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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 24, 2014 3:53 PM!

Why Startups Should Have At Least One

Why Startups Should Have At Least One | Startup Revolution |

Marty's Story
About a week after starting as Atlantic BT's, largest web dev shop in Triangle area of NC, new Marketing Director my boss & founder / CEO Jon Jordan asked me, "What's this" thing.

Jon's displeasure was obvious. I explained how is a "get more, do less" content curation tool. Jon said, "It doesn't look like us," and I had to agree. My question back to Jon was, "Is 'looking like us' important," and you can guess his response.

To his credit, Jon asked me to do an analysis before shooting the limping horse. I also related our previous conversation about the "creation of a commons". On my second day as Marketing Director for ABT Jon and Mark Foulkrod, then COO, confessed a concern.

"We think you will steal from us," Mark said straight out (that is the way Mark is). The comment surprised me so I asked the right question. "Why are you worried and what do you think I will 'steal","I asked.

Jon shared the story of a previous employee who "blogged for himself on our dime". I never met the person, but I explained ABT had little or nothing I could "steal".

It was my turn to shock them. I shared how, at that time, ABT's Klout score was 19 while mine was 45. Together, I went on to explain, we were stronger than either apart. We would create a commons mingling my content, ABT's and curating in other content from gurus, thought leaders and ABT customers to create a "rising tide" sure to lift their online reputation boat and mine.

"You will gain more if only due to our starting points," I shared. At the end of my tenure (December 2013) ABT's Klout score was 50, a 233% increase. Mine was 65, a 44% bump. and were MAJOR contributors to the rising tide of ABT's commons. helped test content marketing ideas and creates more community faster for LESS work than any tool I know or use (and I use a passel of 'em).

The brilliance behind, that they present an algorithm filter of content you've already shared and or mashedup, makes it the GREATEST and most under utilized (and just about the cheapest) content curation tool.

Startups are so WIDGET FOCUSED they don't think about the day they want to share their widget with the world. is guaranteed to make "sharing day" easier and for the cost of...well just about NOTHING a startup receives a powerful ally. If you are a starutp or Internet marketer and DON'T use my friends in Switzerland's coolest tool since sliced bread you are nuts.

Oh, btw, when I shared data showing was the most powerful community creation tool we had Jon and Mark didn't care if it "looked like us" or not (lol).

** PS. Paper.lis great community manager @Kelly Hungerford  just pointed out that if had CSS and templating options then ABT's would have looked like them. M

Kelly Hungerford's comment, July 24, 2014 4:23 PM
Marty, you're awesome! If only we had had custom CSS and branding options back then... we could have branded a paper to fit their look and feel. LOL. You continue to be one of our greatest champions of not only, but how and can work together in a marketing strategy to build presence, community and get some work done. Thank you for that. In fact, I think a post is in order. You always inspire Marty, thank you!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 29, 2013 12:01 PM!

Why Paperli Rocks - ScentTrail Marketing

Why Paperli Rocks - ScentTrail Marketing | Startup Revolution |

Content Marketing Tools For Startups
I didn't write this post with #Startups in mind, but I could have. Startups wrestle with content marketing. I suggest these content marketing tools for any startup:


* Google Analytics
* Google Adwords
* Google Plus
* Twitter
* A Blog (WordPress) 

It is possible to change the world with those seven tools.  


The linked post explains how I use for everything from spidering the social web to reputation management. If you are a startup and don't know what either of those ideas are, trust me you will and I promise to post more about content marketing for startups soon. 

Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 18, 2013 11:15 AM
Thanks Marty. That's a great list and we're proud to be a part of it in your "Do More With Less Strategy" Appreciated!
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 18, 2013 7:54 PM
You ROCK Kelly :). Marty
Brett.Ashley.Crawford's curator insight, October 29, 2013 10:55 AM

nonprofits of small and medium size are distinctly and significantly similar to start-ups. They can similarly utilize these content curation tools, especially nonprofit arts looking for online impact.  


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 15, 2014 8:09 AM!

Why Startups Should Use Mindful Curation with Judy Gombita

Why Startups Should Use Mindful Curation with Judy Gombita | Startup Revolution |

Startups &
This is a great interview with a knowledgeable curator - Judy Gombita. Startups are in a constant state of frenzy. They must create content, but they are creating other things too like a product or a company.

Most startups abandon content marketing until after they launch. That is a mistake. Start sharing content NOW and is a great way to share because it uses your Twitter feed to create one of the most powerful, "Get more done with less effort," content curation tools around.

Your helps build community, inform your content marketing and create feedback loops and it can be as "plug and play" as you want. Highly recommend all startups have a since this great tool is like putting your Twitter on steroids. .

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social Marketing Revolution
December 15, 2012 8:27 AM!

Q: Is Your Blog Ready for 2013? A: Not Even Close

Q: Is Your Blog Ready for 2013? A: Not Even Close | Startup Revolution |
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Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I previously curated this piece into Curation Revoluiton, but, on the eve of Christmas, I'm moving it to Startup Revolution because startups need to focus on making content as strategic as every other aspect of their marketing. If you are a startup is your blog/content strategy ready for Christmas?

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, December 11, 2012 8:58 AM

Great post from my friends at (@SmallRivers) on how to get your blog ready for all the new stuff happening now and in 2013. Is your blog ready for 2013? Not until you've read this excellent post from 

Kelly Hungerford's comment, December 11, 2012 2:54 PM
Thanks Marty, much appreciated. We're having such a great time with Mack and the #blogchat community. There is amazing knowledge share and fun going on and it's been an incredibly rewarding experiencing bringing the two communities together and I'm learning a ton. Join us if you can!
Kelly Hungerford's curator insight, December 11, 2012 3:20 PM

I saw this tweet today from Marty and laughed. He's got such a great sense of humor. I highly doubt that his blog isn't ready for 2013. From what I enjoy from his blogs, he is the master of content and keeping readers loyal, so my guess is that he's got it all under control. 


But in any case, we hope to see him and anyone who wants to exchange ideas, tips and best practices as well as share in some festive seasonal fun! joined forces with Mack Collier's #blogchat for the month of December and we've been having a blast. It's an early wake-up call for Switzerland - 3am, but it's well worth it! Join us and check it out!