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Women and Gender Studies
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Scooped by heather dawson
July 25, 6:24 AM

La Nación’s AI Journey to Redefine Media Bias —

La Nación’s AI Journey to Redefine Media Bias — | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
Florencia Coelho, New Media Research and Training Manager at La Nación , participated in the 2020 JournalismAI Collab Challenges, where she and her Collab team worked to identify and mitigate bias in gender representation in the news. Their collaboration led to using tools and insights to help news
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Scooped by heather dawson
July 17, 3:41 PM

A Development Approach to Advancing Gender Engagement and Addressing Gender Inequalities in Fragile, Conflict, and Violent Situations

A Development Approach to Advancing Gender Engagement and Addressing Gender Inequalities in Fragile, Conflict, and Violent Situations | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) affects women, men, girls, and boys differently. FCV tends to exacerbate gender disparities in education, health, economic .
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Scooped by heather dawson
July 17, 3:26 PM

Hub for African Thought 

Hub for African Thought  | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it

a magnificent site created by t Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, LSE. It aims to showcase African academic authors, offering profiles, reading lists and reviews. It also contains history of LSE relations with Africa . examples include a Profile of Wangari Maathai

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Scooped by heather dawson
July 1, 5:54 AM

Best Practices for Queer Metadata

Best Practices for Queer Metadata | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
This document is the result of two years of work by a group of nearly one hundred knowledge organisers, cataloguers, librarians, archivists, scholars, and information professionals with a concerted interest in improving the metadata treatment of queer people, communities, and items in GLAMS (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Special Collections) and other informational institutions. Their work has been supported by over 800 peer reviewers; combined, these groups make up the Queer Metadata Collective (QMDC). The QMDC builds upon earlier work done by the Trans Metadata Collective (TMDC), a similarly-organised group of metadata workers and information professionals with a concerted interest in improving the metadata representation of trans and gender-diverse people. The work of the TMDC culminated in Metadata Best Practices for Trans and Gender Diverse Resources, focusing on the description, cataloguing, and classification of information resources as well as the creation of metadata about trans and gender-diverse people, including authors, communities, and other creators. Following the publication of the Best Practices, several TMDC members founded and developed the QMDC over the summer of 2022.  This document focuses on metadata by and about queer people, communities, and resources. While there is significant overlap between queer metadata and trans and gender diverse metadata, QMDC’s recommendations should not be seen as excluding or superseding TMDC’s, as trans and gender diverse people, communities, and resources have specific needs. For best practices and recommendations about trans and gender-diverse resources, please consult the TMDC document. If the TMDC and QMDC recommendations conflict (we are not aware of any instances in which they do), prefer the TMDC document for trans and gender diverse resources and the QMDC for other types of queer resources.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 28, 3:13 AM

Interactive CEED (Central Eastern European & Diasporic) Feminisms Bibliography

edited by The CEED (Central Eastern European & Diasporic) Feminisms Working Group
it aims to highlight work from the region to dispel myths. Includes links to articles on a range of countries and thematic topics
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 24, 4:18 AM

Southampton university knitting reference library

Not new, but What a fun collection of online digital materials, which also has a real  importance for studies of social and women’s history. Based on materials from published works collected by Montse Stanley, Richard Rutt and Jane Waller and deposited at the University . These comprise books, exhibition catalogues, knitting patterns, journals and magazines.
The digital collection has Victorian reference manuals, knitting patterns and fun knitted objects

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Scooped by heather dawson
June 21, 4:39 AM

Public Meeting on Institutional Racism- Southall sisters

On Wednesday 12th June, Southall Black Sisters held a public meeting to raise awareness about Black women’s daily experiences of institutional racism and the criminalisation they are subjected to if they dare to resist racist abuse.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 7, 4:23 AM

Who is at the operating table?

