A Year in 12 Posts
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2012 In 12 Posts

2012 In 12 Posts | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
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Politics, Science, Art, Web, Business: a curation of 2013 events (and 2012, and 2011)
Curated by Marc Rougier
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Jan 2013: Mozart's back!

Jan 2013: Mozart's back! | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"World number one Magnus Carlsen, 22, from Norway, has made history by overtaking chess legend Gary Kasparov's 12 year ratings record"

Marc Rougier's insight:

This Magnus Carlsen is amazing. Beating a 12 year-old world record at only 22 is a huge achievement (Kasparov was 41 when he set the previous record). Magnus become world #1 at 19.


The origins of chess are unclear but the game has been played for about 1500 years. Go was born in China and has been around twice that long. Both are great challenges for computer programmers (in Go, humans still rule, though - but not for long).


As strategic games, both chess and go are interesting metaphors for politicsbusiness and even Internet Marketing. Major difference between Go and Chess? In chess you destroy your opponent set position. In go you conquer an empty space.

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Mar 2013: Francis

Mar 2013: Francis | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
From the Vatican to Buenos Aires, Catholics worldwide rejoiced when Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio became the new pope.

Photo from Huffingtonpost.com

Marc Rougier's insight:

While I have my doubts and myths, as everyone (was the world created by playing dice?), they are private questions. Politically, I'm an atheist and laic. Yet I think that Pope Francis made a great debut. His positions on homosexuality, abortion, contraception, his openness to atheists, Muslims and Jews are to be praised.

If only the great leaders of this world could use their power to nurture tolerance and peace...

Maps of the religions of the world:

Age and number of followers, by order of appearance:

  • Hinduism           4000      800 million
  • Judaism             4000     14 million
  • Taoism, etc        2600     800 million
  • Zoroastrism       2600     <1 million
  • Shintoism           2600     3 millions
  • Buddhism           2500     400 million
  • Christianity         2014      2 billion
  • Islam                  1392      1.2 billion

(Sure, Zoroastrism is not a major religion in terms of adherents. But it intrigued me since I saw "2001: a Space Odyssey" and heard Richard Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathustra". I had to know who that was!)

It's interesting to see that all major religions were born in Asia. And how their histories and inspirations and so often closely related.

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May 2013: Human Cloning

May 2013: Human Cloning | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"For the first time, scientists have created human embryonic stem cells by transferring the nucleus of a mature cell into an egg."

Marc Rougier's insight:

What a milestone! Entering your worst sci-fi nightmares, or opening the door to personalized medicine? Expect interesting debates on ethic, risk, manipulation and the rest. Great achievement nevertheless.

This makes me optimistic: just one step closer to #cloneAlly (@Ally Greer, Scoop.it Community Manager with Super powers).

Browse the science interest for more. I'm specially fond of Dr Stephan Gruenwald's Amazing Science.

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Jul 2013: Egypt Coup

Jul 2013: Egypt Coup | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Egypt’s military ousted Mohamed Morsi, the nation’s first freely elected president, suspending the Constitution, installing an interim government and insisting it was representing the will of the people.
Marc Rougier's insight:

Not so long ago the world celebrated the Arab Spring. But things are complicated and painful. After having fought against Hosni Moubarak, Egyptians democratically elected Mohammed Morsi. But he gave lots of power to the Muslim Brotherhood and opponents said he betrayed the revolution. And now the army takes him done in a coup and the country is back in a deadly civil war... Messy and sad.

Since the hope of early 2011, unrests, fights, civil wars have continued to spread in Egypt, Syria (60,000 people killed), Mali, Somalia, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan. Scary world. We should never forget how lucky we are, us who live in peace today.

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Sep 2013: Microsoft buys Nokia

Sep 2013: Microsoft buys Nokia | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"As part of $7.2 billion deal, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop will step down to become an executive vice president of the division"

Photo from wired.com.

Marc Rougier's insight:

When we started Goojet (our Mobile Social Media adventure before Scoop.it) in 2007, neither iPhone nor Android existed and Nokia ruled the world. Their N95 was the best device then for mobile internet. And now they're gone. Talk about a market disruption initiated by Apple! Check today's phone market shares. Impressive performance by Samsung.

