Art, a way to feel!
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Art, a way to feel!
A model that continues to be in your ways of doing and thinking things .
Curated by juandoming
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December 13, 2015 5:21 AM!

Articulatory setting: an approach to pronunciation teaching

Articulatory setting: an approach to pronunciation teaching | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Shona Whyte, Javier Sánchez Bolado
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Rescooped by juandoming from Flipped classroom (enseñanza inversa)
November 29, 2015 5:17 AM!

17 Herramientas TIC para Trabajar el Aula Invertida | Artículo

17 Herramientas TIC para Trabajar el Aula Invertida | Artículo | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Gumersindo Fernández, Javier Tourón
Marinela Daniela's curator insight, December 20, 2015 3:08 PM


Verónica Natale's curator insight, November 3, 2016 7:57 AM

infografía con herramientas para "Flippar" las clases BUENÍSIMO!

Ajo Monzó's curator insight, January 24, 2017 1:40 AM
Interesante infografia, todas las herramientas son muy sencillas y fáciles en el uso.
Rescooped by juandoming from Educación abierta: EaD,e-learning,m-learning,u-learning y las emergentes...
October 26, 2015 7:35 AM!

Diseño instruccional de cursos abiertos online: Contenidos del curso. Mapa conceptual.

Diseño instruccional de cursos abiertos online: Contenidos del curso. Mapa conceptual. | Art, a way to feel! |

Via chuisa
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Rescooped by juandoming from Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia
October 11, 2015 10:32 AM!

Flipea con arte

Flipea con arte | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Fernando Jesús Rodriguez García
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Rescooped by juandoming from Digital Delights for Learners
March 23, 2015 7:30 AM!

CristinaSkyBox: Adding Spring to Presentations

CristinaSkyBox: Adding Spring to Presentations | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by juandoming from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
February 3, 2015 6:14 AM!

Nocking The Arrow: Self-Directed vs. Self-Determined Learning; What's the Difference?

Nocking The Arrow: Self-Directed vs. Self-Determined Learning; What's the Difference? | Art, a way to feel! |

In this age of abundance of information, shifting classroom pedagogy isn't nearly enough to make learning in school more relevant and authentic for the learner. Self-directed learning (andragogy), and self-determined learning (heutagogy) are the ideals necessary in making students "future ready" to live and learn in a web connected world.

While original research applied these concepts to mature learners, it has become apparent that even young children have an abundant capacity for recognizing and directing their own learning. Anyone who has observed toddlers learning how to walk and talk understand the motivation and skill development that quickly develops during these processes.

Considered by some to be on a learning continuum, self-directed learning and self-determined learning have at least one distinct difference. What is this difference, and why should educators care? - See more at:

Learn more:

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 2, 2015 3:45 PM

In this age of abundance of information, shifting classroom pedagogy isn't nearly enough to make learning in school more relevant and authentic for the learner. Self-directed learning (andragogy), and self-determined learning (heutagogy) are the ideals necessary in making students "future ready" to live and learn in a web connected world.

While original research applied these concepts to mature learners, it has become apparent that even young children have an abundant capacity for recognizing and directing their own learning. Anyone who has observed toddlers learning how to walk and talk understand the motivation and skill development that quickly develops during these processes.

Considered by some to be on a learning continuum, self-directed learning and self-determined learning have at least one distinct difference. What is this difference, and why should educators care? - See more at:

Learn more:

Dorote Lucci's curator insight, February 3, 2015 12:56 PM

Great insights- this can be applied to other fields as well such as learning techniques to modulate stress and anxiety

Shafeeq Husain's curator insight, February 3, 2015 8:59 PM

Since "upwards of ninety percent of our learning will occur outside formal educational settings" (Jennings, 2010), in the age of abundance of information, students should be motivated to reflect on how they are learning. That is what is self-directed learning

Rescooped by juandoming from Salud Conectada
February 3, 2015 6:10 AM!

How To Create A Virtual "Body" For Your Uploaded Mind

How To Create A Virtual "Body" For Your Uploaded Mind | Art, a way to feel! |
The prospect of uploading your brain into a supercomputer is an exciting one -- your mind can live on forever, and expand its capacity in ways that are hard to imagine. But it leaves out one crucial detail: Your mind still needs a body to function properly, even in a virtual world. Here's what we'll have to do to emulate a body in cyberspace.

Via ChemaCepeda
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Rescooped by juandoming from Diseño de experiencias de aprendizaje digital
January 12, 2015 5:33 AM!

¿Qué es el E-learning 2.0? Ventajas del aprendizaje electrónico

¿Qué es el E-learning 2.0? Ventajas del aprendizaje electrónico | Art, a way to feel! |

Este artículo analiza las múltiples ventajas del e-learning como entorno de aprendizaje exclusivamente en red. 

