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Martin (Marty) Smith
onto BI Revolution May 27, 2016 6:06 PM
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Martin (Marty) Smith
onto BI Revolution May 27, 2016 6:06 PM
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Power BI is not so much a data visualization tool as it is an end-to-end business intelligence platform that ends with visualizing data. Marco Russo approached this well when he explained the differences between a more robust model-based tool and a narrowly scoped report-based tool. While visualizing data in Power BI may sometimes be a bit…!
The tools of augmented analytics will be able to automatically go through data, clean it up, identify data patterns and trends, present them as a visualization or in natural-language narratives such as “50% of web traffic is middle-aged women from US”, and then convert these insights into actionable steps without professional supervision.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Hell they had me at, "Clean up".!
Machine learning and Big Data are the first two ways AI will change marketing. Discover the other two by reading this Read Write post.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
At Curagami we agree with all four ideas for how AI will change marketing and are working on a post in response.
Jonathan Long's curator insight,
December 22, 2018 2:32 PM
Machine Learning & Big Data....the future??!
Expanding the search algorithm beyond absolute areas like store hours, locations, and historical facts shifted a system designed to create order into chaos.!
Rather than narrow our definition of impact, we should use metrics to explore richness and diversity of outcomes. Via Mark E. Deschaine, PhD
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Agree, the web is complex. We need metrics that help sort the wheat from the chaff.!
The Mythical Silver Bullet Dashboard
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
We don't believe in silver bullets. The web moves too fast. This new dashboard suffers from some of the same "clouding" problems we are all too familiar with, but there's more of it (lol).!
AI & Creativity
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
This post does make one think about how "human" tasks will change once automated by AI and robots.!
Revenge of the Nerds
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Cool kids and algorithms are eating the world...what else is new?!
Clutter of Digital Marketing Added a postscript to our Curagami post entitled The Gravity of Digital marketing. Somehow I stumbled over a very cool chart from the "Opte Project" showing the web's density 2003 versus 2010.!
Branding in a Revolution!
People are focusing on the wrong thing when analyzing Apple's path forward in the face of slowing iPhone sales. Via Philippe J DEWOST
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Apple Pivot, Will We Care
Philippe J DEWOST's curator insight,
May 15, 2016 3:57 AM
Drowning by Numbers ; Apple might be surprising us again by opening entirely new product / service categories and they have the resources for doing so.
Juan Ortega's curator insight,
May 20, 2016 4:34 AM
Historia de Apple con número de unidades vendidas de cada producto!
Cool Use of Google Analytics Reports
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Great blow by blow of a creative way to use Google Analytics Reports. Too Good.!
The documentary is being reinvented for virtual reality, but what challenges does this pose to content creators? Via Os Ishmael
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Marty Note Os Note Here's a fascinating article about the problems with virtual reality storytelling and empathy.
Virtual Reality (VR) is all the rage and very popular at SXSW. We know storytelling is a powerhouse for building our empathy muscles. But what is the impact of VR on empathy?
Turns out, it's not what you think.
The aim of VR is to encourage a human connection and understanding between those wearing a headset and the characters in the story.
Problems around empathy rise when certain stories simply generate a feeling of helplessness in the participant that leads to greater detachment -- not greater human connection.
I love what one of those interviewed for the article says near the end: "But the empathy idea presents another problem for me – the notion that the world's problems arise from a scarcity of feeling rather than from issues of power, inequality and exploitation of people and planetary resources." Hear hear.
There are more details and insights to read in this long-very-long post, and it will make you go, "huh".
What do you think about VR, empathy, and this storytelling trend?
Andreas Christodoulou's curator insight,
March 24, 2016 6:12 AM
Marty Note Os Note Here's a fascinating article about the problems with virtual reality storytelling and empathy.
Virtual Reality (VR) is all the rage and very popular at SXSW. We know storytelling is a powerhouse for building our empathy muscles. But what is the impact of VR on empathy?
Turns out, it's not what you think.
The aim of VR is to encourage a human connection and understanding between those wearing a headset and the characters in the story.
Problems around empathy rise when certain stories simply generate a feeling of helplessness in the participant that leads to greater detachment -- not greater human connection.
I love what one of those interviewed for the article says near the end: "But the empathy idea presents another problem for me – the notion that the world's problems arise from a scarcity of feeling rather than from issues of power, inequality and exploitation of people and planetary resources." Hear hear.
There are more details and insights to read in this long-very-long post, and it will make you go, "huh".
What do you think about VR, empathy, and this storytelling trend?
