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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Ecom Revolution
March 23, 2014 3:54 PM!

How To Plan Your Next Mobile E-Commerce Website | Smashing Mobile

How To Plan Your Next Mobile E-Commerce Website | Smashing Mobile | WebsiteDesign |
In this article, we’ll walk through all of the vital steps when planning a highly converting mobile e-commerce website. The most important questions you need to ask are...

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, March 23, 2014 4:52 AM

Love the "ditch digging" specifics of this post. Mobile conversion seems mystery wrapped in enigma to me, so this post is beyond helpful.

Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Must Design
January 26, 2014 9:33 AM!

Dr. Dre's Web Design Tips

Dr. Dre's Web Design Tips | WebsiteDesign |

Beats By Dre Web Design Lessons
A friend shared the impressive NEWSJACK Dr. Dre and his Internet markeing team pulled off last week. Beats By Dre ( ) has some cool web design tricks to steal too such as:

* Consistent images across channels (the Richard Sherman image rode the crest of the wave created by his "controversial" statements after last Sunday's game).
* HUGE RED BUY NOW Call To Action on the home page.
* Hero moves but does so SLOWLY so it isn't jarring.
* They've programmed their Richard Sherman page so his picture matches to every style, something I bet the site does for all celebrity endorsements (cool and NEW).
* Their social buttons are a little low for my taste, but they are well labeled as the "Beats Army" and every major social net is there and they are robust and fresh on all social nets.
* I like how they handle the colors too via the small swatches.

All in all a great ecommerce site in support of one of the best NEWSJACKS I've seen (see my notes on Dr. Dre's multi-channel attack of the web here:

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Must Design
October 6, 2013 3:56 PM!

Build Great SEO Friendly Mobile Websites

Build Great SEO Friendly Mobile Websites | WebsiteDesign |
15% of internet usage is done on a mobile device, and that's expected to climb to 20% by the end of 2013. Review the facts to build the best mobile site you can, whether it's a separate mobile site, a responsive site, or a combination of the two.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, October 6, 2013 2:58 PM

Great SEO Moz tips here about a tricky subject - how to build SEO friendly mobile websites.

Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Must Design
October 3, 2013 11:03 PM!

70 Stunning Responsive Sites For Inspiration Before A Mobile Holiday

70 Stunning Responsive Sites For Inspiration Before A Mobile Holiday | WebsiteDesign |

This holiday season will be the Christmas of MOBILE devices. Here are some amazing examples of the art and science of responsive design.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, October 1, 2013 7:41 AM

This holiday selling season will be all about MOBILE. Responsive websites look great no matter what device is lookign at them. Here are 70 examples of how to do responsive web design right.

Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from visualizing social media
April 19, 2013 10:51 AM!

10 Tips To Build A Responsive Website [Infographic]

10 Tips To Build A Responsive Website [Infographic] | WebsiteDesign |

Want your website to look great on smartphones, tablets, PCs and even TVs? Learn how to go fully responsive.

The Web and the mobile browsers remain one of the top ways that users interact with websites and if they have trouble on their smartphone, there is a good chance they are not coming back.

That’s where responsive design can help.

Responsive design is a concept where you build your website once and then format it so it can adapt to any screen size that accesses it. Designers use HTML5 and CSS to build the sites and set parameters so the content will resize itself whether the user is in vertical or horizontal viewing mode, on a tablet, desktop or smartphone or even a screen as large as a television...

Via Lauren Moss
bancoideas's curator insight, April 17, 2013 7:58 AM

Mira esta #infografía con 10 tips para construir tu sitio #web #responsive, #ideas útiles

Filipe MS Bento's curator insight, April 18, 2013 10:30 AM

Excelent infografic (as graphic as you can get!):

Susan Myburgh's curator insight, April 18, 2013 6:09 PM

Wonderful - clear and brief.

Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Curation Revolution
April 12, 2013 9:10 AM!

Ten E-commerce Storytelling Tips - Atlantic BT

Ten E-commerce Storytelling Tips - Atlantic BT | WebsiteDesign |
If storytelling is the new SEO then how do you tell stories on a e-commerce website? Here are 10 E-Commerce Storytelling Tips with examples and how to tips.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Brian Yanish -'s insight:

Webmaster this article is a must read

Marty gives many great examples that can increase your traffic and conversion rate.

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, April 11, 2013 10:19 PM

E-Commerce Storytelling Tips 1 to 3
It was fun writing this piece. Since covering the first 3 tips ran over 1,000 words Ten E-Commerce Storytelling Tips became a multi-part blog "series".Tips 1 - 3 are covered in this @Atlanticbt post.

