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elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight,
February 12, 2016 8:37 AM
Nice tips to help you flip your classroom
Ezekiel Alley's curator insight,
June 4, 2018 4:13 AM
This article makes a really good point. It's important to not just include technology just because it can be included. There should be a reason why the technology is used with the pros and cons weighed up and then used if it is going to be advantageous. however I don't think this is an excuse to not look to use technology in the classroom, just a warning to not use it for the sake of using it.
Josh Frost's curator insight,
June 3, 2019 8:57 AM
This is a very unbiased article that provides both points of view and makes assumptions and conclusions based on raw information. This article spoke about the advantages of reading digitally as opposed to on paper and included information on modern day technology that allows novice readers to click words and have the meaning pop-up as a quick learning tool. This article also spoke about how to incorporate social media, blogging and even mobile phones in a classroom which I found interesting. I learnt from this blog that humans tend to linger on information longer when reading a hard-copy book than a digital source. Digital sources have been said to decrease comprehension however there is evidence from both sides.
Alexander Daron's curator insight,
October 15, 2017 11:14 AM
I chose this resource because although technology can be great, sometimes it can be extremely challenging as well. As a society, we must continue to overcome any barriers or obstacles we face in an effort to use the technology to our advantage.. I hope that this article will help raise awareness as to some of the barriers we face, and then we can find solutions to overcome those barriers.
Orientacion IES HRL's curator insight,
February 5, 2016 3:49 AM
Rescooped by @Jose Luis Cabello from Digital Delights for Learners onto Internet como recurso Docente
Jorge Jaramillo's curator insight,
February 5, 2016 10:42 AM
Alternativas de selección de material educativo para la planeación de actividades de aprendizaje. Esta es una excelente alternativa, buscando conectar a los estudiantes en el conocimiento.
Vanessa Cavazos's curator insight,
May 24, 2020 7:55 PM
This provides an EdTech Chart for teachers that are broken up into different categories. These applications and tools can be used for different devices such as iPads, androids, and teachers can also get access to graphing calculators online.
Looks informative