Tamil Nadu farmer produces bumper crop four times larger than average using system of rice intensification
SRI-Rice's insight:
An article in The Guardian blog by John Vidal about the controversial 20+ ton yield by a farmer in Tamil Nadu. Read more about the how Sethumadhavan got the yield at:
Title: SRI: Introduction to KGVK and Usha Martin University Presenter: Yezdi P. Karai Venue: Presented at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Date: May 22, 2014
SRI-Rice's insight:
Here's a powerpoint presentation sponsored by SRI-Rice during Yezdi Karai's visit to Cornell University. The new university is planning an SRI Institute!
Let's be smart. Para petani ikut dalam sekolah lapang pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (SLPTT). SLPTT ini menjangkau petani penggarap.
SRI-Rice's insight:
According to this article in Merdeka.com, the Dept. of Agriculture in Bali, Indonesia, is planning to train farmers in SRI methods to be carried out on 7,800 hectares of Bali's 81,625 ha. of paddy area.
An additional advantage was reduction in cultivation cost. It is also observed that the cost of cultivation is reduced by about Rs.4,000-5,000 per acre in this method due to skipping of practices like nursery raising and manual transplanting. Duration of the crop is also reduced by 7-10 days in modified SRI method compared to conventional practice.
SRI-Rice's insight:
The RASS-KVK in Andhra Pradesh, India, are continuing to refine and spread SRI adaptations through the drum seeder
Vietnam’s central bank and the World Bank signed three agreements worth US$390 million to support infrastructure, agriculture and livelihoods in the country’s poorest areas... The second project will support farmers in adopting climate-smart farming techniques, including systems of rice intensification and crop diversification, use of bio-fertilizer, and integrated pest management.
Zheng Jiaguo, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, came to Cornell on April 15, 2014, and presented this PowerPoint on water savings with SRI to the SRI-Rice Group. This ppt has some SRI adaptations that we haven't seen too much outside of China so far.
After Nallur's farmers took up the SRI method of paddy cultivation, resources such as water and labour have been saved, while the yield has increased, reports K Narasimhamurthy
“I would have never imagined that it was possible for me to harvest 5 to 6 tons of rice on one single hectare of land—it’s such an extraordinary feat for me.” - Leo Andres Pablo Julson.
SRI-Rice's insight:
This USAID-sponsored project, Feed the Future (FTF) West, has been successful in doubling yields for some of the farmers in Haiti. Hopefully SRI will continue to spread there on its own as the project is apparently ending in May.
This video was made by Tom Pietrasik in collaboration with Jacob Nellithanam and shows the direct seeding of SRI in rainfed rice. The tools depicted were developed by Nrayana Reddy, one of the earliest farmers to experiment with SRI in India.
Erika (SRI-Rice) took a video of this weeder sent to Liberia from the USA for trials with the System of Rice Intensification. The initial trials by Robert Bimba's Community of Hope Agriculture ...
SRI-Rice's insight:
We saw a weeder similar to this available on Amazon.com (the Garden Weasel) for $29US. Looks like it works well. There's a similar one in this Japanese video.. /watch?v=RD4yijotwcg . Any readers have experience to share about this model?
Hard copy published by CRS (web version is on the SRI-Rice website). This manual is authored by Gerald Aruna and Mendesora United for use by SRI facilitators in Sierra Leone
Paddy rice yield in Krom village following the SRI techniques Let’s ring in 2014 with a successful story from one of CRDT’s beneficiaries! Mr. Pov, 47, from Krom village, Stung Treng reported with a smiling face that his tons of rice yield could supply for his whole six members’ family
SRI-Rice's insight:
Story by the Cambodian Rural Development Team of a farmer using SRI in Strung Trang, Cambodia
By Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi A 2-year grant from Buddhist Global Relief is enabling Oxfam to expand its program in Haiti providing training in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), a method of rice c...
SRI-Rice's insight:
Progress on Oxfam's SRI work in Haiti's Artibonite Valley, which is supported by Buddhist Global Relief
Bhubaneswar: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to start livelihood project in 19 districts of Odisha
Odisha. NABARD signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT) .
SRI-Rice's insight:
SRI will be included in the activities outlined in the MoU.
SDTT also had a recent SRI partners meeting where you can find 22 PowerPoint presentations about SRI activities in many areas: http://sdtt-sri.org/?page_id=1925
Rising food prices and increasing climate instability have sparked political changes around the world and put agriculture on international spotlight. What kind of agriculture is best suited to respond to those challenges has also become a global subject of discussion.
SRI-Rice's insight:
This article discusses how SRI and SCI advances hold promise for helping NIgeria achieve food security.
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a holistic agro-ecological crop management technique seeking alternatives to the high-input oriented agriculture and one among the scientific management tool of allocating irrigation water based on soil and climatic condition to achieve maximum crop production per unit of water applied over a unit area in unit time.
SRI-Rice's insight:
This is an open access paper published recently in the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage about SRI about the Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water Bodies Restoration and Management (TN-IAMWARM) Project in Tamil Nadu, India. Rice productivity, yield and Water Use Efficiency (WUE) all increased with SRI when compared to the conventional system in all the demonstrations. The widespread adoption of SRI showed increasing trend in yield over the several years of the project.
Spanish language PowerPoint Presentation by Manuel Sanchez (IICA) and Juan Arthur. Dominican Republic. Experiencias del SRI en RD Primera siembra en la Estación Experimental de Juma, Bonao
SRI-Rice's insight:
We've been waiting to hear from the Domincan Republic about SRI for a while!
Following the adoption of a new method for rice production by Liberian farmers known as the “System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), based in Paynesville, has received support from the government of Liberia and partners to carry out the implementation of the program.
A feasibility study on SRI methods with respect to irrigation requirements, non-point source (NPS) pollution discharge, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rice yields was conducted in Korea. The data indicated the high potentiality of adoption of the SRI methods for paddy farming in Korea. The study concludes that application of SRI water management methods could help to improve Korea's water resources and water quality management, and could thus contribute to mitigation of the negative effects of global warming.
SRI-Rice's insight:
SRI reduced non-point source (NPS) pollution discharge, water use, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Korea (though not much yield gain). Not sure if full text is freely available online.
SRI-Rice was up for the People's Choice Award.The Katerva Award highlights the most innovative projects from around the world and has been referred to as "the Nobel Prize of Sustainability." The SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice) at Cornell University has been selected as a finalist for the 2013 Katerva Award in the Food Security category.
SRI-Rice's insight:
Alas! We were not successful! Perhaps next year....
A simple agricultural technique could release farmers from the grip of agrochemical corporations. With no patents, no royalties and no licensing fees, this system just benefits the farmers.
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An article in The Guardian blog by John Vidal about the controversial 20+ ton yield by a farmer in Tamil Nadu. Read more about the how Sethumadhavan got the yield at: