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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 25, 2018 12:15 PM

What does good knowledge management look like? | #PKM

What does good knowledge management look like? | #PKM | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

What does good knowledge management look like?

In our article 7 steps to knowledge management success we looked at how to turn knowledge into action to make it real but what does good knowledge management look like?   

To answer this question, once again, I called on Paul Whiffen and his two decades of experience in KM to explain.  

When introducing knowledge management strategy to an organisation, there are some familiar questions and barriers to overcome.


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Gust MEES's insight:

What does good knowledge management look like?

In our article 7 steps to knowledge management success we looked at how to turn knowledge into action to make it real but what does good knowledge management look like?   

To answer this question, once again, I called on Paul Whiffen and his two decades of experience in KM to explain.  

When introducing knowledge management strategy to an organisation, there are some familiar questions and barriers to overcome.


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CCM Consultancy's curator insight, October 1, 2018 2:03 AM

We live in an increasingly knowledge-based world.  Knowledge is a key commodity and we should treat knowledge as the main asset for individuals, companies and countries.

ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:01 PM


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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 1, 2018 10:03 AM

Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education | #SocialMedia #PLN #PKM #LEARNing2LEARN

Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education | #SocialMedia #PLN #PKM #LEARNing2LEARN | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In today’s hypermedia landscape, youth and young adults are increasingly using social media platforms, online aggregators and mobile applications for daily information use. Communication educators, armed with a host of free, easy-to-use online tools, have the ability to create dynamic approaches to teaching and learning about information and communication flow online. In this paper we explore the concept of curation as a student- and creation-driven pedagogical tool to enhance digital and media literacy education.


We present a theoretical justification for curation and present six key ways that curation can be used to teach about critical thinking, analysis and expression online. We utilize a case study of the digital curation platform Storify to explore how curation works in the classroom, and present a framework that integrates curation pedagogy into core media literacy education learning outcomes.


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Gust MEES's insight:

In today’s hypermedia landscape, youth and young adults are increasingly using social media platforms, online aggregators and mobile applications for daily information use. Communication educators, armed with a host of free, easy-to-use online tools, have the ability to create dynamic approaches to teaching and learning about information and communication flow online. In this paper we explore the concept of curation as a student- and creation-driven pedagogical tool to enhance digital and media literacy education.


We present a theoretical justification for curation and present six key ways that curation can be used to teach about critical thinking, analysis and expression online. We utilize a case study of the digital curation platform Storify to explore how curation works in the classroom, and present a framework that integrates curation pedagogy into core media literacy education learning outcomes.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 29, 2018 6:08 PM

Die richtige Betonung beim Sprechen | #SprechTraining #Rhetorik

Die richtige Betonung beim Sprechen | #SprechTraining #Rhetorik | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Die richtige Betonung beim Sprechen

Wir sagen viel, dennoch ist nicht alles gleich wichtig.

Was ist damit gemeint „Die richtige Betonung“? Beim Sprechen ist es wichtig, den Ton auf vereinzelte Wörter oder Halbsätze zu legen.

Wenn Sie einen Text schreiben machen Sie das auch. Sie verwenden Überschriften, Fettdruck, unterstreichen Wörter etc. und eigentlich können Sie das in der Regel auch beim Sprechen anwenden, aber wie geht das?  

Machen Sie doch einmal eine kleine Übung:

Nehmen Sie sich einen Text der fettgedruckte Stellen, Unterstreichungen etc. aufweist zur Hand und üben Sie – wichtig ist, daß Sie laut lesen. Die hervorgehobenen Wörter sprechen Sie in erster Linie klar und mit leicht erhobener Stimme, wobei Sie kurze davor und danach einfügen. Vielleicht hilft es Ihnen das Wort zu betonen wenn Sie dies mit einer Geste wie z.B. Hand heben unterstreichen.

Wiederholen Sie den gleichen Text und achten Sie bewusst darauf, wie sich mit der jeweiligen Betonung auch der Inhalt verändert. Durch die richtige Betonung ist es Ihnen möglich, mit dem gleichen Satz unterschiedliche Aussagen zu machen. Ihre Zuhörer werden sofort merken welches der wichtige Inhalt des Gesagten ist. Denn ist es nicht so, daß Sie auch beim Lesen das Fettgedruckte besser wahrnehmen?

