Curation, Veille et Outils
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Curation, Veille et Outils
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Rescooped by Veille digitale from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
June 17, 2014 1:45 AM!

Collector or Curator? Becoming a Social Connoisseur

Collector or Curator? Becoming a Social Connoisseur | Curation, Veille et Outils |
It used to be that you were a wine or art collector to be considered a connoisseur. These curators of their personal taste and beauty would search for pieces that fit a collection they would be proud

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, June 16, 2014 2:17 PM

I selected this article by Bryan Kramer because it absolutely speaks to me and many of you!

Today’s modern day curator is a curator of knowledge. We have come to rely on the best to tell us what is good and what isn’t. Their history of shares heightens their status in some cases to social connoisseur, a title not easily earned.

Bryan asks this question: Have you ever read something that made you stop and think... and you saved it? You're a collector. The question is, how do you move from collector, to connoisseur?

There are 5 great takeaways in this piece......

Here's what caught my attention:

Understand the Shelf Life - News will always serve a purpose, but today’s news only last seconds. To build a story around something that drives a different perspective is what drives new opinions, conversations and communities. What you share reflects on your beliefs, so add something that lasts longer than a retweet.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Curation, Social Business and Beyond

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malek's curator insight, June 16, 2014 4:09 PM

Thought provoking article.

I had to stop and read "Goosebumps" twice, the down-to-earth notion of human touch mixed with quality content, is something to ponder and keep trying.

Scooped by Veille digitale
July 14, 2012 4:57 AM!

La curation de contenus : vraie tendance marketing ? -

La curation de contenus : vraie tendance marketing ? - | Curation, Veille et Outils |
S’il y a bien un service dont on aura entendu parler cette année, c’est Pinterest. Même si encore beaucoup de doutes subsistent sur la viabilité à terme du service (What Pinterest needs to do to survive), et ce malgré le renfort financier du groupe japonais Rakuten en mai dernier (Rakuten investit 100 millions de dollars dans Pinterest), Pinterest aura permis de mettre en évidence une tendance forte sur Internet : la curation de contenus.
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Curated by Veille digitale
Veille et curation assurées par Jérôme Deiss.
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