Educational Peaks's curator insight,
March 24, 2016 6:28 AM
Marty Note Os Note Here's a fascinating article about the problems with virtual reality storytelling and empathy.
Virtual Reality (VR) is all the rage and very popular at SXSW. We know storytelling is a powerhouse for building our empathy muscles. But what is the impact of VR on empathy?
Turns out, it's not what you think.
The aim of VR is to encourage a human connection and understanding between those wearing a headset and the characters in the story.
Problems around empathy rise when certain stories simply generate a feeling of helplessness in the participant that leads to greater detachment -- not greater human connection.
I love what one of those interviewed for the article says near the end: "But the empathy idea presents another problem for me – the notion that the world's problems arise from a scarcity of feeling rather than from issues of power, inequality and exploitation of people and planetary resources." Hear hear.
There are more details and insights to read in this long-very-long post, and it will make you go, "huh".
What do you think about VR, empathy, and this storytelling trend?
Stephania Savva, Ph.D's curator insight,
March 24, 2016 6:33 AM
Marty Note Os Note Here's a fascinating article about the problems with virtual reality storytelling and empathy.
Virtual Reality (VR) is all the rage and very popular at SXSW. We know storytelling is a powerhouse for building our empathy muscles. But what is the impact of VR on empathy?
Turns out, it's not what you think.
The aim of VR is to encourage a human connection and understanding between those wearing a headset and the characters in the story.
Problems around empathy rise when certain stories simply generate a feeling of helplessness in the participant that leads to greater detachment -- not greater human connection.
I love what one of those interviewed for the article says near the end: "But the empathy idea presents another problem for me – the notion that the world's problems arise from a scarcity of feeling rather than from issues of power, inequality and exploitation of people and planetary resources." Hear hear.
There are more details and insights to read in this long-very-long post, and it will make you go, "huh".
What do you think about VR, empathy, and this storytelling trend? |!
While consultants are keen to tout machine learning (ML) to gain more work, they may find it will ultimately have the opposite effect. As a former consulting leader, I believe ML-based disruption will have a greater impact on consulting than the globalization of work. This is because eliminating work altogether is more disruptive than lowering its cost.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Smart and Cool Is How You Make Money NOW!
It’s essential to take some time at the end of every year to assess what’s worked well, what hasn’t, and where you can improve in the new year ahead.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Jeff's stuff is always helpful and his year-end reporting guide is no exception to that rule.!
Artificial intelligence is booming in Europe, China, and the US, but it’s still a very male industry. Via massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
AI is self-reinforcing i.e. it makes life easier and thus makes money. Combination of AI with big data, or the use of large blocks of data exposing patterns, will change e-commerce...and everything else.!
Even with publishers grousing about Facebook's shortcomings as a source of revenue and organic traffic, publishers are putting a lot more resources into dark posts, according to Keywee data.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
This report showing publishers buying more Facebook traffic isn't a huge surprise since FB is pushing us in that direction. What is surprising is the apparent efficacy of the spend.!
Blockchains Are Bigger than Bitcoin Blockchains, those distributed, networked, verified and shared transactions, are going to eclipse Bitcoin and blow up how we do business online. Once you know what I know and we all know everything about everyone, a point we are headed toward anyway, imagine what predictive analytics and the Internet of Things can do for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Money is already dead man walking and blockchains promise to kill it the rest of the way - and that's a good thing as we share in this Curagami post.!
Eric Siegel is an expert in predictive analytics and data mining and a former computer science professor at Columbia University, where he won th
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Good video on how big data and predictive analytics should and will live harmoniously together.!
Chatbots Are Coming
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Chatbots and keychains are what's next.
malek's curator insight,
June 27, 2017 6:53 PM
Get a free crash course on everything chatbots, straight from the experts!
Content & RankBrain What we have here is a failure to communicate. Cool Hand Luke's famous quote applies to SEO and content marketing in the age of a semi-autonomous almost sentient ranking algorithm as this excellent INC post shares.!
Flipboard's Analytics!
These content marketing tools will help you automate and improve the performance of your content marketing strategy.!
Data is a sizzling hot topic these days. Marketers are learning how to use the right information to drive leads and close sales in record time.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Telling Stories with Data
Data without a story is something only an accountant could love. Data with a story and a few charts, graphis and infographics and anyone can understand, join and help.!
As Google's head of artificial intelligence takes charge of search, deep learning is already changing the way Googling works.
Via Lockall, Andreas Christodoulou
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Read our post on seo life after RankBrain:
José Gil de Sagredo's curator insight,
March 25, 2016 7:33 AM
Read our post on seo life after RankBrain: |