Via _INED21, Net-Learning
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Rescooped by juandoming from Digital Delights
January 9, 2015 6:44 AM!

International Journal of Research & Method in Education - Volume 38, Issue 1

International Journal of Research & Method in Education - Volume 38, Issue 1 | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by juandoming from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
January 9, 2015 6:39 AM!

Personalized Professional Learning in a Digital Age - Alliance for Excellence Education

Personalized Professional Learning in a Digital Age - Alliance for Excellence Education | Art, a way to feel! |

During this webinar, Tom Murray, Steven Anderson, and Kyle Pace will discuss

* the importance of personalized, professional learning;

*the ability for educators to connect globally and take charge of their own learning; and

* professional learning in a Future Ready School.

Mr. Anderson and Mr. Pace are recognized experts in the area of connected and professional learning. Panelists will also take questions from webinar viewers and share ideas for making personalized professional learning not just something to discuss, but something to act upon.

Via John Evans
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Rescooped by juandoming from Cultures & Médias
January 4, 2015 6:44 AM!

Artistes et travail : la révolution du street art

Artistes et travail : la révolution du street art | Art, a way to feel! |
Mouvement artistique devenu très populaire dans le monde entier, le street art connaît un engouement populaire sans précédent. Metis est allé interroger Philippe Baudelocque, l'un des artistes français emblématique de citée tendance sur son travail, les transformations induites par le numérique, sa vision du marché de l'art ou encore son regard sur la crise.


Parlez-nous de votre métier...


Je suis un artiste, un artiste plasticien. Dans les pays anglo-saxons on dit artiste tout court... En France on peut dire artiste d'un comédien, de quelqu‘un qui se produit dans un cirque... Pour les gens plus pointus je dis juste que je suis plasticien, ce qui renvoie à l'art contemporain. Moi on m'a mis dans la case street art car j'ai fait pas mal de dessins dans la rue. Le street art, c'est un mouvement mondial. C'est une énorme vague de fond populaire. Lorsque vous faites une expo de street art, une file d'attente gigantesque se forme alors que pour une expo d'art contemporain, ne viennent que les aficionados. Parfois à 20 ans vous avez déjà 20 000 suiveurs sur votre blog ! Alors que vous dessinez sur des immeubles, ça interpelle !!!! Le marché de l'art est là en pleine mutation. Aujourd'hui pour ouvrir une galerie avec des murs, il faut être cinglé. Ouvrir une galerie itinérante par contre, c'est ça ce qu'il faut faire.


Le considérez-vous comme un travail ?


Via malik berkati
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Scooped by juandoming
December 28, 2014 6:17 AM!

LE@D - Universidade Aberta’s Videos on Vimeo

LE@D - Universidade Aberta’s Videos on Vimeo | Art, a way to feel! |
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
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Rescooped by juandoming from Tecnologias educativas (para aprender... para formar)
December 3, 2014 6:41 AM!

Artes Com TIC

Artes Com TIC | Art, a way to feel! |
Prefácio à edição portuguesa José Alberto Lencastre Departamento de Currículo e Tecnologia Educativa Instituto de Educação / Universidade do Minho Há alguns anos publiquei um texto intitulado “impa...

Via Teresa Pombo
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Rescooped by juandoming from Sistema educativo y evaluación
November 29, 2015 5:18 AM!

[eBook] Teorías de Aprendizaje: Una perspectiva educativa

[eBook] Teorías de Aprendizaje: Una perspectiva educativa | Art, a way to feel! |

El estudio del aprendizaje humano continúa su desarrollo y expansión. A medida que los investigadores de diversas tradiciones teóricas ponen a prueba sus ideas e hipótesis en escenarios básicos y aplicados, sus hallazgos originan mejoras en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de estudiantes de todas las edades. En especial, es digna de mención la forma en que los investigadores y los profesionales están trabajando, cada vez con mayor ahínco, en el estudio de temas que alguna vez se pensó que no tenían una conexión estrecha con el aprendizaje, como la motivación, la tecnología y la autorregulación.

Aunque el campo del aprendizaje vive un cambio continuo, los objetivos principales de esta sexta edición son los mismos que los de las ediciones anteriores: a) comunicar a los estudiantes los principios teóricos, los conceptos y los hallazgos de las investigaciones sobre el aprendizaje, sobre todo aquellos que se relacionan con la educación; y b) ofrecer aplicaciones de los principios y conceptos a escenarios donde ocurren la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El texto se mantiene enfocado en la cognición, aunque también se revisa el conductismo. Este enfoque cognoscitivo es congruente con el énfasis constructivista contemporáneo en aprendices activos que buscan, forman y modifican sus habilidades, conocimientos, estrategias y creencias.

Via Edumorfosis, Javier Tourón
Rescooped by juandoming from Vie numérique à l'école
November 29, 2015 5:17 AM!