Durch die richtige Betonung werden auch Mißverständnisse vermieden. Ihre Rede kommt präzise an und den Zuhörern ist es leichter möglich, aufmerksam zu folgen und vor allen Dingen alles richtig zu verstehen. Eine freie Interpretation wird vermieden. Geben Sie den Kernaussagen Sinn und Bedeutung.

Häufig denken Sprecher, daß sie richtig betonen. Dies ist jedoch in den meisten Fällen ein Trugschluss. Betonen Sie falsch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, daß jeder das Gesagte für sich selbst deutet, was wiederum zur Folge hat, daß Sie falsch verstanden werden bzw. Ihre Botschaft nicht richtig ankommt, der Inhalt ein anderer wird. 


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Gust MEES's insight:

Die richtige Betonung beim Sprechen

Wir sagen viel, dennoch ist nicht alles gleich wichtig.

Was ist damit gemeint „Die richtige Betonung“? Beim Sprechen ist es wichtig, den Ton auf vereinzelte Wörter oder Halbsätze zu legen.

Wenn Sie einen Text schreiben machen Sie das auch. Sie verwenden Überschriften, Fettdruck, unterstreichen Wörter etc. und eigentlich können Sie das in der Regel auch beim Sprechen anwenden, aber wie geht das?  

Machen Sie doch einmal eine kleine Übung:

Nehmen Sie sich einen Text der fettgedruckte Stellen, Unterstreichungen etc. aufweist zur Hand und üben Sie – wichtig ist, daß Sie laut lesen. Die hervorgehobenen Wörter sprechen Sie in erster Linie klar und mit leicht erhobener Stimme, wobei Sie kurze davor und danach einfügen. Vielleicht hilft es Ihnen das Wort zu betonen wenn Sie dies mit einer Geste wie z.B. Hand heben unterstreichen.

Wiederholen Sie den gleichen Text und achten Sie bewusst darauf, wie sich mit der jeweiligen Betonung auch der Inhalt verändert. Durch die richtige Betonung ist es Ihnen möglich, mit dem gleichen Satz unterschiedliche Aussagen zu machen. Ihre Zuhörer werden sofort merken welches der wichtige Inhalt des Gesagten ist. Denn ist es nicht so, daß Sie auch beim Lesen das Fettgedruckte besser wahrnehmen?

Durch die richtige Betonung werden auch Mißverständnisse vermieden. Ihre Rede kommt präzise an und den Zuhörern ist es leichter möglich, aufmerksam zu folgen und vor allen Dingen alles richtig zu verstehen. Eine freie Interpretation wird vermieden. Geben Sie den Kernaussagen Sinn und Bedeutung.

Häufig denken Sprecher, daß sie richtig betonen. Dies ist jedoch in den meisten Fällen ein Trugschluss. Betonen Sie falsch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, daß jeder das Gesagte für sich selbst deutet, was wiederum zur Folge hat, daß Sie falsch verstanden werden bzw. Ihre Botschaft nicht richtig ankommt, der Inhalt ein anderer wird. 


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Notebook or My Personal Learning Network
August 10, 2017 7:15 PM

Content Curation & Cultural Heritage – Content Curation Official Guide | #ModernEDU #PKM

Content Curation & Cultural Heritage – Content Curation Official Guide | #ModernEDU #PKM | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
“When we curate content online, it enhances who we are, both in the sense of…
- we learn things, and we help to define ourselves by understanding our own interests — and in a more external way, by…


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Via Gilbert C FAURE
Gust MEES's insight:
When we curate content online, it enhances who we are, both in the sense of…
- we learn things, and we help to define ourselves by understanding our own interests — and in a more external way, by…


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 7, 2016 7:18 AM

Why Content Curation Has Become a Vital Skill for Students | #PKM #PLN #SocialMedia

Why Content Curation Has Become a Vital Skill for Students | #PKM #PLN #SocialMedia | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

People often say things like, “the teacher is no longer the source of information now that students can curate it themselves.” This is typically accompanied by the term “guide on the side” to describe a teacher’s role.


