In-house Translators Vacancies | Metaglossia: The Translation World |

The trend in the translation industry in the UK and Germany
Over the last decades the trend in the translation industry in both the UK and Germany is to downsize, rather than expand, translation departments. Many in-house translation departments of big corporations have been closed while independent translation companies have found it necessary to downsize and reduce costs in order to stay afloat. As more and more UK and Germany-based translation companies are closing their in-house departments, translation assignments are outsourced to freelance translators.

At the same time, public and commercial organizations in both countries have adopted a similar approach and increasingly rely on language services provided by freelance translators or even outsource their translation services projects to translation companies rather than maintaining their own division of in-house translators. Both English and German translation companies are therefore scaling down while increasing their pool of freelance translators worldwide. This allows them to only keep in-house independent reviewers (editors and proofreaders) who perform the quality control of the freelancers' work and provide feedback for project management.