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Jon Samuelson
March 6, 2019 1:45 AM
Many educators in Texas are pushing back against a testing system they say is setting children up to fail.
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Jon Samuelson
March 4, 2019 10:46 AM
Demonstrating you’re not a robot is getting harder and harder. That’s because spambots are getting smarter. So how do researchers design a CAPTCHA that’s tough enough for robots, but easy enough for humans?
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Jon Samuelson
February 26, 2019 1:50 PM
Leighton Vander Esch wanted to do something for Salmon River High School. He also knew he was going to need a place to workout while back in Riggins for the
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Jon Samuelson
February 5, 2019 8:28 PM
Director David Fincher's movie is not necessarily historically accurate, but its lessons about privacy and power still ring true nearly 10 years later.
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Jon Samuelson
January 5, 2019 8:07 PM
A Harvard study has found that children born in August in states with a Sept. 1 cutoff birth date for school enrollment have a 30 percent higher risk for ADHD diagnosis than peers born in September, which may reflect overdiagnosis.
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Jon Samuelson
December 17, 2018 1:02 AM
I had a job interview recently. Even though I am pretty well known for my work with older students I was interviewing for a K-2 classroom. There are lots of reasons for the change but there is one reason I have kept to myself. I’m kind of ashamed to say it.
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Jon Samuelson
December 10, 2018 11:17 PM
Google+ has suffered another data leak, and Google has decided to shut down the consumer version of the social network four months earlier than it originally planned. Google+ will now close to consumers in April, rather than August. Additionally, API access to the network will shut down within the next 90 days.
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Jon Samuelson
November 29, 2018 3:19 AM
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Jon Samuelson
September 21, 2018 12:59 AM
Raising a financially literate child doesn't have to be difficult.
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Jon Samuelson
September 18, 2018 9:35 AM
Here are some age-appropriate ways to discuss these traumatic events.
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Jon Samuelson
August 31, 2018 2:17 AM
Recognize women who changed science with this free collection of print-at-home posters.
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Jon Samuelson
August 2, 2018 1:51 PM
Anderson County School District 5 has implemented e-learning days during which students will learn at home when inclement weather shuts down the district.
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Jon Samuelson
June 18, 2018 1:14 AM
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Jon Samuelson
March 5, 2019 7:57 PM
Innovation expert and author Warren Berger has spent years studying how questions can transform our business and personal lives and tap into our creative potential. In this episode of our Creative Confidence Series, he shares insights from his new book, The Book of Beautiful Questions, featuring hundreds of big and small questions that harness the magic of inquiry to tackle challenges we all face—at work, in our relationships, and beyond.
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Jon Samuelson
March 3, 2019 2:16 PM
Principal Archie Moss Jr. knows just how to bring the words on any page to life.
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Jon Samuelson
February 15, 2019 10:57 PM
Datasets which are identical over a number of statistical properties, yet produce dissimilar graphs, are frequently used to illustrate the importance of graphical representations when exploring data. This paper presents a novel method for generating such datasets, along with several examples. Our technique varies from previous approaches in that new datasets are iteratively
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Jon Samuelson
January 24, 2019 12:34 AM
Teachers should not be spending their evenings and weekends responding to emails from pushy parents, the Education Secretary will say today.
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Jon Samuelson
December 30, 2018 2:23 AM
The teenager said he hopes to go to law school in the fall, and his goal is to one day become president.
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Jon Samuelson
December 13, 2018 7:14 PM
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Jon Samuelson
December 2, 2018 3:26 PM
Christina Farr used to spend 5 hours a week posting and interacting with friends on Instagram. She quit cold this summer, and her life changed dramatically for the better.
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Jon Samuelson
November 28, 2018 4:27 PM
“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” -John Dewey I was recently in a meeting with Bjorn Paige, principal of ACMA (Arts and Communications Magne
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Jon Samuelson
September 19, 2018 1:22 AM
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Jon Samuelson
September 3, 2018 3:55 PM
How to use the font pair of Roboto and Arial. Examples of the best websites for this font pair.
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Jon Samuelson
August 5, 2018 1:19 PM
The better a teacher performed, the more likely they were to go out and obtain feedback on how to be even better. By Bradley Busch
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Jon Samuelson
July 31, 2018 1:12 PM
Our A.V. Club Field Guide To Parenting is designed to guide you toward the best kids’ books, shows, movies, and music, just like we do with The A.V. Club for adults. Every month or so, we will feature a new subject with a few essential pop culture takes parents should know, saving you from the mountains of kids’ dreck out there.