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January 29, 2018 12:01 PM!

3 Ways SEO and Rankings are Changing in 2018 - Marketo

3 Ways SEO and Rankings are Changing in 2018 - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |
1. Video is Going to Rule the Rankings
2. Voice Search Will Start to Find its Footing
3. Mobile Results Will Take Priority
Joemktg's insight:

3 Ways SEO and Rankings are Changing in 2018 - Marketo


If you haven't already, then 2018 is the year you switch everything over to video.  All content.


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Dynexcel's curator insight, January 31, 2018 1:19 AM

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

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January 17, 2018 11:45 AM!

New Character Length for Google SERP Snippets & Meta Descriptions - Portent

New Character Length for Google SERP Snippets & Meta Descriptions - Portent | The MarTech Digest |
Google is now saying that the maximum length for a snippet in search results is 320 characters including spaces & snippet features, like the Published Date. I more often recommend a length of 300 characters for a Meta Description. However, other data providers like RankRanger have noted that the new descriptions have yet to exceed 300 characters in the wild and are currently averaging out to only about 230 characters.

Do I need to rewrite all my Meta Descriptions for 320 characters? In a word: No. But while you don’t need to rewrite all your Meta Descriptions this instant, you might want to consider it.
Joemktg's insight:

New Character Length for Google SERP Snippets & Meta Descriptions - Portent


And if you want to know why, click through. But you many want to revisit your Meta Descriptions.


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January 12, 2018 11:15 AM!

Online SEO Tools for Links, Keywords and Rank Tracking - MarTech.Zone

Online SEO Tools for Links, Keywords and Rank Tracking - MarTech.Zone | The MarTech Digest |
A complete list of SEO platforms for link tracking and analysis, keyword rank tracking, keyword research, and competitive research.
Joemktg's insight:

Online SEO Tools for Links, Keywords and Rank Tracking - MarTech.Zone


Another excellent collection of SEO tools. Bookmark!


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Dynexcel's curator insight, January 31, 2018 1:15 AM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of good practices to optimize your website so that you get a better ranking in search engines like Google


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January 11, 2018 10:30 AM!

How site pagination affects SEO - An experiment & exploration - Portent

How site pagination affects SEO - An experiment & exploration - Portent | The MarTech Digest |
n this scheme, the pagination for page 1 looks like this:

1 2 3 … 101 … 200
And for deeper pages, it looks like this:

1 … 12 … 23 24 25 26 27 … 113 … 200

Note that this is exactly the same as the “Step by Two, plus ‘Last’ Link” scheme above, except with two additional links inserted.

The “101” in the above example was added because it is the midpoint between 3 and 200, and the “113” because it is the midpoint between 27 and 200. In other words, the new link is based on the number you get by averaging the numbers immediately to the left and right of the “…” in the old scheme. These midpoint links make it possible to for a crawler to get from any page to any other page in just a few steps.
Joemktg's insight:

How site pagination affects SEO - An experiment & exploration - Portent


The article highlights the importance of having the right pagination, and shows proof. Brilliant stuff.


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December 20, 2017 10:00 AM!

Your 21-Point Blog Post Search Optimization Checklist [Infographic] - Convince and Convert

Your 21-Point Blog Post Search Optimization Checklist [Infographic] - Convince and Convert | The MarTech Digest |
This four-phase approach to search optimization is the key to keeping your blog posts relevant. Get all the details in one handy infographic.
Joemktg's insight:

Your 21-Point Blog Post Search Optimization Checklist [Infographic] - Convince and Convert


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December 14, 2017 11:00 AM!

A balanced approach to data-driven SEO - Search Engine Land

A balanced approach to data-driven SEO - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Your goals will dictate what you track, how you track and why you track. Use your goals as a guidepost to keep you focused. By having this focus, you will be able to do the work that matters.

Now, it will be tempting to veer off-course and peek at all the other data you may be collecting. And if you must, then set up a limited amount of time to do so. But be careful that you don’t get sucked into the information overload trap.

