Happy New Year Teachers and Friends! May 2012 bring new learning to us and our students. Our brain is the main tool we use to learn and it makes perfect (Great stuff!
Explain and Send Screenshots is a Google Chrome extension that lets users capture screenshots of their websites and send them to their friends using Twitter and Facebook or via a generated link.This is in fact a useful tool for those who love to...
Share and Enjoy: (What Makes a Good Classroom for Students with #Autism #ASD #aspergers | #SpecialEd & #IEP Advisor http://t.co/dp4QfYdf #spedchat #tck...)...
Poking Fun at Technology: PencilChatNew York TimesLast week, an education technology consultant named David Wees (@davidwees) shared on Twitter that he had read the book. Mr.
Are you ready to bring social networking to your classroom? If you’re looking to make your classroom more relevant, connected, and meaningful to your students, it’s the best place to start. Study after study has confirmed the benefits of networking.
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about TCEA 2012 Conference and Exposition on the App Store. Download TCEA 2012 Conference and Exposition and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom-This was my top post of the year. It contains several of my favorite sites and collections of using not just iPads but mobile devices in general in the classroom.
To begin with, it's a file repository for various types of documents, images and media. While it ... OrganiDoc HD - Review - A flexible iCloud alternative ... SonicMax Pro Review - Music has never been that good on an iPhone ...
Creating cartoons and comic strips can be a good way to get reluctant writers writing. While creating comics you and your students can work through the elements of fiction in a context that is fun and familiar to them.
Part of the Google Apps for Education Professional Development webinar series. Skill level: Beginner Lead by Julia Stilitz, Google Apps for Education This se...
#edtech #edchat #elemchat The following are what I believe are the rights of all student to have with regards to using technology as an educational tool, (Educational Technology Bill of Rights for Students | Elementary School Tech Ideas
A tour of Web 2.0 resources for the classroom (RT @MoodleMcKean: 30 Webtools to Transform a Classroom - LiveBinder http://t.co/emXH5Uh6 #elearning #edtech #edchat #webtools...)...
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