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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 1:23 PM!

New Hardware: Time Capsule with up to 3TB - iPhone 4G

New Hardware: Time Capsule with up to 3TB - iPhone 4G | Technology and Gadgets |
New Hardware: Time Capsule with up to 3TB, iPhone 4G, New Hardware: Time Capsule with up to 3TB.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 1:09 PM!

Sega latest target of hackers' attacks

Sega latest target of hackers' attacks | Technology and Gadgets |
Sega Corp. has become the latest Japanese company to have its operations illegally accessed by hackers.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 12:57 PM!

What are Gadgets?

What are Gadgets? | Technology and Gadgets |
For technology enthusiasts, the term Gadget is very common and popular, but the internet is not composed only of these users.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 9:09 AM!

Turning your smartphone into a smarter TV remote | Technology and Gagets |

Turning your smartphone into a smarter TV remote | Technology and Gagets | | Technology and Gadgets |
TV remote technology hasn't made any real advances in years.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 10:34 AM!

Could Apple Be Planning an iPhone 5 AND an iPhone 4S?

Amid more rumors that the iPhone will debut in late summer, one analyst speculates Apple could debut two new versions of the smartphone.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 10:32 AM!

(Not so) Crazy Microsoft Rumors: Windows 8 to RTM in April 2012

(Not so) Crazy Microsoft Rumors: Windows 8 to RTM in April 2012 | Technology and Gadgets |
It’s (not so) crazy Microsoft rumors time again.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 9:58 AM!

Lytro upcoming camera – shoot first, focus later?

Lytro upcoming camera – shoot first, focus later? | Technology and Gadgets |
Lytro’s camera is not just an ordinary digital camera. Its upcoming field camera can capture all travelled light rays in every direction.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 1:18 PM!

Company fights espionage by putting cell phones in biscuit tins - The Local

Company fights espionage by putting cell phones in biscuit tins - The Local | Technology and Gadgets |
A German chemicals company said on Monday its managers have begun keeping their mobile phones in biscuit tins during meetings in order to guard against industrial espionage. (Cell phones in biscuit tins.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 1:00 PM!

Justices Reject Ban on Violent Video Games for Children

Justices Reject Ban on Violent Video Games for Children | Technology and Gadgets |
The Supreme Court agreed with a federal court’s decision to throw out California’s ban on the sale or rental of violent video games to minors, saying the law violated minors’ rights.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 11:56 AM!

10 Things You Didn't Know You Signed - TheStreet

10 Things You Didn't Know You Signed - TheStreet | Technology and Gadgets |
You may get an unpleasant surprise if you click agree without reading software and Web user agreements.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 11:57 AM!

Amazing iPhone Gadgets Real LED Flashlight Emergency Flasher

Amazing iPhone Gadgets Real LED Flashlight Emergency Flasher | Technology and Gadgets |
Next, In Our Series Of Amazing iPhone Gadgets. The HMB TEC Real LED Flashlight & Emergency Flasher.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 10:22 AM!

Who Killed the Netbook?

Who Killed the Netbook? | Technology and Gadgets |
The netbook’s brief success was also its swan song...
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 10:02 AM!

Five things we love about Windows Phone Mango

Five things we love about Windows Phone Mango | Technology and Gadgets |
Windows Phone 7.5 Mango will introduce 500 new and enhanced features for Microsoft's fledgling mobile operating system. We bring you our favorites.
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Scooped by Tiaan Jonker
June 27, 2011 10:16 AM!

Space Station to Continuously Stream Video of Earth,

Space Station to Continuously Stream Video of Earth, | Technology and Gadgets |
Sometime in 2012 anyone will be able to view continuous video of space streamed over the Internet from the International Space Station (ISS) if an effort (In Government News: Space Station to Continuously Stream Video of Earth: Two cameras are to ...
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