Who is at the operating table? | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
In Africa’s diverse medical education landscape there is still a glaring underrepresentation of women in surgical disciplines. In 2022, only nine percent of surgeons on the continent were women. Here, four trailblazing female surgeons offer their insights from operating rooms across Africa,...
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 4, 3:43 AM

Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion: Guidelines to Address the Specific Needs of Women and Girls with Disabilities

This publication looks at barriers faced by many women and girls living with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. It provides guidance on inclusive approaches to project and program design, implementation, monitoring, and review.
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 30, 4:40 AM

Artificial Intelligence and gender equality

Artificial Intelligence and gender equality | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
The world has a gender equality problem, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) mirrors the gender bias in our society. Although globally more women are accessing the internet every year, in low-income countries, only 20 per cent are connected. The gender digital divide creates a data gap that is reflected in the gender bias in AI. 

Who creates AI and what biases are built into AI data (or not), can perpetuate, widen, or reduce gender equality gaps.
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 28, 11:42 AM

2024 Gender Report | Global Education Monitoring Report

Technology on her termsA companion to the 2023 GEM Report, A tool on whose terms?, this gender edition asks in what circumstances technology is helping with gender equality in education. While in some instances technology can provide a lifeline for girls otherwise altogether excluded from education, there remain gender divides in access to technology and acquisition of digital skills. 

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Scooped by heather dawson
May 28, 3:37 AM

Jack and Eve: two women in love and at war with Wendy Moore

Join Wendy Moore as she reveals the remarkable story of the unconventional love and loyalty of Vera ‘Jack’ Holme and Evelina Haverfield, suffragettes, life partners and trailblazing feminists who carved radical new paths for women during the First World War.


Vera ‘Jack’ Holme and Evelina Haverfield were suffragettes, life partners and trailblazing feminists who carved radical new paths for women during the First World War. Jack worked as a cross-dressing actress before becoming official chauffeur to Emmeline Pankhurst. Eve, the daughter of an English baron, was 14 years older. They met in 1909, fell in love and threw themselves into suffragette action, enduring prison for the cause. When war began, Eve co-founded pioneering organisations to recruit women for war work. Then together they travelled to Serbia, Russia and Romania to run field hospitals for allied soldiers and drive ambulances at huge risk to their lives. Wendy Moore reveals a remarkable story of unconventional love and loyalty.
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 21, 6:46 AM

LSE gender studies 30 years and beyond

youtube  presentations from the fay topics covered: archives; care; humanitarian practice; identity sexuality and rights

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Scooped by heather dawson
July 17, 3:47 PM

Analysis of the distribution of authorship by gender in scientific output: A global perspective,

Rodrigo Sánchez-Jiménez, Pablo Guerrero-Castillo, Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote, Gali Halevi, Félix De-Moya-Anegón,
Analysis of the distribution of authorship by gender in scientific output: A global perspective,
Journal of Informetrics,
Volume 18, Issue 3,
ISSN 1751-1577,

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Scooped by heather dawson
July 17, 3:35 PM

Women political leaders 2024

Women political leaders 2024 | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
This poster presents data on women in executive positions as Heads of State, Heads of Government, and Cabinet members leading policymaking areas as heads of Ministries. Data show that women are underrepresented in executive positions worldwide and that gender parity is still out of reach.
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Scooped by heather dawson
July 6, 1:10 PM

Time for a women's caucus

Time for a women's caucus | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
Drawing on inspiration from the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament, the Fawcett Society will shortly convene all women MPs to facilitate the launching of a powerful women’s caucus.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 28, 4:26 AM

A Bookshop of One's Own

What was it like to start a feminist bookshop in an industry dominated by men? Join Jane Cholmeley, author of A Bookshop of One’s Own, as she tells the captivating true story of running an underdog business at the very heart of the women’s liberation movement.
Book description:

Silver Moon was the dream of three women – a bookshop with the mission to promote the work of female writers and create a much-needed safe space for any woman. Founded in 1980s London against a backdrop of homophobia and misogyny, it was a testament to the power of community, growing into Europe’s biggest women’s bookshop and hosting a constellation of literary stars from Margaret Atwood and Maya Angelou to Angela Carter. While contending with day-to-day struggles common to other booksellers, plus the additional burdens of misogyny and the occasional hate crime, Jane Cholmeley and her booksellers created a thriving business. But they also played a crucial and relatively unsung part in one the biggest social movements of our time.
A Bookshop of One’s Own is a fascinating slice of social history from the heart of the women’s liberation movement, from a true feminist and lesbian icon. Written with heart and humour, it reveals the struggle and joy that comes with starting an underdog business, while being a celebration of the power women have to change the narrative when they are the ones holding the pen.


