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November 10, 2023 8:42 AM

Cypriot Entrepreneur and Author Andreas Christodoulou Shines on a Global Stage - IssueWire

Cypriot Entrepreneur and Author Andreas Christodoulou Shines on a Global Stage - IssueWire | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Cypriot Entrepreneur and Author Andreas Christodoulou Shines on a Global Stage - IssueWire

Andreas Christodoulou (aka "andreascy") 


⇢ Business expert with elite skills and extensive knowledge in the Tech & Media Industry.


Lichtervelde, West-Vlaanderen Sep 7, 2023 (Issuewire.com)

HustleTraining360's comment, June 3, 6:52 AM
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
February 8, 2017 6:45 AM

The Science Behind What Really Drives Performance (It's Going to Surprise You)

The Science Behind What Really Drives Performance (It's Going to Surprise You) | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Imagine you could have a skill where--in any given conversation with colleagues, clients, or subordinates--you could be keenly aware of, and even experience, their feelings and thoughts.


Sounds like some X-Men-like psychic superpower right? Well, what if I told you that anyone can have this uncanny ability and use its strength and charm to have successful conversations?


Well, you can. The superpower I refer to is called empathy.


But this skill--and it is a learned skill available to anyone--is often misunderstood because there are variations of it. I'll get to the science of it shortly.

Via The Learning Factor
Adele Taylor's curator insight, February 6, 2017 4:19 PM
We do lose so much human interaction through digital media, but this shows the importance of retaining some of that.
Ian Berry's curator insight, February 6, 2017 7:12 PM
Great insights into present day and future leadership. DDI report well worth reviewing too
chris chopyak's curator insight, February 6, 2017 9:37 PM
I will take super powers any day!
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
June 2, 2015 2:39 PM

How to Be a Better Listener

How to Be a Better Listener | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Couples often come in and say, “We need help with our communication,” and the presumption is that they need to become better communicators–by which they mean better talkers. But the best thing you can do for your relationship is become a better listener.

Here are some tips for improving your listening with everyone in your life–your partner, friends, colleagues, kids. They’ll all benefit, and so will you.1)  Notice when you’re just waiting to talk.

Learn more:

- http://www.scoop.it/t/21st-century-learning-and-teaching/?tag=Listen+to+Me+with+Your+Eyes

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, June 2, 2015 1:28 AM

Couples often come in and say, “We need help with our communication,” and the presumption is that they need to become better communicators–by which they mean better talkers. But the best thing you can do for your relationship is become a better listener.

Here are some tips for improving your listening with everyone in your life–your partner, friends, colleagues, kids. They’ll all benefit, and so will you.1)  Notice when you’re just waiting to talk.

Learn more:


Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from #DigitalHealth
December 11, 2014 8:48 AM

Infographic: Today's Digital Patient

Infographic: Today's Digital Patient | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
The digital patient is here. From pre-screening potential doctors to viewing their treatment information and tracking their fitness/health data, the digital patient is increasingly embracing mobile health to improve their well-being. Check out the latest infographic from CDW Healthcare to learn about the right of the digital patient.


Via ET Russell, eMedToday, Philippe Marchal, Gilles Jourquin, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek, Denise Silber
ET Russell's curator insight, December 7, 2014 2:13 PM

Via @NewVisionsOne

Denise Silber's curator insight, December 11, 2014 1:40 AM

This infographic is in fact an ad for the company that published it but it has interesting stats.

Sigalon's curator insight, December 13, 2014 9:52 AM

See also:


Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Learning Molecules
October 8, 2013 11:22 AM

Teaching With Infographics | A Student Project Model

Teaching With Infographics | A Student Project Model | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
In our final post of Infographics Week, a history teacher tells how she used the Gulf oil spill to have students create infographics about the worst disasters in American history.

Via Beth Dichter, robinwb
Nalya Ovshieva's curator insight, September 29, 2013 3:14 AM

Infographics is a new kind of visual literacy. They are a kind of visual summary of information that would take a reader hours to process


David Baker's curator insight, September 29, 2013 6:40 PM

This was a great project for our teachers last year.  We are posting their info graphics outside out Office of Professional Development.  

Gayle Kakac's curator insight, September 30, 2013 8:10 PM

Been loving infographics and looking for a good way to incorporate these.  Hoping for an app that would make them easily.  We'll see what this has to say...

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Discover Sigalon Valley - Where the Tags are the Topics
July 1, 2013 3:40 AM

The Moment of Truth for Cars That Talk to Each Other | MIT Technology Review

The Moment of Truth for Cars That Talk to Each Other | MIT Technology Review | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Wireless vehicle networks could make driving safer and more efficient, but the cost of deployment will be significant.