Here are a few more tips to ensure you keep your head above all the data:

Spend your time collecting and analyzing data that is on a need-to-know basis rather than a nice-to-know basis.
Focus on quality of information collected, rather than quantity.
Don’t multitask. Single-tasking keeps your mind focused on what is most important.
Joemktg's insight:

A balanced approach to data-driven SEO - Search Engine Land


I wish I never had to multitask.


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December 6, 2017 11:45 AM!

Your 2018 Technical SEO Checklist - MarketingProfs

Your 2018 Technical SEO Checklist - MarketingProfs | The MarTech Digest |
1. Install essential tools

2. Improve indexing and crawlability

3. Improve your 'crawl budget'

4. Clean up your sitemap

5. Optimize metadata

6. Fix broken links and redirects

7. Use rich snippets and structured data

9. Look to the future (voice search, RankBrain, and more)
Joemktg's insight:

Your 2018 Technical SEO Checklist - MarketingProfs


I'm bringing lots and lots of quality SEO guidance to you from tremendous 3rd party sources, including this one.


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December 6, 2017 11:30 AM!

7 Lesser-Known Factors That Affect Your Search Rankings - Forbes

7 Lesser-Known Factors That Affect Your Search Rankings - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |
Domain age. 
Social signals.
Content updates. 
Outbound links.
Click-through rates (CTRs). 
Repeat visitors. 
Dwell time. 
Joemktg's insight:

7 Lesser-Known Factors That Affect Your Search Rankings - Forbes


Domain age? Who knew!?


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December 6, 2017 11:00 AM!

SEO Cheat Sheet: Best Practices for On-Page Optimization - Marketo

Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that’s certainly the case when it comes your website’s Search Engine Optimization. It’s safe to say that SEO best practices are a moving target with Google’s dedication to innovation and a constant stream of updates since inception. To hit that target, you need a content marketing plan and a good engagement platform. There are two main components of an SEO strategy, on-page, and off-page.

This cheat sheet will focus on on-page optimization and pointers to help you stay on top with less effort and more continuous, measurable results.
Joemktg's insight:

SEO Cheat Sheet: Best Practices for On-Page Optimization - Marketo


Top-line summary of on-page modifications.


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December 5, 2017 11:00 AM!

Designing a Page's Content Flow to Maximize SEO Opportunity - Whiteboard Friday - Moz

Designing a Page's Content Flow to Maximize SEO Opportunity - Whiteboard Friday - Moz | The MarTech Digest |
Controlling and improving the flow of your page content can actually help your SEO. In today's Whiteboard Friday, we cover the questions and goals you need to hit the bullseye on this process.
Joemktg's insight:

Designing a Page's Content Flow to Maximize SEO Opportunity - Whiteboard Friday - Moz


As usual, it's SEO gold.


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Julie Brousse's curator insight, December 21, 2017 3:35 AM

Designing a Page's Content Flow to Maximize SEO Opportunity - Whiteboard Friday - Moz


As usual, it's SEO gold.


This news comes to you compliments of #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

Scooped by Joemktg
November 30, 2017 11:30 AM!

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Consumers now expect to see rich content in SERPs that includes not just standard text listings, but video, images, local map results, featured snippets and more. The standard organic listings themselves also sometimes feature rich snippets, which enhance the listing by presenting information in a way that is easy to scan and often visually appealing.

Paid search ads have changed as well — in 2015, Google doubled the size of its highly visual product listing ads (PLAs), and last year they announced that up to four search ads could appear for “highly commercial queries,” whereas previously the maximum had been three. Even if you aren’t involved in paid search, it’s important to keep track of any changes that impact the overall SERP layout and design, as these changes may affect the way users engage with organic listings.

These seismic shifts in the industry have a profound impact on SEO. Although my company has observed that the overall share of organic traffic for websites remains the same as it was in 2014 (51 percent of all incoming traffic, on average), this stability didn’t come easily — and it will become harder to defend this level of organic traffic contribution. Marketers now need to consider how content is evaluated and displayed on a variety of devices so they can attract more clicks from the right search user at the right time.
Joemktg's insight:

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land


You'll want to click through for more details.


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November 30, 2017 10:30 AM!

SEO & Machine Learning: Adapting To Google's New Realities - Forbes

SEO & Machine Learning: Adapting To Google's New Realities - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |
And it is pretty much an indisputable fact that the SEO landscape will evolve within the next couple of years. Here are several areas to pay close attention to:

1. Content

Content will become the driving force of search engine optimization, to the point where SEO professionals will become more concerned about a user’s content experience than other on-page factors, links, and technical issues.

2. On-page Optimization and Links

With the advance of machine learning algorithms, traditional on-page optimization methods will diminish in importance. Title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, and alt texts will play their roles, but they will no longer be the factors that make or break SEO. SEOs will have to become more creative. Linear step-by-step strategies that fail to address design, content, and user experience will easily be identified by AI algorithms, and SEO experts will need to constantly enhance their optimization methods to make a difference.

3. Technical SEO

Technical knowledge and expertise will become less relevant to SEO. Sitemaps, robots.txt files and scripts will be set up and fixed by the machine. For example, today Google Search Console notifies website owners about errors on their sites, but in the not-too-distant future, it will be able to fix those errors on the spot.

4. User Experience

Unlike on-page optimization, links, and the technical aspects of SEO, user experience factors will only continue to increase in importance. Great user experience is a key factor that Google will undoubtedly use to rank websites in search engine results.
Joemktg's insight:

SEO & Machine Learning: Adapting To Google's New Realities - Forbes


Are we looking at the end of SEO specialists?


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November 30, 2017 10:15 AM!

The Complete Guide to Direct Traffic in Google Analytics - Moz

The Complete Guide to Direct Traffic in Google Analytics - Moz | The MarTech Digest |
When it comes to direct traffic in Analytics, there are two deeply entrenched misconceptions.

The first is that it’s caused almost exclusively by users typing an address into their browser (or clicking on a bookmark). The second is that it’s a Bad Thing, not because it has any overt negative impact on your site’s performance, but rather because it’s somehow immune to further analysis. The prevailing attitude amongst digital marketers is that direct traffic is an unavoidable inconvenience; as a result, discussion of direct is typically limited to ways of attributing it to other channels, or side-stepping the issues associated with it.

In this article, we’ll be taking a fresh look at direct traffic in modern Google Analytics. As well as exploring the myriad ways in which referrer data can be lost, we’ll look at some tools and tactics you can start using immediately to reduce levels of direct traffic in your reports. Finally, we’ll discover how advanced analysis and segmentation can unlock the mysteries of direct traffic and shed light on what might actually be your most valuable users.
Joemktg's insight:

The Complete Guide to Direct Traffic in Google Analytics - Moz


And it IS a complete guide. Bookmark this.


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November 20, 2017 5:28 PM!

Private blog networks: A great way to get your site penalized - Search Engine Land

Private blog networks: A great way to get your site penalized - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
You may have heard about private blog networks (PBNs) before, but you may not be sure what they are or why they are used. A PBN is a network of websites used to build links (and therefore pass authority) to a single website for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings. This scheme is similar to a link wheel or link pyramid, as it involves several different websites all linking to one another or to one central website.

While these types of schemes were used commonly years ago, PBNs are now considered a pure black hat tactic and should be avoided at all costs, as they can lead to a loss in rankings, or even a manual penalty. PBNs usually provide little to no long-term value to the websites they are linking to.
Joemktg's insight:

"Private blog networks: A great way to get your site penalized - Search Engine Land"


You've been warned.


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November 20, 2017 10:21 AM!

Use Twitter to Boost Your SEO Campaign - Relevance

Use Twitter to Boost Your SEO Campaign - Relevance | The MarTech Digest |

There is no better way to reach a large audience than with white hat SEO practices and strategies. The most important thing for your online marketing is choosing the right keywords. If you use them in your tweets you can easily be ahead of competitions since they will give relevance to your posts. But it’s crucial that you include them in your tweets so they appeal to the audience and do not leave any negative effects. Carefully prepared posts can have a noteworthy impact on the followers if the content is well-thought out and meaningful.


