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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from gpmt
February 23, 2022 3:24 PM

Six Reasons to Be Optimistic About Learning in 2022  by @MichaelFullan1

Six Reasons to Be Optimistic About Learning in 2022  by @MichaelFullan1 | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
2021 was not an easy year, but post, international systems expert Michael Fullan says we have reason to be more optimistic in 2022.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , michel verstrepen
Eaglevisioncreative's comment, February 23, 2022 9:59 AM
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
November 26, 2019 8:45 PM

Rubric to  Measure student use of technology to focus on competencies like collaboration and communication via Digital Promise

Rubric to  Measure student use of technology to focus on competencies like collaboration and communication via Digital Promise | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Rubric and surveys can evaluate meaningful use of technology by teachers and students

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
April 15, 2018 12:12 PM

Teaching Practices - Deep Learning at the OCSB - H.S. teacher Blaine Primeau @STMatthewOttawa 

Blaine Primeau of St. Matthew High School expresses the importance of keeping students engaged, and how he does so by giving students choice.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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June 11, 2016 1:41 AM

3 Elements of Deeper Project-Based Learning By Loretta Goodwin

3 Elements of Deeper Project-Based Learning By Loretta Goodwin | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
By Loretta Goodwin

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur"
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August 30, 2015 8:26 AM

6 Learning Trends Driving Education in 2015

6 Learning Trends Driving Education in 2015 | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Looking to know the key learning trends for education in 2015? Here is a list with the top six approaches.

Which of these learning trends are you seeing in your organization? What opportunities do you see?

Stelios's curator insight, August 30, 2015 8:39 AM

Great approach!!

Jane Shamcey's curator insight, August 30, 2015 8:44 AM

Our latest blog post is live! Read on: http://ow.ly/Rycnr

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
September 6, 2021 11:41 AM

Beyond the Basics — How Edtech Can Provide Students with Essential 21st-Century Skills By Emily Chesbrough

Beyond the Basics — How Edtech Can Provide Students with Essential 21st-Century Skills By Emily Chesbrough | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

With all the changes and challenges over the last year, one takeaway I keep reflecting on is how essential education technology has become to learning—and how quickly this transition occurred.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)



How Educational Technology is Reshaping Education: Latest Trends

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
October 21, 2018 4:49 PM

These Are the Skills That Your Kids Will Need for the Future - Focus on Global Competencies #NPDL by @Digitaltonto

These Are the Skills That Your Kids Will Need for the Future - Focus on Global Competencies #NPDL by @Digitaltonto | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

The jobs of the future will involve humans collaborating with other humans to design work for machines, and value will shift from cognitive to social skills.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
Oscar Carrera's curator insight, October 21, 2018 5:14 PM

CTE programs in high schools or early colleges are now focusing on these type of skills. However, these skills should start being taught as early as elementary school.

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from college and career ready
January 7, 2017 1:58 AM

10 Tips to Make Learning REAL (relevant, engaging, authentic, lasting) 

10 Tips to Make Learning REAL (relevant, engaging, authentic, lasting)  | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
A blog about digital leadership, pedagogy, learning, and transformative change in education.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , Amanda McAndrew, Lynnette Van Dyke
Bev Jones's curator insight, January 4, 2017 4:53 AM
Interesting reflections about making learning relevant to student needs.   The challenge faced by many schools, colleges and private providers is how to engage staff in using technology, particularly those who are not the millennial generation and often don't use technology very much in their every day life.
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
June 8, 2016 11:19 PM

How Deeper Learning Helps Children Succeed by Paul Tough

How Deeper Learning Helps Children Succeed by Paul Tough | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
By Paul Tough - This excerpt from Paul Tough's new book discusses the importance of deeper learning and project-based learning for all students.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
johanna krijnsen's curator insight, June 10, 2016 9:44 PM
How deeper learning gets children more motivated, more enthusiastic, and more engaged.
Viviana Diaz's curator insight, September 23, 2016 2:50 PM

Educación desde  casa

May 18, 2014 7:38 PM

Watch What's Working: A New Deeper Learning Resource

Watch What's Working: A New Deeper Learning Resource | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
At Envision Education, we believe that deeper learning is the key to fundamentally changing education outcomes for all students.
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