Speaking disruption, 2013 was a turning point for three major evolutions:

  • Bitcoin. Its price increased 100x ! What does it mean for the finance world and the world in general? Read more on Investors Europe Stock Brokers' topic.
  • The MOOCs, which address the most important asset: knowledge. Lots of good reading on MOOCs on Scoop.it
  • 3D Printing which changes the rule of the production game, some going as far as calling it the third industrial revolution.


These, plus IoT and Big Data: some fundamental changes, not mere buzz, emerged or exploded in 2013. Thinking of something else? 

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Nov 2013: Twitter IPO

Nov 2013: Twitter IPO | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"Twitter started trading on the NYSE at a price of $45.10 a share, which is 73% above the IPO price of $26 that was set by the company "

Marc Rougier's insight:

Huge success (its IPO valued Twitter $30b+). As a multiple of sales, it's more than Facebook. 1600 Twitter's employees will become millionaires and the government pockets $2b+ in taxes.

Some believe that the price is too high, but we at Scoop.it ran a survey [infographics] and found that, relative to its interest to Small and Medium Businesses, Twitter is cheaper than Facebook or LinkedIn! The sure thing is, this simple concept of 140 characters communication changed how we consume information and therefore, the world we live in.

Another mindblowing event in the digital economy this month: Evan Spiegel saying no to Facebook $3B offer for Snapchat

Oh, the photo in this post is not Twitter nor Snapchat related. This is the famous Three Studies of Lucian Freud by Francis Bacon. This November, it sets a new world record price for an art work at an auction, at a mesmerizing $142m.

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2012 In 12 Posts

2012 In 12 Posts | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
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Feb 2012: The Artist

Feb 2012: The Artist | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"The Artist, a love letter to Hollywood, got hugs, kisses and the best-picture Oscar"  - The New York Times

Marc Rougier's insight:

5 Oscar, including best actor for Jean Dujardin. And first best-picture award for a silent film since first ceremony in 1929. A Touching film, with daring choices (black and white, silent) and great actors. And also probably a superb marketing campain.

Google get clearance for its $12.5B bid on Motorola. Seems to me like Google went into mobile just yesterday. The pace at which the mobile world is reshaping is amazing ; the Android v. Apple battle is epic.

And for the geekiest : IBM getting closer to Quantum Computing! (can someone please explain this ?).

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Apr 2012: Myanmar

Apr 2012: Myanmar | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"Economic sanctions against Burma should be suspended in recognition of the changes taking place in the country"

Photo: Aung San Suu Kyi (/AFP/Getty Images/Mandel Ngan)

Marc Rougier's insight:

With armed conflicts in so many countries, it's almost impossible to catch the good news. Well, things are going better in Myanmar! D. Cameron, British P.M., called for suspension of sanctions; the European Union does it and Japan will write off the debt.

April also saw the mega acquisition of Instagram by Facebook for $1B! Instagram was a 2-year old, 12-people, no revenue company. Its founder, Kevin Systrom, 27-y old, pockets $400M.

Mark Zuckerberg then claimed "Not much will change with the service". I wonder if Instragram's users would agree with this statement today.

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Jun 2012: Solar Impulse

Jun 2012: Solar Impulse | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Solar Impulse, the Swiss project, completed the world first solar-powered intercontinental flight from Spain to Morocco. An important technical achievement when energy is one of the world next big challenges.

The plane was piloted by Bertrand Piccard, who was also the first to complete a non stop balloon flight around the world.

Less mediatic than a Richard Branson or Felix Baumgartner, but interesting family: his father Jacques was the first (with Don Walsh) to explore the deepest point of the oceans (Mariana Trench, - 36.000 ft) and his grand father Auguste set altitude records in balloon and invented the bathyscaphe

gbeuvelot's comment, January 13, 2013 5:48 PM
Up to come this year 2013, researcher, skipper and adventurer Raphale Dinelli will undertake some solar flight records. Unfortunately he counld not joind the 2012 Vendée Globe Race :-( have a look on his foundation http://www.fondationoceanvital.com/

Aug 2012: Curiosity on Mars

Aug 2012: Curiosity on Mars | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it


Marc Rougier's insight:

After a  352 million miles, 253 day journey from Earth, Nasa's heavy-weigth (1 ton) rover Curiosity lands on the red planet! One of the mission is to collect data for a manned mission!