The phrase “vehicle-to-vehicle communications” might currently mean little more than a few choice words hurled through an open car window. In a few years, however, it could be synonymous with technology that makes driving safer, less polluting, and certainly less antagonistic.

Via Sigalon
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from BUSINESS and more
May 8, 2012 1:00 AM

A Three-Step Process to LinkedIn Communication Success

A Three-Step Process to LinkedIn Communication Success | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Get Organized and Be More Effective on LinkedIn

Successful communications on LinkedIn can come down to this three-part process.

Create a LinkedIn Checklist Create a Communications Calendar Schedule Your Communications

LinkedIn Expert Advice:

Create a LinkedIn Checklist of Daily Updates and Posts

The first thing you are going to want to do is create a checklist for your daily communications. You can use any number of tools that come with your computer, or make your own checklist.

A simple, easy and popular checklist tool you might use for your PC is RTM (Remember The Milk) http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ This is one of the most popular checklists around because it is intuitive and easy to use.

Read more: http://bit.ly/I2Konq

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
November 26, 2019 8:45 PM

Rubric to  Measure student use of technology to focus on competencies like collaboration and communication via Digital Promise

Rubric to  Measure student use of technology to focus on competencies like collaboration and communication via Digital Promise | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Rubric and surveys can evaluate meaningful use of technology by teachers and students

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Eclectic Technology
June 6, 2015 10:28 AM

How do we prepare the students of today to be tomorrow’s digital leaders?

How do we prepare the students of today to be tomorrow’s digital leaders? | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

"To understand the extent to which the skills taught in education systems around the world are changing, and whether they meet the needs of employers and society more widely, Google commissioned research from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The EIU surveyed senior business executives, teachers and students."

Via Beth Dichter
Paul Franco's curator insight, June 5, 2015 2:27 PM

Muy bueno!!!!

Dr. Deborah Brennan's curator insight, June 7, 2015 5:56 PM

Preparing our students with the necessary skills for post-secondary career and college is critical, but especially for our poverty students.  Too often, school is the only venue to provide these thinking, collaboration, and problem solving skills. However, many poverty schools under the pressure of standardized testing are stuck in a remediation routine of filling gaps in content, reading, and math.  We must provide time for teachers to collaborate and plan integrated lessons that integrate these higher level thinking skills into their content areas. 

Katie Catania's curator insight, August 5, 2015 9:10 AM

What skills do learners need today to be prepared to be a leader as they move through school and into careers? Google commissioned a study and this post provides a short video that discusses key findings as well as a link to the final report, Driving the Skills Agenda: Preparing Students for the Future.

The Executive Summary provides a number of key findings, including the ones listed below. (The text below is quoted from the report.)

* Problem solving, team working and communication are the skills that are currently most in demand in the workplace.

* Education systems are not providing enough of the skills that students and the workplace need.

* Some students are taking it into their own hands to make up for deficiencies within the education system.

* Technology is changing teaching, but education systems are keeping up with the transformation rather than leading it.

The full report provides additional information, including a number of visuals as well as case studies. As educators it is important that we consider the skills our learners will need in the future, and this report provides insight into some of what will be needed.

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Tools for Teaching-People and Learners
February 17, 2015 7:58 AM

A directory of 500+ Tools for Communication Pros, ready-to-be-used. Tested, sorted, organized

A directory of 500+ Tools for Communication Pros, ready-to-be-used. Tested, sorted, organized | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

A directory of 500+ #Tools for Communication Pros, ready-to-be-used. Tested, sorted, organized...

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 15, 2015 6:02 PM

A directory of 500+ #Tools for Communication Pros, ready-to-be-used. Tested, sorted, organized...

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Teaching in the XXI Century
October 27, 2014 7:31 AM

Great Tools and Apps for Teacher-Parent Communication

Great Tools and Apps for Teacher-Parent Communication | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , João Greno Brogueira
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from cognitive event
July 15, 2013 2:02 AM

The interspecies internet? An idea in progress… | Video on TED.com

Apes, dolphins and elephants are animals with remarkable communication skills. Could the internet be expanded to include sentient species like them?

Via FastTFriend
FastTFriend's curator insight, July 15, 2013 1:54 AM

learning to interact beyond certain boundaries may be a first step towards reaching even further than this planet's confines.

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Business Improvement
August 15, 2012 2:07 PM

Managers: 6 Tips for Being a Good Communicator

Managers: 6 Tips for Being a Good Communicator | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Providing employee feedback is an important role for business owners and managers, yet far too often, mis-communication of expectations and directives results in a lack of desired results from respective employees.


In managing others, it is critical that not only are expectations communicated effectively, but that they are also documented so that poor performance can be effectively dealt with without legal implications.


This good article, identifies the problems of poor communication of expectations, and it offers six tips you can use to be more effective in providing feedback to your employees.


Via Daniel Watson
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