Des ressources intéressantes dans le domaine des arts. A la manière d'Arcimboldo.

Des ressources intéressantes dans le domaine des arts. A la manière d'Arcimboldo. | Art, a way to feel! |
Issue d’une collaboration entre les artistes Emily Dryden et Zahydé Pietri cette série a récemment été classée deuxième dans le cadre du 2015 Inter

Via Michèle Drechsler
Rescooped by juandoming from #TRIC para los de LETRAS
October 26, 2015 7:34 AM!

Ínsula, fotografías de la transición al Cyborg - Cultura Colectiva #TRICLab #humanismodigital

Ínsula, fotografías de la transición al Cyborg - Cultura Colectiva #TRICLab #humanismodigital | Art, a way to feel! |
El Proyecto Ínsula Es Una Colaboración Entre Jon Jacobsen y Daniel Ramos Que re imagina al cyborg y he aquí Presenta Como futuro de la ONU no lejano bronceado.

Via Sonia C. Alonso
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Rescooped by juandoming from Arts & numérique (ou pas)
May 12, 2015 5:43 AM!

Pour donner aux petits et grands enfants l'envie d'explorer le monde de l'art grâce à internet #NDM15

Pour donner aux petits et grands enfants l'envie d'explorer le monde de l'art grâce à internet #NDM15 | Art, a way to feel! |
Découvrir l'art tout en s'amusant, jouer avec des oeuvres d'art,explorer des musées du monde entier,trouver des expositions en cours, faire une enquête au Louvre avec des livrets jeux...

Via Canopé Beauvais, Bruno De Lièvre
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Rescooped by juandoming from Navigate
February 22, 2015 10:32 AM!

Free Technology for Teachers: Read and Download 250+ Art Books from the Getty Museum

Free Technology for Teachers: Read and Download 250+ Art Books from the Getty Museum | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Francesca Beltrami, juandoming, Suvi Salo
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Rescooped by juandoming from elearning&knowledge_management
February 3, 2015 6:11 AM!

Reimagining Learning Strategy, Design and Development for Mobile at Training Conference | Float Mobile Learning

Scott shares practical, creative ways to use mobile for performance support within your organization.

Via Mayra Aixa Villar
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January 16, 2015 2:13 PM!

Juegos, una excusa para aprender y practicar arte | Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación | Educa con TIC

Juegos, una excusa para aprender y practicar arte | Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación | Educa con TIC | Art, a way to feel! |
Juegos, una excusa para aprender y practicar arte | Educa con TIC

Via Javier Sánchez Bolado
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Rescooped by juandoming from
January 12, 2015 5:32 AM!

Useful Apps for online students

Useful Apps for online students | Art, a way to feel! |
A good portion of learners today are taking course content primarily online. In fact, in the United States, there are some states that mandate grade school students take some portion of their studies in an virtual environment.

In other words, elearning is more than here to stay – it is practically required!

Taking an online course is different than a classroom setting. Learners are often left to their own devices when it comes to learning retention. For courses that require successful passing of a final exam, it becomes even more critical that students find ways to solidify the course content.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Digital Delights
January 9, 2015 6:42 AM!

Interface: a journal for and about social movements

Interface: a journal for and about social movements | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
Rescooped by juandoming from Artist Opportunities
January 9, 2015 6:35 AM!

PennMFA Fellowships | Art & Education

PennMFA Fellowships | Art & Education | Art, a way to feel! |

PennMFA Fellowships | Art & Education

Via Jules Rochielle
Rescooped by juandoming from Digital #MediaArt(s) Numérique(s)
January 3, 2015 10:20 AM!

Le toucher dans la sphère numérique? "Saving Faces" un projet de Karen Lancel & Hermen Matt | ARTE Creative

Le toucher dans la sphère numérique? "Saving Faces" un projet de Karen Lancel & Hermen Matt | ARTE Creative | Art, a way to feel! |

Quelle place pour le toucher dans notre monde ultra connecté où une grande partie des relations s’effectuent par écrans interposés ? Avec leur installation "Saving Face" le duo d’artistes Karen Lancel et Hermen Matt tentent d’apporter de la sensualité dans les données.

Si les médias sont peu à peu devenus une extension de notre corps, comment y intégrer les gestes qui communiquent la confiance, l’amitié comme une poignée de main, une bise, une accolade ? Ce sont ces questions que Karen Lancel et Hermen Matt ont souhaité poser sur une place publique de Dessau avec leur installation "Saving Faces".

Via Jacques Urbanska
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Rescooped by juandoming from Living and Teaching Visual: Images, Art, Pictures, Infographic, Posters...
December 28, 2014 6:17 AM!

Free Technology for Teachers: Read and Download 250+ Art Books from the Getty Museum

Free Technology for Teachers: Read and Download 250+ Art Books from the Getty Museum | Art, a way to feel! |

Via Francesca Beltrami
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