Paul Doherty has a great video explaining what (Carbon) - and how - the rover is searching. Must watch.

Things to know when planning your next trip to Mars.

And if you want more good news from the stars, discover Guillaume's topic. And keep traveling!

On the business front, it was decision time for the Apple v. Samsung patent trial. Apple won.

I love the design of Apple's products. And I believe that patent rights are a necessary protection of R&D investments. But things are getting absurd. E.g. a "rectangle with rounded corners"; or "a tap is a zero-length swipe". Come on Apple, please...

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Oct 2012: Flying Felix

Oct 2012: Flying Felix | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Amazing feat, scientific achievement, egotistic trip? Whatever. We all watched and were thrilled. Congratulation Felix Baumgartner.


Records he set: first man to break the sound barrier with no engine (834 mph or Mach 1.24), highest jump ever (120.000 feet; previous record was 102,800 feet by Joe Kittinger back in 1960!). But also the most watched live video on Youtube (8 millions).

Here is a cool list of 15 speed records.

On a more dramatic note, Sandy hit on Oct 2012. Nasa has analysis and pictures. Impressive.

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Dec 2012: End of the World

Dec 2012: End of the World | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"More Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in six months than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined"

By Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times.

Marc Rougier's insight:

December was not the end of the world.

Eventually. The Maya miscalculated. Still, terrible news from Connecticut to Syria. More on coveting freedom here, a curation by Ammar Adulhamid, aka Amarji on Scoop.it and @Tharwacolamus on Twitter.

To make us dream and travel farther: Voyager 1 is reaching the edge of our solar system! Launched in 1977, it's now 18 billions km away from the Sun and its messages take 17h to reach us (at the speed of light...). As far as a human-made device has ever been. And still going!

December also made history in Chess: Magnus Carlsen, the youngest world #1 player, has beaten Kasparov's record rating of 2851. 

Oh, and Psy Gangnam Style hit the 1 billion mark this month! ;-)

Wishing you all freedom, happiness, success and good vibes for 2013.

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Feb 2013: BAM!!

Feb 2013: BAM!! | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
 The 2013 Russian meteor airburst packed the biggest punch from an impact to hit Earth in a century, a roughly 500-kiloton wallop.
Marc Rougier's insight:

A meteor hit Chelyabinsk in Russia in February.

Relatively small (20m), it came undetected. It travelled at 60.000 km/h and exploded when it entered the atmosphere, 23km above the ground. The generated air burst was 20 times more powerull than the bomb of Iroshima; it damaged buildings and injured people tens of miles away.

It tells a lot about kinetic energy, and why scientifics and movie makers are so interested in asteroids. Meteors are also a favorite end-of-world scenario for would be Nostradamuses. Speaking of which, I could not find his predictions for 2014 but an interesting curation by Business Insider.

The smallest exoplanet was also detected this month. With around 1000 alien worlds detected so far, the search for Earth-like, life-capable planets is hotter than ever! More good news from the stars.

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Apr 2013: Terminator

Apr 2013: Terminator | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
The U.S. government must shield its citizens from the multiplying eyes of surveillance drones
Marc Rougier's insight:

Drones have been in the news since the gulf wars. They became a hot topic on 2013. Military, police, entertainment, delivery (well, not quite yet, Amazon, but PrimeAir certainly was a communication hit), they are everywhere. In April, the Scientific American review started to warn against the impact of drones on our privacy. To be read in the perspective of PRISM and other scary initiatives. Democracy, beware.

And insect drones are coming! (from Miguel Prazeres's beautiful Biomimicry topic).

Moving further to a connected world, 2013 was also the year of the Internet of Things (IoT). Its impact will be felt in the economy, health care, media, energy, transport... in all our life, hopefully for the better. Major stake. Special praise to rising stars Arduino (a topic on the Italy-born open source popular platform) and Sigfox, the first IoT dedicated network.