While I see some validity in this sentiment, I think it proves that now more than ever, teachers need to be curators. They need to be geeking out on their subjects. They need to help students figure out where to go. Yes, they might be “on the side,” but they are still guides, helping students navigate the terrain for the first time ever. And that’s precisely what a curator does. We curate so that we can help students learn the art of content curation.


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Gust MEES's insight:

People often say things like, “the teacher is no longer the source of information now that students can curate it themselves.” This is typically accompanied by the term “guide on the side” to describe a teacher’s role.


While I see some validity in this sentiment, I think it proves that now more than ever, teachers need to be curators. They need to be geeking out on their subjects. They need to help students figure out where to go. Yes, they might be “on the side,” but they are still guides, helping students navigate the terrain for the first time ever. And that’s precisely what a curator does. We curate so that we can help students learn the art of content curation.


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Manuela Mejia's curator insight, September 19, 2016 9:42 PM
In my opinion, this article is very interesting since it gives a complete definition of who is a curator. A curate is a person who goes beyond the information, is someone who searches, selects, organize and manages information and finds the way to explain to other people through a jargon that is understandable for almost everyone. As teachers in development, we need to learn how to grow students in wisdom but also teach them how to connect the information they consume. Nowadays students are faced a technological era in which not all the information is relevant or necessary in the academic field, so as teachers we help students to used appropriated the benefits that technology gives them.
Scooped by Gust MEES
January 26, 2016 3:37 PM

Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: Das ist die größte Herausforderung der Digitalisierung Design Thinking

Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos: Das ist die größte Herausforderung der Digitalisierung  Design Thinking | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Anstatt über Gegenwart und Vergangenheit zu jammern, haben führende Köpfe in Davos über die Zukunft gesprochen: Es geht darum, wie wir unsere Kinder unterrichten. Und wieso Angst ein schlechter Ratgeber ist.

In der Wirtschaft hat sich die Innovationsmethode „Design Thinking“ von einer reinen Kreativitäts-Technik zu einem Treiber des Wandels ganzer Unternehmen entwickelt. Auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos wurde sie sogar als Ausbildungsmethode auch für Schüler und Studenten ins Spiel gebracht, um sich schneller Wissen aneignen zu können.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Anstatt über Gegenwart und Vergangenheit zu jammern, haben führende Köpfe in Davos über die Zukunft gesprochen: Es geht darum, wie wir unsere Kinder unterrichten. Und wieso Angst ein schlechter Ratgeber ist.

In der Wirtschaft hat sich die Innovationsmethode „Design Thinking“ von einer reinen Kreativitäts-Technik zu einem Treiber des Wandels ganzer Unternehmen entwickelt. Auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos wurde sie sogar als Ausbildungsmethode auch für Schüler und Studenten ins Spiel gebracht, um sich schneller Wissen aneignen zu können.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 30, 2015 11:29 AM

UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / How To!? | LEARNing To LEARN | ICT | eSkills

UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / How To!? | LEARNing To LEARN | ICT | eSkills | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / How To!? UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / HowTo!? WHAT!??? I hear very often (too often) this phrase "As a TEACHer, professor, I want to teach my whole career THE SAME way as I do NOW AND WE did it ALWAYS SO!“. Aaaaargh, when I hear that phrase I get even more grey hair as I already have ;)

Read to blog post who will guide YOU through the How-To for CHANGE and who gives YOU ALSO Tips, advice to prepare YOUR students, learners for the BIG 21st Century CHALLENGE...

Gust MEES's insight:

UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / How To!? UnLEARNing THE OLD, ReLEARNing, LEARNing To LEARN / HowTo!? WHAT!??? I hear very often (too often) this phrase "As a TEACHer, professor, I want to teach my whole career THE SAME way as I do NOW AND WE did it ALWAYS SO!“. Aaaaargh, when I hear that phrase I get even more grey hair as I already have ;)

Read to blog post who will guide YOU through the How-To for CHANGE and who gives YOU ALSO Tips, advice to prepare YOUR students, learners for the BIG 21st Century CHALLENGE...

