The base url to request the api is:
Access a user's profile.
- id
- long optional - the id of the user to lookup - defaults to the current user
- shortName
- string optional - the shortName of the user to lookup - defaults to the current user
- curated
- int optional - default to 0, number of curated posts to retrieve for each topic present in user data
- curable
- int optional - default to 0, number of curable posts to retrieve for each topic the current user is the curator (so it should not be specified if the "id" parameter is specified)
- ncomments
- int optional - default to 0, the maximum number of comments to retrieve for each curated post found in each topic present in user data
- getCuratedTopics
- bool optional - default to true. returns or not list of curated topics
- getFollowedTopics
- bool optional - default to true. returns or not list of followed topics
- getTags
- bool optional - default to true. returns or not list of tags for each returned topic
- getCreator
- bool optional - default to true. returns or not creator of each returned topic
- getStats
- bool optional - default to true. returns or not stats for each returned topic
- filterCuratedTopicsByCreationDateFrom
- timestamp optional - default to 0 (unix epoch). Filter curated topics by creation date.
- filterCuratedTopicsByCreationDateTo
- timestamp optional - default to 2^63. Filter curated topics by creation date.
"user" : <
user > - the user
"stats" : < "v" : int - number of views on the user's content
"vp" : int - number of views progression on the user's content
"uv" : int - DEPRECATED
- number of unique visitors on the user's content
"uvp" : int - DEPRECATED
- number of unique visitors progression on
the user's content
Access topic data.
- id
- long required, unless 'urlName' is provided - the id of the topic to lookup
- urlName
- string required, unless 'id' is provided - the urlName of the topic to lookup
- curated
- int optional, default to 30 - number of curated posts to retrieve for this topic
- page
- int optional, default to 0
- curable
- int optional, default to 0 - for this topic, this parameter is ignored if the current user is not the curator of this topic
- curablePage
- int optional, default to 0 - for this topic, this parameter is ignored if the current user is not the curator of this topic - get a given page of curable posts
- order
- string mandatory if "since" parameter is not specified - sort order
of the curated posts, can be "tag" (see below), "search" (filter result on query "q" mandatory - see below), "curationDate",
"user" (same order as seen in the scoop.it website)
- tag
- string[] mandatory if "order"=="tag"
- q
- string mandatory if "order"=="search" - the query to use to search in the topic
- since
- timestamp - only retrieve curated post newer than this timestamp
- to
- timestamp optional - used with "since" parameter, retrieve curated posts posts older then this timestamp
- ncomments
- int optional, default to 100 - each curated post found in this topic
- showScheduled
- boolean optional, default to false - if true, the response will include the scheduled posts
Curated and curable parameters are exclusive: you cannot set both.
Since parameter is based on publication date for curable posts and on curation date
for curated posts.
"topic" : <
topic > - the topic
POST /api/1/topic
Perform actions on a topic. Use the "action" request parameter to perform one of the action below:
- action
- string "edit"
- id
- long mandatory - the topic id
- name
- string optional
- description
- string optional
- lang
- string optional, the new language of the topic (the iso 639 code) - (simplified/traditionnal), specify the full Locale (eg: zh_CN or zh_TW)
"topic" : <
topic > - the topic
- action
- string "reorder"
- id
- long mandatory - the topic id
- postId
- long[]- multiple request parameter of posts belonging to this topic in the new order it must appear in the website (aka the "user" order)
- start
- int optional, default to 0
- action
- string "follow", "unfollow" or "markread"
- id
- long - the topic id
Access a post data.
- id
- long - id of the post
- ncomments
- int optional, default to 100 - this post
"post": <
post > - the post.
POST /api/1/post
Perform an action on a post or create a post. Use the "action" request parameter to perform one of the action below:
- prepare
- prepare a new post (retrieve data from an url)
- create
- create a new post
- comment
- comment a post
- thank
- thank a post
- accept
- accept a post (aka curate the post, aka publish the post)
- forward
- forward a post to another topic (do a suggestion to another user)
- refuse
- refuse a post
- delete
- delete a post
- edit
- edit a post
- pin
- pin a post to its topic
- rescoop
- re-scoop a post from a topic to another one
- share
- share a post (on twitter, facebook...)
- action
- string "prepare"
- url
- string - the url of the post
"post": <
post >*
- the prepared post: it contains only a limited amount of data
* only a limited subset of the data normally found in post is returned.