Prism, Drones, IoT, Big DataRobots... seems like 2013 heralds a new era where the Internet as we know it was just a humble start to immense control and power given to machines and computers. I think it's time to watch Terminator again! And to be careful.

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Jun 2013: You're Being Watched

Jun 2013: You're Being Watched | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Youtube, AOL, Facebook, Skype, Verizon, ...: the NSA is spying on US (and perhaps not only US) citizen with a data mining program called PRISM, revealed in June.

Edward Snowden gave this interview. Getting closer and closer to 1984, the dystopian novel by George Orwell. Blurred boundaries between democracy, freedom and security... How afraid are you? I'm impressed by the power of the program... I'm also very impressed by Snowden's position. Must watch.

Meanwhile, China reclaimed top spot in the TOP500 list (most powerful supercomputers). [geek alert] Tianhe-2: 33.86 petaflop/s, more than 3 million cores. 30 times more powerful than the most powerul supercompters from 5 years ago. That's lots of power for data mining... 

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Aug 2013: He Had A Dream

Marc Rougier's insight:

[recording of one of the most famous speech of the 20th century, by Dr. Martin Luther King]

USA celebrated the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington this August. This is about politics, democracy, History. Congratulations.

This is also about brilliant rhetoric and true leadership.

What does leadership means today? This has always been a hot topic on Scoop.it. Check out the Leadership interest.

Also in August, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250m.

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Oct 2013: The Wild Side

Marc Rougier's insight:

Cult rock singer and guitarist Lou Reed died at 71. Listen again to this great song "a walk on the wild side" (1972).

Also in October, the USA experienced a government shut down. Failure by the congress to pass budget bill for fiscal year 2014 lead to about 2 millions employees not being paid for 16 days.

And still in October, special mention to Criteo's IPO! One of the best IPO of any European tech company ever, and a huge success for the French tech scene. Hopefully, the beginning of a trend! Congratz!

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Dec 2013: Nelson Mandela

Dec 2013: Nelson Mandela | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Died in December 2013. His courage, vision, tenacity and wisdom changed his country and made him an admirable leader of unique dimension.

Nelson Mandela inspires leaders beyond Africa and beyond politic.

Other people, famous and infamous, said goodbye in 2013 : Hugo Chavez (March),  Margaret Thatcher (April),  Henri Dutilleux (May),  Tom ClancyVo Nguyen Giap (October), Peter O'TooleMikhail Kalashnikov (December)...


2013 for Scoop.it


In 2013, Scoop.it entered the era of meritoc[u]racy, aka #curatethecurators: peer organization of the best topics in interests. We have also more millionaires, our most succesful curators having even passed the 3 million bar views!

Scoop.it also further proved its values to professionals and businesses. Read what the web says and checkout a few business topics.

We are also always eager to share, learn and progress! Please join the conversation on our blog, on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

Thanks a lot to all of you, our users and our community, for a great 2013. It was tough, exciting and rewarding at the same time.

Peace, success and fun to all, for a greater 2014! 

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Jan 2012: Concordia

Jan 2012: Concordia | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"Captain Held After Cruise Ship Capsizes" - SkyNews (video)

Marc Rougier's insight:

January 2011 was full of hope: we celebrated the Arab spring and the beginning of a year which ended up being tough on tyrans.

2012 was less glorious on many fronts (armed conflicts, economic crisis). The ship Concordia (= "harmony"; beautiful name...) gave the starting signal. A half a billion capsized ship and a chaotic evacuation.

We however need to learn to catch the good signals and to generate good vibes! Here is a personal curation of some 2012 events - politics, business, web, sport, art... what marked me in the past 12 months. Enjoy, share and comment. And most importantly, let 2013 be a better year for everyone!

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Mar 2012: R.I.P. Moebius

Mar 2012: R.I.P. Moebius | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"It's with true sadness that we report on the death of Jean 'Moebius' Giraud, the legendary French comic book artist, illustrator and conceptual designer."