Jane Cholmeley is a key figure in the history of British feminism. She co-founded Silver Moon Women’s Bookshop, which became the largest of its kind in Europe and a vibrant centre of women’s writing, hosting prestigious events with authors such as Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Jeanette Winterson and Margaret Atwood. Sandi Toksvig nominated Jane Cholmeley as a Gay Icon in the National Portrait Gallery’s exhibition of that name in 2009 and Jacqueline Wilson named Jane her feminist icon in Stylist, 2018.

LSE Chair: Prof Mary Evans an Emeritus Leverhulme Professor, the author of various studies of feminism and feminist writers.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 28, 3:12 AM

Examining the History of Women's Representation in Parliament

Centenary Action has analysed the historical data in relation to women’s representation in parliament.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 21, 7:23 AM

Algorithms amplify gender gaps in China’s gig economy

Algorithms amplify gender gaps in China’s gig economy | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
Stark gender disparities are evident on a Chinese online healthcare platform, with algorithms disproportionately favouring male physicians.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 13, 3:40 PM

Public Harms: Racism and Misogyny in Policing, Education and Mental Health Services

Public Harms: Racism and Misogyny in Policing, Education and Mental Health Services | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
In partnership with Black Equity Organisation, this report draws out the similar ways that women, in particular Black women and girls are harmed, across policing, education, and mental health services.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 4, 3:47 AM

Assessment of the Legal Status of Sexual and Gender Minorities in 17 Countries in Asia and the Pacific- ADB

This report highlights how sexual and gender minorities in countries across Asia and the Pacific face discrimination and violence, assesses the legal barriers impacting their lives, and shows how policy reforms can increase inclusion and economic opportunities.
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Scooped by heather dawson
June 3, 12:15 PM

Girls’ experiences of cyberflashing: images that can’t be unseen –

Girls’ experiences of cyberflashing: images that can’t be unseen – | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
The nonconsensual sharing of sexual images via digital media is not an uncommon experience for some young people. For www.parenting.digital, Dr Emma Barker-Clarke discusses her co-constructed resea…
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 28, 11:44 AM

2024 LGBTI Inclusion Index: Report on the Pilot Implementation | United Nations Development Programme

This report could be useful for statisticians, national human rights institutions, policymakers, researchers and activists. It elaborates on the key findings and lessons from these pilots, as well as recommendations for scaling up safe data collection and use, to advance the inclusive development of LGBTI+ people and ensure that no one is left behind.
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 28, 6:42 AM

General Election 2024: VAWG sector's manifesto calls on political parties to end violence against women and girls for good

General Election 2024: VAWG sector's manifesto calls on political parties to end violence against women and girls for good | Women and Gender Studies | Scoop.it
Download the VAWG manifesto Download the large print version Ahead of the next general election, the End Violence Against Women Coalition and 70 other leading organisations working to end violence against women and girls (VAWG) have today (18th September 2023) published a joint manifesto calling on all political parties to adopt its recommendations for ending this…
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Scooped by heather dawson
May 23, 3:37 AM

Trans and non-binary student experiences in higher education

New HEPI report explores the experiences of trans and non-binary students throughout higher education The report by Josh Freeman, HEPI Policy Manager, and Rose Stephenson, HEPI Director of Policy and Advocacy, is the first of its kind in the UK and draws together new data to understand how trans and non-binary students experience higher education. […]
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