- action
- string "create"
- resolveUrl
- boolean optional, default to false - title, content and imageUrl will be automatically resolved if not set
- title
- string - title of the post (automatically resolved if not set and resolveUrl parameter is true)
- url
- string - the url of the post
- content
- string - the content of the post (automatically resolved if not set and resolveUrl parameter is true)
- insight
- string optional
- imageUrl
- string - the picture url of the post (automatically resolved if not set and resolveUrl parameter is true)
- publicationDate
- long - the publication date of the original article (number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
- topicId
- long - the destination topic id
- tag
- string[] optional - list of tags to apply to the post.
- shareOn
- json optional - if the current user is belong to topic's curatorsarray of objects representing sharers to publish the post on.
"sharerId": "twitter",
"cnxId": 12,
"text": "The Tweet #foo #bar http://sco.lt/..."
"sharerId": "facebook",
"cnxId": 26,
"text": "The Facebook Text"
- directLink
- boolean optional - if set to 'true', links in the sharing will be direct.
- scheduleDate
- long optional - the date the post should be published, along with the shares (number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
You must have the right to schedule posts, see our pricing page for details.
* if <
sharer > represented by its sharerId and cnxId has the boolean
mustSpecifyShareText set to true, a mandatory "text" field is required specifying the text to publish. The url of the post
can be specified using the placeholder "http://sco.lt/..."
"post": <
post > - the post.
- action
- string "comment"
- id
- long - post id
- commentText
- string - the comment
- action
- string "thank"
- id
- long - post id
"thankCount": int - the number of thanks for this post
"thanked": boolean - true if the action post has not yet been thanked
by the current user
- action
- string "accept"
- id
- long - post id
- title
- string optional - new of the post
- content
- string optional - new content of the post
- insight
- string optional
- imageUrl
- string - picture url of the post
- tag
- string[] optional - list of tags to apply to the post.
- shareOn
- json optional - to publish the post on.
"sharerId": "twitter",
"cnxId": 12,
"text": "The Tweet #foo #bar http://sco.lt/..."
"sharerId": "facebook",
"cnxId": 26,
"text": "The Facebook Text"
- directLink
- boolean optional - if set to 'true', links in the sharing will be direct.
- topicId
- long optional - if specified, the post will be published to this topic
- scheduleDate
- long optional - the date the post should be published, along with the shares (number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
You must have the right to schedule posts, see our pricing page for details.
* if <
sharer > represented by its sharerId and cnxId has the boolean
mustSpecifyShareText set to true, a mandatory "text" field is required specifying the text to publish. The url of the post
can be specified using the placeholder "http://sco.lt/..."
"post": <
post >
- the post,
"curablePostCount": < long >
- the number of curable post count of the post topic,
- action
- string "forward"
- id
- long - post id
- title
- string optional - new title of the post
- content
- string optional - new content of the post
- insight
- string optional - the insight of the curator
- imageUrl
- string - picture url of the post
- shareOn
- json optional - to publish the post on.
"sharerId": "twitter",
"cnxId": 12,
"text": "The Tweet #foo #bar http://sco.lt/..."
"sharerId": "facebook",
"cnxId": 26,
"text": "The Facebook Text"
- topicId
- long optional - if specified
* if <
sharer > represented by its sharerId and cnxId has the boolean
mustSpecifyShareText set to true, a mandatory "text" field is required specifying the text to publish. The url of the post
can be specified using the placeholder "http://sco.lt/..."
"post": <
post > - the post.
- action
- string "refuse"
- id
- long - post id
- reason
- string optional - for an user suggestion, the reason why this post has been refused: it will be included in the notification email.
"curablePostCount": < long >
- the number of curable post count of the post topic,
- action
- string "delete"
- id
- long - post id
- action
- string "edit"
- id
- long - post id
- tag
- string[] optional - list of tags to apply to the post. To remove all, specify only one empty "tag" parameter
- title
- string optional - new title of the post
- content
- string optional - new content of the post
- insight
- string optional - the insight of the curator
- imageUrl
- string - picture url of the post
"post": <
post > - the post.
- action
- string "pin"
- id
- long - post id
- action
- string "rescoop"
- id
- long - post id
- destTopicId
- long - id of the destination topic.