Marc Rougier's insight:

Moebius reach was so wide: US comics, Japanese mangas and even movies (Alien, Tron, The Fifth Element). A creator of universes, a rare artist.

Also in March, Putin's come back. Back to the cold war days, Russia was the bad soviet guy. Now it's more complex: Russia embrassed capitalism but embarasses with its positions on Iran, Syria, democracy.

And if your software crashed with no good reason, you might have an excuse: the biggest solar storm in 5 years. Stronger storms expected in 2013!

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May 2012: Facebook IPO

May 2012: Facebook IPO | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

1. Too late. Facebook's shares have been dead in the water for the last 12 months. Private investors had already bid up Facebook to a $100 billion value a year ago.

2. Mark Zuckerberg’s disdain for investors.

"7 Reasons Why Facebook IPO Was A Bust" - R. Karlgaard, Forbes.

Marc Rougier's insight:

Facebook IPO was huge: more than $100B valuation (record for a newly public company) and raising $16B (the 3rd biggest amount in a US IPO)!

However it was not as smooth as planned and the shares went from a high of 45 to a low of 18 in less than 5 months. Things are going better now, with mobile monetization taking off.

And you? How many hours per day on FB? Do you have friends leaving FB? Do you see more effective F-commerce? Do you like the latest UI?

Oh! Why this pic, "the Scream" by E. Munch? It was sold for $120M this month, a new world record for any work of art at auction. Absolute record is hold by "Les joueurs de carte" de P. Cezanne ($250M).

gbeuvelot's comment, January 13, 2013 5:52 PM
Fine Arts could be one of the next "Bubble" in worldwide.

Jul 2012: London Olympics

Jul 2012: London Olympics | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"WSJ Medal Count here."

Marc Rougier's insight:

Of course: Oscar PistoriusFelix Sanchez, Michael PhelpsUsan Bolt (and his TPM record: more than 80.000 Tweet per minute), but ...

My prefered stories: Dong Hyun setting a new world record in archery although he is ... blind! And Hamadou Djibo Issaka: was given a wild card and 3 months to train to rowing... that's the olympic spirit!

Also from the Olympics but much less glorious: the scandal of censorship.

But there was something bigger in July 2012: The Higgs boson has almost certainly been discovered!

The Higgs boson was a "missing particle", predicted by the standard model of physics 50 years ago, but never so far observed. A mega device, the Large Hadron Collider (cost: $1B+) has been build just for it. Electroweak interactions, symmetry-breaking scalar fields... poetry!

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Sep 2012: Element 113

Sep 2012: Element 113 | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Aristotle: "All men, by nature, desire to know".

Terror in Afghanistan and Syria, the crazyness following the "Innocence of Muslims"... September was, again, painful on the world scene.

So I prefer to focus on our "desire to know":

Element 113, the chemical element of atomic mass 113, has been discovered by a Japanese team, which will now get to name it. The desire to know is an amazing force: over 9 years, the team fired 130 quintillion atoms of zinc to a bismuth target, eventually creating... 3 atoms of Element 113, which lived... a few milliseconds. Speak about tenacity.

Science never stops: two great topics to keep you informed and excited: Sakis Koukouvis's Science News and Dr Stefan Gruenwald's Amazing Science (and there are more: keep searching too and let me know :-)).

gbeuvelot's comment, January 13, 2013 5:56 PM
maybe a small hit for the most documented research on GMO's effect directed during 2 years by scientist Gilles Eric Seralini ?

Nov 2012: Barack Obama

Nov 2012: Barack Obama | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it

"This page is run by Obama for America, President Obama's 2012 campaign."

Marc Rougier's insight:

On Nov 6, Barack Obama was elected to a second presidential term, defeating Republican Mitt Romney (332 - 206. Full results: here).

Web perspective: Beyond the political stake, this post links to Obama's FB page. Super classy pics of a super classy man. Also, his "four more years" tweet broke the record of most RT ever (800k+).

On Nov 18, one of my heros (this is a personal curation) died. Patrick Edlinger was a free climber and a free man. Here is a beautiful video of him climbing (dancing? levitating?) bare hands, bare feet, no rope. Music by Bach. Enjoy, dream, remember.

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