Kristi Ivan's curator insight, December 1, 2015 8:48 AM

Great to see 21st century learning skills permeating the workplace! 



Raquel Oliveira's curator insight, December 7, 2015 9:07 AM

Em áreas de educação corporativa, treinamento, desenvolvimento organziacional, etc... a questão deve ser- como estamos contribuindo para a aprendizagem das 10 competências requeridas no seculo XXI?


Deanne LaRoche's curator insight, May 28, 2017 9:39 PM

This was certainly an eye opener that many of the skills I am learning as a pre-service teacher in the areas of ITC and pedagogy relate directly to skills that are desired in the workforce.  This strengthens my resolve to be able to teach students using these pedagogies to ensure that they are successful in their lives post schooling.

Rescooped by Gust MEES from Personalized Professional Development
November 9, 2015 10:08 AM

Developing Digital Literacy Through Content Curation

Developing Digital Literacy Through Content Curation | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
With the amount of content that is shared on the Internet every minute, it’s no surprise that many people feel overwhelmed by the quantity of information out there. This is why content curation is becoming an essential digital literacy skill for teachers and students.

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Via Guillaume Decugis, Manuel Pinto, michel verstrepen, Stephania Savva, Ph.D, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD
Gust MEES's insight:
With the amount of content that is shared on the Internet every minute, it’s no surprise that many people feel overwhelmed by the quantity of information out there. This is why content curation is becoming an essential digital literacy skill for teachers and students.

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delmy's curator insight, November 10, 2015 7:27 PM

# sceuned15

T. Ryno's curator insight, November 13, 2015 5:13 AM

Content curation is certainly an important digital literacy skill, very useful for citizenship as a whole. An awesome tool to increase the current level of critical thinking. 

Janine Roy's curator insight, November 29, 2015 8:33 PM

Content curation has become an essential digital literacy skill for teachers and students.

Scooped by Gust MEES
September 30, 2015 8:41 AM

So twittern Lehrerinnen und Lehrer | Social Media | Twitter | #EdChatDE

So twittern Lehrerinnen und Lehrer | Social Media | Twitter | #EdChatDE | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Seit 2013 organisieren zwei deutsche Lehrpersonen Chatrunden auf Twitter. Dabei vermischen sich persönliche Unterrichtserfahrungen mit informeller Weiterbildung.

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Gust MEES's insight:
Seit 2013 organisieren zwei deutsche Lehrpersonen Chatrunden auf Twitter. Dabei vermischen sich persönliche Unterrichtserfahrungen mit informeller Weiterbildung.

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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Learning - Social Media - Innovation
June 12, 2015 4:00 PM

How Curated Content Performance Beats Original Content | Curation | eSkills

How Curated Content Performance Beats Original Content | Curation | eSkills | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Having the original versus curated content debate? Here's research to help you. Advantages and disadvantages of original vs curated content are presented.

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Via Marc Wachtfogel, Ph.D.
Gust MEES's insight:
Having the original versus curated content debate? Here's research to help you. Advantages and disadvantages of original vs curated content are presented.

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bernieshoot's curator insight, June 13, 2015 7:28 AM

#content #performance

Tony Guzman's curator insight, June 15, 2015 2:40 PM

This article addresses the argument of, "What is more effective: original or curated content?"

Rescooped by Gust MEES from Costrutti e Connessioni
May 23, 2015 11:46 AM

Connectivism: Learning as a Community - Designed 2 Learn | Learning To Learn | Collaboration

Connectivism: Learning as a Community - Designed 2 Learn | Learning To Learn | Collaboration | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
In a modern world where knowledge objects are ubiquitous and openly accessible, the roles of educators and learners must evolve to meet the growing needs of the resulting high-paced, digital society. Connectivism is an emergent, net-enabled learning theory that suggests the most important result of a learning situation is the ability of the learner to make connections between distinct ideas using social capital and the affordances of digital networks.