- tag
- string[] optional - list of tags to apply to the post. To remove all, specify only one empty "tag" parameter
- title
- string optional - new title of the post
- content
- string optional - new content of the post
- insight
- string optional - the insight of the curator
- imageUrl
- string - picture url of the post
- shareOn
- json optional - to publish the post on.
"sharerId": "twitter",
"cnxId": 12,
"text": "The Tweet #foo #bar http://sco.lt/..."
"sharerId": "facebook",
"cnxId": 26,
"text": "The Facebook Text"
- directLink
- boolean optional - if set to 'true', links in the sharing will be direct.
- scheduleDate
- long optional - the date the post should be published, along with the shares (number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
You must have the right to schedule posts, see our pricing page for details.
"post": <
post > - the post on the destination topic.
- id
- long - post id
- shareOn
- json - to publish the post on.
"sharerId": "twitter",
"cnxId": 12,
"text": "The Tweet #foo #bar http://sco.lt/..."
"sharerId": "facebook",
"cnxId": 26,
"text": "The Facebook Text"
- directLink
- boolean optional - if set to 'true', links in the sharing will be direct.
* if <
sharer > represented by its sharerId and cnxId has the boolean
mustSpecifyShareText set to true, a mandatory "text" field is required specifying the text to publish. The url of the post
can be specified using the placeholder "http://sco.lt/..."
Test authentication credentials.
"connectedUser": <
user >
- the current connected user, or null in anonymous mode
Notifications for the current user
- since
- timestamp - only new notification from this timestamp will be returned
Get a compilation of posts. By default, the posts are retrieved from the followed topic
of the authenticated user.
- sort
- string optional - method used for sorting posts, can be "rss" (by default), post are ordered like in the RSS feed, or "timeline", posts are ordered like in the "My followed scoops" tab in a scoop.it user profile,
- topicIds
- long[] optional - a list of topic ids that will be used to create the compilation
- topicGroupId
- long optional - create the compilation from topics in this topic group
- since
- timestamp - no posts older than this timestamp will be returned
- count
- int - maximum number of posts to return
- page
- int optional, default to 0 - page number of posts to retrieve
- ncomments
- int optional, default to 100 - the maximum number of comments to retrieve for each returned post
- getTags
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not list of tags for each returned post.
- getTagsForTopic
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not tags for topic of each returned post
- getStatsForTopic
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not stats for topic of each returned post
Note that the topic field is expanded for all posts.
Search for users, topics or posts.
- type
- string - type of object searched: "user", "topic" or "post"
- query
- string - the search query
- count
- int optional, default to 50 - the number of item per page
- page
- int optional, default to 0 -the page number to return, the first page is 0
- lang
- string optional, default to "en" - the language of the content to search into
- topicId
- long optional - the id of the topic to search posts into
- getTags
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not list of tags for each returned topic / post. only for type="topic" or type="post"
- getCreator
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not creator of each returned topic. only for type="topic"
- getStats
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not stats for each returned topic. only for type="topic"
- getTagsForTopic
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not tags for topic of each returned post. only for type="post"
- getStatsForTopic
- bool optional, default to true - returns or not stats for topic of each returned post. only for type="post"
- includeEmptyTopics
- bool optional, default to false - also returns topics having no posts. only for type="topic"
"totalFound": int - the total number of results found.
"users": <
user[] > - users found (if applicable)
"topics": <
topic[] > - topics found (if applicable)
"posts": <
post[] > - posts found (if applicable)
Resolve an object (topic or user) given its short name.