You’ve probably noticed people using hashtags on social media in abundance. This practice actually started on Twitter, even though the origins of hashtags date back to 1978. Incorporating them in your posts is like using metadata. If you pair them with the right keywords, you’ll get more desirable SEO effects. Use them in every tweet and as much as possible so you can be as high as possible in the search result list. However, keep in mind that they have to be meaningful and connected to what you’re posting, and also that you have to fit them in a 140-characters long message.
Joemktg's insight:

Use Twitter to Boost Your SEO Campaign - Relevance


Suggest you tackle this only after you have your SEO program humming.


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BURN's curator insight, May 5, 2020 5:38 AM" "rel="dofollow"> 420medicaldispensarys
sapponmedi's curator insight, February 14, 2021 2:02 PM

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November 14, 2017 10:10 AM!

Marrying UX and SEO: How to Optimize for Time on Site and Page Speed - SEMrush

Marrying UX and SEO: How to Optimize for Time on Site and Page Speed - SEMrush | The MarTech Digest |
How to Increase Time Spent on Site

Tip 1 – Create Supplementary Content and Link To It
Tip 2 – Answer Multiple Queries and Kill Two (or More) Birds with One Stone
Tip 3 – Showcase Related Content

How to Improve Page Speed (and Tackle Bounce Rate)

1. Using a Content Delivery Network
2. Using a Good Hosting Provider
3. Compressing Images
4. Leverage Browser Caching
5. Minify Resources
Joemktg's insight:

Far more detail is offered, so please click through.


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November 14, 2017 10:00 AM!

How Google Gives Us insight into Searcher Intent Through the Results - Moz

How Google Gives Us insight into Searcher Intent Through the Results - Moz | The MarTech Digest |
When Google isn't quite sure what a searcher means just by their search query, the results (appropriately) cater to multiple possible meanings. Those SERPs, if we examine them carefully, are full of useful information. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Rand offers some real-world examples of what we can glean just by skimming the kinds of things Google decides are relevant.

Joemktg's insight:

Not hard!


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November 2, 2017 10:00 AM!

The Periodic Table of Link Acquisition for SEO - Indigo Digital

The Periodic Table of Link Acquisition for SEO - Indigo Digital | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

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Scooped by Joemktg
October 31, 2017 12:10 PM!

SEO in 2018: The Definitive Guide - Backlinko

SEO in 2018: The Definitive Guide - Backlinko | The MarTech Digest |
This is the ultimate guide to dominating Google’s search results in 2018. And let me be clear about something: This is NOT a lame “SEO in 2018” predictions post. Instead, you’re going see tested strategies that are working right now… and will work even better in 2018. Let’s dive right in.
Joemktg's insight:

SEO for 2018? START HERE!!!


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Dynexcel's curator insight, February 1, 2018 1:01 AM

The Odoo Website Builder is probably the most SEO-ready CMS out there. We consider SEO a top priority. To guarantee Odoo Website and Odoo eCommerce users have a great SEO, Odoo abstracts all the technical complexities of SEO and handles everything for you, in the best possible way.


sapponmedi's curator insight, February 14, 2021 2:10 PM

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October 31, 2017 11:40 AM!

5 Essentials of an Effective B2B SEO Strategy - B2B News Network

5 Essentials of an Effective B2B SEO Strategy - B2B News Network | The MarTech Digest |
1- Follow the Best Practices for Having an Effective Website Structure

2- Identify the Most Potential B2B Keywords Having Buying Intent

3- Create a Blog

4- Produce Content Based on Target Business Persona

5- Monitor the Performance of Content
Joemktg's insight:

Blocking and tackling.


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October 30, 2017 11:20 AM!