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Gust MEES's insight:

In a modern world where knowledge objects are ubiquitous and openly accessible, the roles of educators and learners must evolve to meet the growing needs of the resulting high-paced, digital society. Connectivism is an emergent, net-enabled learning theory that suggests the most important result of a learning situation is the ability of the learner to make connections between distinct ideas using social capital and the affordances of digital networks.

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Alfio Gangemi's curator insight, May 24, 2015 8:05 PM

This article talks about how educators roles have to evolve to meet the growing needs of a high paced digital society as well as Connectivism and how important it is in a modern day classroom to help students develop better understanding of distinct ideas using social capital and capabilities of digital networks. 

Heraclio Muñoz Cruz's curator insight, May 25, 2015 8:14 AM

Conectivismo: Aprendizaje en comunidad.

Carlos Silva's curator insight, August 30, 2015 1:57 PM

añada su visión ...

Scooped by Gust MEES
August 9, 2018 2:37 PM

Why is Digital Curation so Important for Educators in 2018? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing

Why is Digital Curation so Important for Educators in 2018? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it



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Gust MEES's insight:

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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:10 PM


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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 1, 2018 9:19 AM

Considering Community: Communities of practice as vital tools for knowledge management | #PKM #LEARNing2LEARN

Considering Community: Communities of practice as vital tools for knowledge management | #PKM #LEARNing2LEARN | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Considering Community: Communities of practice as vital tools for knowledge management

Social in silico includes a series of occasional posts focused on community management tips and related information. I’m tagging these Considering Community and you can find all the posts in the series here. 

Previously on this blog, I’ve reflected on the different types of community that I’ve observed within science and specifically in the first cohort of the community engagement fellowship program that I run at AAAS. I identified four initial broad types of scientific communities – from professional associations to communities of practice. I’m currently delving deeper into communities of practice and am enjoying reading “Cultivating communities of practice” by Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott and William M. Snyder.

Communities of practice and coffee – breaking down those silos one latte at a time…

What’s a community of practice – and what does it have to do with knowledge management?
A community of practice is a group of people who gather to learn more about a topic together and in doing so deepen their knowledge and expertise. The group may not have a specifically defined goal, but rather meet regularly to continually refine what they know about a subject. As such, communities of practice are key to knowledge management.

Wenger et al list 5 ways in which communities of practice are key to how we manage knowledge...


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Gust MEES's insight:

Considering Community: Communities of practice as vital tools for knowledge management

Social in silico includes a series of occasional posts focused on community management tips and related information. I’m tagging these Considering Community and you can find all the posts in the series here. 

Previously on this blog, I’ve reflected on the different types of community that I’ve observed within science and specifically in the first cohort of the community engagement fellowship program that I run at AAAS. I identified four initial broad types of scientific communities – from professional associations to communities of practice. I’m currently delving deeper into communities of practice and am enjoying reading “Cultivating communities of practice” by Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott and William M. Snyder.

Communities of practice and coffee – breaking down those silos one latte at a time…

What’s a community of practice – and what does it have to do with knowledge management?
A community of practice is a group of people who gather to learn more about a topic together and in doing so deepen their knowledge and expertise. The group may not have a specifically defined goal, but rather meet regularly to continually refine what they know about a subject. As such, communities of practice are key to knowledge management.

Wenger et al list 5 ways in which communities of practice are key to how we manage knowledge...


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 21, 2017 12:38 PM

Curation: The 21st Century Way To Learn On Its Own Pace And To Organize THE Learning? | #ModernLEARNing

Curation: The 21st Century Way To Learn On Its Own Pace And To Organize THE Learning? | #ModernLEARNing | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Curation: The 21st Century Way To Learn On Its Own Pace And To Organize THE Learning? Already since 2011 I use Curation for my learning and through it I built my “Professional Knowledge Management“, called also PKMBut WHAT is Curation?


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Gust MEES's insight:

Curation: The 21st Century Way To Learn On Its Own Pace And To Organize THE Learning? Already since 2011 I use Curation for my learning and through it I built my “Professional Knowledge Management“, called also PKMBut WHAT is Curation?


