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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 29, 2015 1:22 AM!

The $240,000 Nissan Rogue Social Marketing Event That Didn't Happen- Curagami

The $240,000 Nissan Rogue Social Marketing Event That Didn't Happen- Curagami | Social Marketing Revolution |

The day a big company understands social media marketing it may be time to buy water and canned goods and get in the basement. The end of days is near.

As this post shares, doesn't look like the end of days is near based on how TONE DEAF Nissan was to a cool social marketing idea, and idea that would have sold $240,000 in cars and costs...well NOTING.

We may NEVER need water and canned goods...sadly.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social and digital network
August 16, 2013 7:21 AM!

World's Greatest Social Media Marketer Has 10 Super Powers [Infographic]

World's Greatest Social Media Marketer Has 10 Super Powers [Infographic] | Social Marketing Revolution |
Social Media - Need to hire staff to help make social media marketing part of your brand experience? Make sure the folks you choose possess these 10 super powers.

Via The Fish Firm II, Pascale Mousset
Louise Masin Sattler's curator insight, September 18, 2013 11:31 AM

Great infographic about social media and women!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 17, 2014 7:42 AM!

Engagement Is... Great Defining Conversation On G+

Engagement Is... Great Defining Conversation On G+ | Social Marketing Revolution |
You Can't Spell ENGAGE Without ENGE!
Engagement is a philosophy that brings together marketing and education, to help others develop a deeper…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

My favorite part of this conversation is this defining paragraph:

"At its foundation, it is human beings having a conversation based on passion not promotion, a dialogue focused on meaning not message, and most important of all, both +Mark Traphagen and +Eric Enge provide enough space and discipline to engage the audience, and hear what they have to share."

This issue of having the discipline to create the SPACE for conversation is a key engagement idea well said.

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