- type
- string "User" or "Topic"
- shortName
- string - a short name
"type": string - the requested type value,
"id": long - id of the found resource
Access interest data
- id
- long required, unless 'shortName' and 'lang' are provided - the id of the interest to lookup
- shortName
- string required, unless 'id' is provided - the shortName of the interest to lookup
- lang
- string required, unless 'id' is provided, default to 'en' - the language of the interest to lookup
- getTopics
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not the list of topics in the interest
- getUsers
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not the list of users in the interest
- getPosts
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not the list of posts in the interest
- page
- int optional, default to 0 - the number of the page to return (zero based), if getTopics or getUsers or getPosts is true
- count
- int optional, default to 50 - the number of items per page, if getTopics or getUsers or getPosts is true
- curated
- int optional - default to 0, number of curated posts to retrieve for each topic (used when getTopics is true)
- ncomments
- int optional - default to 0, the maximum number of comments to retrieve for each post (when getPosts is true) or curated post found in each topic (when getTopics is true)
- getTags
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not list of tags for each returned topic (when getTopics is true) or post (when getPosts is true)
- getCreator
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not creator of each returned topic (used when getTopics is true)
- getStats
- bool optional - default to false. returns or not stats for each returned topic (used when getTopics is true)
- getTagsForTopic
- bool optional, default to false - returns or not tags for topic of each returned post (when getPosts is true)
- getStatsForTopic
- bool optional, default to false - returns or not stats for topic of each returned post (when getPosts is true)
"interest" : <
interest > - the interest
Get the list of interests
- lang
- string optional, default to 'en' - the language of interests to get
"interests" : <
interest[] > - interests for the specified language
Get the configuration of the Smart Source Engine for a topic
- topic
- long - the id of the topic
"active" : boolean - state of the SSE
"keywords" : string[] - the list of configured keywords
Edit the configuration of the Smart Source Engine for a topic
- topic
- long - the id of the topic
- active
- boolean optional - if the parameter is set, it will change accordingly the state of the SSE
- keyword
- string[] optional - if the parameter is set, it will be the news set of keywords used by the SSE
"active" : boolean - state of the SSE
"keyword" : string[] - the list of configured keywords
Get list and the configuration of all available suggestion engines associated to the connected user
"suggestion_engines" :
suggestion_engine[] - the suggestion engine associated to the connected user
POST /api/1/se
Update the configuration of a suggestion engine
- id
- long - the id of the suggestion engine to update
- sorter
- string optional - the sorter to use: "relevance", "freshness" or "popularity"
- maxSuggestionAge
- int optional - the maximum number of days for the age of a suggestion. -1 for no maximum
- keywords
- string[] - the list of configured keywords
- includedDomains
- string[] optional - the list of url domains to include
- excludedDomains
- string[] optional - the list of url domains to exclude
- containsAllKeyword
- string[] optional - the list of keywords which all must match the suggestions
- containsAnyKeyword
- string[] optional - the list of keywords which any should match the suggestions
- doesNotContainKeywords
- string[] optional - the list of keywords which must not match the suggestions
"updated" : boolean - is true if the suggestion has been updated
List all user managed source of the given suggestion engine.
"sources" :
source[] - an array of all user managed source for this suggestion engine
Delete a user managed source from a suggestion engine.
"success" : boolean
Update the name of a user managed source.
- name
- string - the name to assign to the source, if no string or an empty string is given, the source will be renamed using its default name.
"success" : boolean
Create a user managed source.
- name
- string - optional - the name to assign to the source, if no string or an empty string is given, the source will be named using its default name.
- type
- string - the type of the source to create.
- rssUrl
- string - url of the rss feed (required if type==rss)
- twitterUser
- string - twitter user (required if type==twitter_follow_user)
- twitterSearchQuery
- string - search query (required if type==twitter_search)
- twitterListName
- string - list name (required if type==twitter_list)
- twitterListOwner
- string - list owner name (required if type==twitter_list)
- webpageUrl
- string - webpage url (required if type==webpage)
- query
- string - advanced search query (required if type==advanced_search)
"source :
source - the created source
Get the list of suggestions associated with a suggestion engine
- id
- long - the id of the suggestion engine
- savedSearchId
- string optional - the id of the saved search
- count
- int optional - number of suggestions to return (default 100, max 1000)
"sugs" : <
sug[] > - the suggestions
Request for an update of a list of suggestions. It does the same as the GET operation but upon the provided sugIds, the method avoid transmitting the content of suggestions
- id
- long - the id of the suggestion engine
- sugId
- string[] - the ids of the suggestions existing on the client side
- savedSearchId
- string optional - the id of the saved search
"sugs" : <
sug[] > - the refreshed list of suggestions. If a suggestion is part of returned list and is part of the provided list of ids, only its id is present in the returned list.
List Recipients lists
"lists" : <
recipients_list[] > - The recipients list that can be listed with your authentication credentials
Subscribe or unsubscribe recipients to a recipients list
- id
- long - the id of recipients list
- email
- string - the email to subscribe/unsubscribe
- action
- string "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" - the action to perform