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Presenters's curator insight, October 23, 2017 5:10 AM
La curación de contenidos es una herramienta que está creciendo día a día.  Pero, ¿sabemos curar bien? ¡Aquí van algunos consejos!
Claudia Cardona Naranjo's curator insight, October 30, 2017 12:44 PM
This is a good way to be organized 8n order to share documents or information. Teachers also can approach the infografics and the way they are organized to be implemente in the classroom. 
Some tips are very useful so as to let us to know what kind of content can be shared. 
La French witch's curator insight, November 14, 2017 3:19 AM
A simple illustrated guide to master the art of curating posts / Un guide simple et imagé de l'art de la curation de ressources et articles :-)
Scooped by Gust MEES
April 19, 2017 7:32 AM

Meta-cognitive projection of analytics and personalized learning | #MetaCognition #LEARNing2LEARN #ModernEDU

Meta-cognitive projection of analytics and personalized learning | #MetaCognition #LEARNing2LEARN #ModernEDU | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

By Juan Domingo Farnós, independent researcher in education technologies, e-Learning and knowledge management.


Text: We are at a moment when, first of all, we need to be clear on how our mind works – and therefore the synergies that are produced at a neuronal level – and, second of all, its correspondence with our…


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Gust MEES's insight:

By Juan Domingo Farnós, independent researcher in education technologies, e-Learning and knowledge management.


Text: We are at a moment when, first of all, we need to be clear on how our mind works – and therefore the synergies that are produced at a neuronal level – and, second of all, its correspondence with our…


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Edumorfosis.it
September 4, 2016 6:54 AM

Personal Learning Networks: All eLearning pros need to know | #PLN #PKM #SocialMedia 

Personal Learning Networks: All eLearning pros need to know | #PLN #PKM #SocialMedia  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
A Personal Learning Network involves a group of individuals who share ideas, feedback, and experiences. In the realm of eLearning these interactions take place online, through forums, social media, and other collaborative online platforms. Online learners have the power to participate in online discussions when and how it suits their needs. Regardless of their physical location, preferences, or goals, Personal Learning Networks are a valuable eLearning resource. Here are the top benefits of Personal Learning Networks, as well as 5 tips for integrating them into your eLearning course design.


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Via Edumorfosis
Gust MEES's insight:
A Personal Learning Network involves a group of individuals who share ideas, feedback, and experiences. In the realm of eLearning these interactions take place online, through forums, social media, and other collaborative online platforms. Online learners have the power to participate in online discussions when and how it suits their needs. Regardless of their physical location, preferences, or goals, Personal Learning Networks are a valuable eLearning resource. Here are the top benefits of Personal Learning Networks, as well as 5 tips for integrating them into your eLearning course design.


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António Leça Domingues's curator insight, August 30, 2016 6:01 AM
Tudo o que é útil saber sobre redes pessoais de aprendizagem.
Maria Angélica Morales Valencia's curator insight, September 4, 2016 7:02 PM
Actually, people have different strategies to learn or study, one of them is Personal Learning Networks. Thanks to the technology, this is strategy is easier and useful since we can study with other people through forums, debates, social Medias, etc… E-learning has some advantages such as no geographical barriers, meet new people, cultures, ideas and thoughts also collaboration is more evident in learning networks than in traditional networks. Some tips to make your e-learning more successful is being active in the process, understanding that contribute with information is important as receive all that information and being clear about the guidelines. E-learning Networks give you a lot of opportunities to increase your knowledge.
Scooped by Gust MEES
December 12, 2015 11:18 AM

3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network | CTQ | PLN | PKM

3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network | CTQ | PLN | PKM | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

English teacher and instructional technology coach Brianna Crowley offers practical advice on creating professional learning networks built on intersecting layers of relationships.

This article originally appeared in Education Week Teacher as part of a publishing partnership with the Center for Teaching Quality. Reprinted with permission from the author.

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Gust MEES's insight:

English teacher and instructional technology coach Brianna Crowley offers practical advice on creating professional learning networks built on intersecting layers of relationships.