The remaining 7 tips will be covered over the next few days.

Brian Yanish -'s comment, April 12, 2013 9:11 AM
I didn't know you're a surfer dude. Lol
Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Curation Revolution
March 12, 2013 9:08 AM!

How Much Damage is Your Website Doing to Your Business?

How Much Damage is Your Website Doing to Your Business? | WebsiteDesign |
Let's try and fix how the poor design, usability or content of your website is driving visitors to your site away in seconds ?

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Brian Yanish -'s insight:

Marty that is so right, just because you hit the "go live" button doesn't mean that you are done. Unfortunately many website owners stop there. The reasons can be for a number of things, lack of budget, of knowledge, or just simply thinking it's done. 

A great marketing company well watch the analytics and trends on the site (good or bad) and make suggestions to their clients.

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, March 12, 2013 8:11 AM

Great piece about BOUNCE RATES and how to structure content to bring them down. Also great general idea - that having a website does not equal benefiting from the site. When the clueless create websites they can do more damage than good via bad tagging, poor meta data (especially titles) and bad structure producing high bounce rates and so never earning Google's trust. 

Don't think just because you finally got that website up it is doing you any GOOD (lol). Internet marketing requires a PRO to advise you at some point otherwise you fly the plain into the mountain and feel good about it all the way in.  


Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Curation Revolution
January 10, 2013 9:19 PM!

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail | WebsiteDesign |

SEO Doesn’t Have To Be Hard Just shot a video with our resident photographer Andrew Bartlett. Our conversation reminded me Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be so HARD.

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Brian Yanish -'s insight:

Great article Marty. Wasn't long ago I'm talking to fellow website designer who said SEO is dead because of social media. I told him, funny how Google hasn't stopped telling website owners to do many of the items you cover in your article.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, January 10, 2013 12:07 PM

After shooting a video with our resident photographer, Andrew Bartlett, I realized that SEO in a post Panda and Penguin world is easier than ever. Do the basics well, connect everything so Google knows YOU and be consistent and life is good. 

Here are the 5 SEO Tips this piece shares: 

* Keywords in URL.

* Keywords in image Alt text.
* Tell a story with Keywords.

* Content With Call To Action is King

* Be consistent With Other Marketing

Easy right? What are your 5 favorite EASY SEO Tips? 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, January 11, 2013 8:14 AM
Spiders still need context Brian so you note to the designer was correct. Correct alt text has been a particular challenge for me with many designers. I prefer to have file names with keywords too, but good luck selling that idea to a designer (lol). M
Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Digital Presentations in Education
January 5, 2013 1:55 PM!

Use of colors in web and graphic design

Use of colors in Web design by Nida Aslam, Front End Designer, Incepio

Via Baiba Svenca
Alfredo Corell's curator insight, January 8, 2013 5:53 PM

Fantastic slideshow on the importance of colors in web design. The same principles apply to presentations.

Detailed information about color groups (primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, analogous), color impact on emotions, meaning of colors, specific terms, tips for choosing the right color.

Marvellous resource for art lessons.

Maria Fernanda Peñuela's curator insight, July 7, 2014 2:26 PM


Adam Witt's curator insight, September 10, 2014 2:30 PM

Trying this out

Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Digital Presentations in Education
July 29, 2012 7:03 PM!

Color Combinations in Slide Design

Color Combinations in Slide Design | WebsiteDesign |

The color combinations you place on slides significantly affect their visual impact and appeal. Keep in mind the following characteristics: Reds, oranges, and yellows are referred to as warm colors. They tend to...

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by Brian Yanish - from Landing Page World
May 21, 2012 10:17 AM!

8 Steps to a Better Direct Response Landing Page

8 Steps to a Better Direct Response Landing Page | WebsiteDesign |


Excerpt from the article:


Many standalone landing pages are designed specifically to elicit a direct response, usually signing up to a service or purchasing a product.


These pages may be designed for traffic from a specific campaign or traffic source.


Follow these 8 steps to make your direct response landing pages deliver.


1. Begin With a Compelling Page Headline

2. Understand the Page Fold and Avoid Scrolling

3. Remove Unnecessary Text and Images

4. Support the Headline With Key Benefits

5. Make Use of a Supporting Trust Area

6. Make Use of Video and Audio

7. Test Your Calls to Action

8. Split Up the Sign-Up Process 


Curated by Agostino Caniato:


To deepen the points just mentioned, read the entire article here:

Via Agostino Caniato
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