographics [VIDEO] Rand's Friday Whiteboard

Think VISUAL ASSETS Not Infographics [VIDEO] Rand's Friday Whiteboard | Curation Revolution |
While infographics are touted by some as wonderful examples of making information accessible, in today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shows us a very different view of them, making the case for using individual visual assets instead.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great Rand Fishkinn Whiteboard Friday on why your marketing should think in terms of "visual assets" not infogrpahics. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 6, 2013 10:12 AM!

The Future of Marketing | Infographic

The Future of Marketing | Infographic | Curation Revolution |
Optimal Targeting’s CEO David Konigsberg shares his insights on the future of marketing with this new metaphysically inclined infographic. It effect
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great Infographic and I bet at least half right :). M

AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, September 6, 2013 1:31 PM

Another great Scoop David!  I will take the test later and report my results  :)

Robin Martin's curator insight, September 14, 2013 11:53 AM

Right Marty...great infographic! Thanks for the scoop!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 8, 2013 9:13 AM!

Are Facebook Ads Worth The $? Telecom and Fashion Rule [Infographic]

Are Facebook Ads Worth The $? Telecom and Fashion Rule [Infographic] | Curation Revolution |
[Infographic] Facebook Ad Performance by Industry – Are They Worth It? by Bill Ross of LinchpinSEO in Chicago

Marty = Telecom and Fashion rule Facebook ads according to my friend Bill Ross at Linchpin SEO. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Facebook's ROI Mystery Wrapped In Enigma
As I pointed out in my Virtuous Viral Loop post from last week ( ) Facebook's role in our conversion funnels is far from fully understood. My friend Bill Ross just created a great infographic showing Facebook ad performance by business vertical. 

Telecom and Fashion seem to rule Facebook ads and they aren't far off from understanding how to use Facebook to create engagement and brand loyalty either. Strange to think of Telecom's and Fashion as leading Internet marketers, but both understand the SOCIAL and MOBILE side of what is happening now perhaps better than any other business vertical.

Great infographic from Linchpin SEO.  

Mr Tozzo's curator insight, July 8, 2013 9:59 AM

Are Facebook Ads Worth The $? Telecom and Fashion Rule

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 1, 2013 9:01 AM!

What Creates Brand Loyalty? | Infographic

What Creates Brand Loyalty? | Infographic | Curation Revolution |
This infographic shows what drives brand loyalty. A retro theme with some bright colors. Simple!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Join Brands Don't Buy Them
Agree with this infographic about what makes people loyal to brands. Brands are shorthand for contemporary life. We bundle so much meaning into brands such as Nike, Apple and REI that it would be hard to imagine modern life without these shortcuts. 

Faith Popcorn famously said people don't BUY brands they JOIN them and these "loyalty" reasons can help form a brand people want to join.  

Yu Ji's curator insight, May 1, 2013 10:42 AM

Get your customer know you and then, don't forget to get them fall in love with you as well!!

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social Marketing Revolution
April 9, 2013 7:15 AM!

Can One Social Signal Change The World? A: You Bet #INFOGRAPHIC

Can One Social Signal Change The World? A: You Bet #INFOGRAPHIC | Curation Revolution |
A meaningful social signal can deliver a whole lot more than just marketing exposure. Integrating social media into multiple functions of your organization can benefit operations and yield a distinct competitive advantage.

Via Brian Yanish -, Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, April 9, 2013 12:11 AM

The Relativity Of Everything
Social media is the most relative of media. The more territory social media captures the more relative things become. Relative in the sense that it is impossible to really KNOW anything. 

There are simply too many variables now. Patterns that seem so convincing may be worth a double down, but those patterns may have so many interconnections you are betting on a horse you may never see or fully understand. 

This is NOT to say we can't trust or use our metrics as maps to help create greatness. It is to say that our zero sum habits, this OR that, need to be replaced with AND. 

This AND That are impacting our metrics and Internet marketing. Great infographic that speaks to the value of a single social signal.  


Suggested by Christino Martin
February 1, 2013 9:19 PM!

Does Social Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Exist? Maybe [Infographic]

Does Social Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Exist? Maybe [Infographic] | Curation Revolution |
Infographic on best online CRM and best social CRM apps with social media marketing by increasing branding & freelancing tools online for business ideas
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Does social CRM really exist?

Social CRM, the promise of a single database that serves the process of managing customers AND organizing social media marketing are natural cousins since the data management overhead is steep in both.