This article originally appeared in Education Week Teacher as part of a publishing partnership with the Center for Teaching Quality. Reprinted with permission from the author.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 20, 2015 3:18 AM

A beginner’s guide to content curation | LEARNing To LEARN

A beginner’s guide to content curation | LEARNing To LEARN | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Why do content curation? What is it exactly? Here is the guide to content curation you need to become successful in content marketing.

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Gust MEES's insight:
Why do content curation? What is it exactly? Here is the guide to content curation you need to become successful in content marketing.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 12, 2015 11:03 AM

3 Keys To Building Content For The Modern Learner - eLearning Industry

3 Keys To Building Content For The Modern Learner - eLearning Industry | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Want to know how to build content for the Modern Learner? Check 3 Keys to building content for the Modern Learner.

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Gust MEES's insight:
Want to know how to build content for the Modern Learner? Check 3 Keys to building content for the Modern Learner.

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Silvia Meza's curator insight, October 14, 2015 5:47 PM

Es necesario tener en cuenta que nuestros estudiantes son nativos digitales, han crecido en contacto con los medios audiovisuales, fuertemente estimulados por imágenes. Al emplear las TIC en nuestras clases debemos considerar ciertos factores claves al  presentar los contenidos, no caer en la excesiva explicación o estaremos usando la tecnología,pero seguiremos con el enciclopedismo. Emplear, videos, relevantes para ellos, pero acorde a lo que quiero enseñar, y no un mero collage.Que sean disparadores de la clase.

Somos mediadores entre el contenido y los alumnos, los medios audiovisuales son herramienta y no un fin en si mismos.

Bibiana Vargas's curator insight, October 15, 2015 7:06 AM

It is not just about delivering skills, its how these are to be performed.  Great piece on the many facets of learning either corporate or professional development, content should follow instructional guidelines, but also bear in mind the process that goes on inside the learner.

Tony Palmeri's curator insight, October 24, 2015 11:00 AM

I chose this resource because I was interested in understanding the "modern learner". In summary, content that is short, visual, mobile enabled, and social is certainly advised. I often feel as a practitioner, I overly explain directions and end up being redundant. I don't want students to "miss" anything and feel that telling them multiple times will increase the odds that instructions are understood. But in a digital age, students can rewind and watch components of a video over again if needed. Maybe I should utilize more YouTube for my lab instructions (I already have several of my lab instructions online). 

Rescooped by Gust MEES from Digital Delights
June 18, 2015 10:32 AM

A framework for content curation

A framework for content curation | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
In conversation at EduTECH earlier this month, Harold Jarche evoked George E. P. Box's quote that "all models are wrong, but some are useful". Of course, the purpose of a model is to simplify a com...

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Via Ana Cristina Pratas
Gust MEES's insight:
In conversation at EduTECH earlier this month, Harold Jarche evoked George E. P. Box's quote that "all models are wrong, but some are useful". Of course, the purpose of a model is to simplify a com...

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Dr. Pyrate's curator insight, June 19, 2015 9:00 AM

How do I know I'm curating this? (go meta!) Well, inserting comments helps. I can't read the top level in this image, so this could be improved.

Karen Dunlap's curator insight, June 19, 2015 7:43 PM

Could be nicely applied to online PLC formation. 

Zhang Meilan's curator insight, June 25, 2015 11:20 PM


第一类是引起学生注意:1.吸引我; 2.激励我。

第二类是告诉学生:3.告诉我; 4.给我看。


Scooped by Gust MEES
June 3, 2015 5:24 PM

Content Curation | eSkills | PKM

Content Curation | eSkills | PKM | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Content curation is the art of finding, selecting, contextualizing, personalizing and illustrating relevant information items on a specific topic and for a specific audience.

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Gust MEES's insight:

Content curation is the art of finding, selecting, contextualizing, personalizing and illustrating relevant information items on a specific topic and for a specific audience.

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Tericia Eller's curator insight, November 6, 2015 11:54 AM

Review the tools here for use in CC for PLN