What NOT To Do When Writing a Meta Description - SEMrush

What NOT To Do When Writing a Meta Description - SEMrush | The MarTech Digest |
1. Don’t Focus On the Number of Characters
2. Don’t Duplicate Your Meta Description
3. Don’t Forget Keywords in Your Copy
4. Don’t Write Boring Descriptions
5. Don’t Be Lazy; Set Up Structured Data
Joemktg's insight:

Often undervalued. Click through for the details.


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Upwork's curator insight, October 30, 2017 11:32 AM
Good SEO tips to add to your list.
Scooped by Joemktg
October 23, 2017 2:14 PM!

SEO for WordPress: Quick Start Guide - Link-Assistant

SEO for WordPress: Quick Start Guide - Link-Assistant | The MarTech Digest |
All you need to know about optimizing your WordPress website for high Google rankings.
Joemktg's insight:

Specific to WP users, although the principles apply to all.


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Scooped by Joemktg
October 23, 2017 10:10 AM!

How Links in Headers, Footers, Content, and Navigation Can Impact SEO - Whiteboard Friday - Moz

How Links in Headers, Footers, Content, and Navigation Can Impact SEO - Whiteboard Friday - Moz | The MarTech Digest |
This week's Whiteboard Friday covers links in headers and footers, in navigation versus content, and how that can affect internal and external links, link equity, and link value between your site and others.
Joemktg's insight:

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Scooped by Joemktg
October 17, 2017 11:40 AM!

How machine learning levels the SERP playing field - Search Engine Land

How machine learning levels the SERP playing field - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Here are a few methods SEOs should be using to keep current with the evolving environment:

1. Improve user experience

To ensure your web pages deliver good user signals, you must create a solid UX foundation. This means providing thematic continuity across your web pages, creating high-quality and relevant landing pages, using engaging images, offering interactive content, delivering fast page speed and developing an organized internal linking structure.

2. Embrace thematic continuity

We began focusing on creating more seamless hierarchical structures that leverage semantically linked keywords and topic clusters to promote an awesome UX. As opposed to simply creating content with a limited keyword focus, we focused on ranking our clients’ most important pages. HubSpot refers to this exciting new practice as “topic clusters.” 

3. Employ natural language

Perhaps the best way to optimize for an artificially intelligent search world is to optimize for voice search, as opposed to text search. Research has also shown that people searching by voice, rather than text, are more likely to use search phrases from four to nine words in length. This means you need to optimize for long-tail keyword phrases — which are usually longer in length — and page copy that is more representative of natural language. 

4. Personalize the buyer’s journey

This technology is still in its infancy, but we can also apply machine learning technology and data mining to personalize touch points along the buyer’s journey. Customer journey mapping can be used to build out buyer personas and personalize marketing touch points to maximize conversions and sales.
Joemktg's insight:

Brilliant article that provides a path for you to consider for 2018 and beyond.


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Scooped by Joemktg
October 17, 2017 10:00 AM!

SEO Website Analytics Reports for Beginners - Marketo

SEO Website Analytics Reports for Beginners - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |
1. Gather Detailed Demographics Insights to Address the Right Audience(s)
2. Examine Visitor Behavior to Identify Landing Pages that Need Improvement
3. Review Search Reports to Discover Topic Ideas and Gaps in Coverage
4. Identify New Opportunities for Driving Visitors Deeper into the Purchasing Funnel
5. Analyze Content Reports to Find (and Improve) Failing Content

Three Tools That Provide Unique SEO Website Analysis Opportunities
Crazy Egg—Crazy Egg provides heat maps and scroll maps that allow marketers to see what page components attract the most attention from site visitors, and what parts of the page are most commonly being skimmed or skipped.
SEMrush—SEMrush allows marketers to spy on competitor advertising activities. View competitor PPC and display ad activities, how much they spend, what keywords perform best for them, and what designs and copy work well.
SimilarWeb—SimilarWeb allows marketers to take analytical insights to the next step by seeing competitor analytics and comparing the effectiveness of each business’ marketing strategies.
Joemktg's insight:

Obviously, the best path is to secure a tool that delivers what you need.


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