Both CRM ad Social Media Marketing (SMM) also require massive Big Data analytics to visualize the patterns need to connect the top of the conversion funnel to the bottom.

Cousins yes, siblings no, because there has always been enough distinction between CRM and SMM Content Management Systems (CMS) that never the twain shall meet without compromises so severe union doesn't really work.

Is there such as thing as Social CRM now? I will digest this list and get back to you on that.

REwebCentral's comment, February 4, 2013 7:18 PM
Happy to see that my personal fave, Nimble, made the list.
Mike Ellsworth's comment, February 4, 2013 8:05 PM
I just let my trial of Nimble run out. Really didn't have the time to evaluate it. What do you use it for? What features do you like?
REwebCentral's comment, February 4, 2013 9:55 PM
I like the simplicity of the interface and ease of following the social streams. Google apps is getting better at showing the social stream, but if you're in sales or heavily into networking, you need the CRM aspect that Google Apps doesn't offer. There are a few things I'd change about Nimble, but so far it's the best that I've seen. I also have a slight bias because I've been playing in the real estate sandbox for the last 10 years, and the founder of Nimble was also the founder or somehow related to Goldmine, which was an early CRM in heavy use in the RE industry. Besides really liking their product, I like Nimble's story and approach to the social CRM conundrum.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Writing_me
January 5, 2013 8:04 AM!

Former SEO Says Spend Money On GREAT Content Not SEO [Infographic + Marty Note]

Former SEO Says Spend Money On GREAT Content Not SEO [Infographic + Marty Note] | Curation Revolution |

"SEO “experts” are working hard to understand the tricks and techniques of optimizing search results. But you don’t need lay awake at night worrying about it. The fact is that Google is doing everything they can to find and index good content. And all you need to do is give it to them."

Could good content take over keyword advertising?

Via Ally Greer, Alessandro Rea
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

SEO Muscle Memory
I'm a former SEO. I guess that definition applies since organic SEO was worth millions when I was a Director of Ecommerce. I spent a week in Mill Valley CA with SEO Guru Bruce Clay and know the tricks Alley's Scoop refers to and I agree. There was a time when optimization alone could win. That was a different time in important ways:

* Less noise, less competition for top listings.

* SEO "Tricks" weren't known by a large population.

* That was the way Google structured the game.


What Navneet Panda, Google's brilliant engineer, did in modifying Google's algorithm changed everything. Google was in danger of being flooded by social signals and User Generated Content. Not so much now. 

Social signals + the Google float, an innovation Google originally created to expand ad inventory, became a lifesaver and a heart breaker. It is or will be impossible to optimize a website into Google top listing now (or soon).

People think of Google as this monolith, the all-knowing OZ. Not so much. Google indexes pages and keywords. I was asked the other day to win a tit for tat keyword battle and it was winnable NOW in the old way. Soon, as that vertical gets more sophisticated over time (and they all do), the ability to optimize into a SEO win will disappear. 

There is the tricky rub. Muscle memory says, to the person who asked for the old kind of help, we should be able to optimize to victory. Sorry, not so much anymore. Time to learn a new dance. Time to tell great stories. Time to win hearts and minds because that is the only way to SEO now. 

I wrote about the end of one approach, something I called "small ball SEO" and the beginning of another (great stories well told on a User Generated Content rich social platform) recently:

Imagination, Money And Internet Marketing    


BTW, I turned down the tit for tat SEO job. Life is way too short for such nonsense. Teams I've managed have profitably made more than $30M online with Average Order Values (AOVs) of around $60 so LOTS of transactions.

I share that stat because if you were to ask me the most important idea in creating so much value here is my answer:


Jesse Soininen's curator insight, January 5, 2013 11:39 AM

I´m just a messenger;)

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 5, 2012 7:47 PM!

Marketing Game Has Changed Infographic

Marketing Game Has Changed Infographic | Curation Revolution |
Click here to edit the content...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This infographic is a tad on the minimal, flat and binary to real life, but the points it makes about mine the network, react in real time, grow the network, create content, campaign on the content, respond in real time and then grow the network more is right on. 

The reason the infographic is a tad binary is because it doesn't show the false starts, a need for vicious prioritization or the gambling with data, intuition, money and GUT that this kind of Internet marketing requires but then how do you put that in an infographic (lol).  

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