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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 20, 2013 11:16 AM!

5 Tips To Avoid Epic Customer Service FAILS - ScentTrail Marketing

5 Tips To Avoid Epic Customer Service FAILS - ScentTrail Marketing | Social Marketing Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

How To Avoid Epic Customer Service Fails 

Epic customer service fails in a time of connected social media are more costly to brands and companies than ever. One would think given the immense power any consumer has companies would make sure their customer service TALK and WALK match. 

Not so much as it turns out as this post on how my TV was stolen twice proves.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 4, 2013 7:28 AM!

Social Media IS My Job

Social Media IS My Job | Social Marketing Revolution |

Social Media Is My JOB
After the Evolv study came out showing how social media addicts may be a company's best employees I realized Social Media, something I'd been feeling guilty about spending time doing, IS my job as Marketing Director for the web design and software development company Atlantic BT in Raleigh.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Find the Evolv study showing how your most social employees may be your most productive ones here:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 12, 2013 4:19 PM!

Google Analytics Undercounts your Social Media Presence!

Google Analytics Undercounts your Social Media Presence! | Social Marketing Revolution |
Even if are you including social media in your monthly dashboards, if you are using standard Google Analytics Source/Medium data, it's going to undercount your social media presence.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Be Careful and Model SMM
A truth we've known for some time revealed, exposed and shameful. Attribution, even before social media marketing, was a difficult. Now, post SMM, it is almost impossible. I will never forget our CFO instructing me to kill our "non converting' keywords in PPC. 

I nodded, said sure and then didn't. It was going to be too hard to explain my "tooth" theory (lol). When a system is running and making money online, as ours was, any attempt to do something as dramatic as shut off "non-converting keywords" is sure to introduce a wobble.

Wobbles usually translate into making LESS money, so I nodded and assured him I would and then didn't. I no longer work for this very difficult  employer, but the knee jerk, "Kill it Now" attitude still exists despite its wrecking ball pain and no real benefit.

The bottom line from this extensive study is you must model your social and be generous to attribution all the way along the conversion funnel or you cut off nose to spite face. There are tools such as Argyle Social that can help right this wrong, but most importantly don't let your cost cutting C level kill the Goose laying those golden eggs. Nod and say you will and then DON'T (lol). 

TIME is part of Google's algorithm and should be part of your Internet marketing too.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 1, 2013 9:27 PM!

25 Websites with the Best Comment Sections In Pictures

25 Websites with the Best Comment Sections In Pictures | Social Marketing Revolution | rates the top 25 comments sections on very diverse websites. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Note the absence of Ecom sites here. Comments and reviews are critical in a post-panda SEO world, so Ecom sites would be well advised to #StealThis from some of these comment sections. Comments are beaautifully self perpetuating.

When you ask for them you get more. When you don't you send 2 bad signals - websites without comments say we don't care what you (our potential customers) think and they push comments to other sites such as Yelp (bad idea).

The more social we become the more important a great comments area promoted by the kinds of hooks and gamification that pull comments from reluctant visitors must be in place to win.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 22, 2012 9:09 AM!

Your PUBLIC / PRIVATE Life Is The Same - Facebook Photo Firing [+ Marty Big Red C Note]

Your PUBLIC / PRIVATE Life Is The Same - Facebook Photo Firing [+ Marty Big Red C Note] | Social Marketing Revolution |

A Massachusetts woman is on unpaid leave from her job after posting an offensive photo on Facebook.


Marty Note
I could lecture about privacy settings but it is Thanksgiving so let's skip that. Instead let's recognize our reality. Your private ad public lives are now the same. When I was diagnosed with cancer it felt like a big red C was painted on my chest. I worried about losing my job just to show how crazy one gets when hearing this kind of news (lol). 

Once I got my mind fully wrapped around CANCER I understood some "new" realities. New in quotes because they were always there I just didn't think about them. Those new realities included:

* Your job is not who you are.
* Your career is going to do what it is going to do. 
* Focus on helping and learning & everything will be fine.
* Don't be a jerk. 
* Your life is really about friends, family and helping. 
* You won't realize what your life is about until about 50.
* Pray that once you realize what life is you have TIME. 
* There is never enough time or money.
* There is always enough time and money.
* You always already have everything you need. 

Those last few bullets are confusing and self contradictory and so much like LIFE (lol). Being an Internet marketer teaches valuable lessons such as there is only one time NOW and "reality" is always modeled (constructed by our minds and beliefs). 

Buddhists believe if you see Buddha you must kill him. Mortal beings can't see Buddha. If you see Buddha it is false so kill it. It is easy to spend a life chasing after false things (believe me lol). Don't judge yourself harshly since how you treat yourself is how you will treat me and everyone else (read Pema Chodron for more on this). 

In the end, don't post goofystupid pictures to Facebook not because that act could get you fired but because such an act is an expression of a headlong chase after a false god - the god of social acceptance before personal acceptance. 

I write more all knowing and smart than I live (by far), but I recognized my private and public lives were indistinguishable when I heard "cancer" and my name in the same sentence. This is why I speak freely about having cancer. Yes all of that information could keep me from getting a job or finding the 2nd Mrs. Smith, but that is all good. 

Eckhart Tolle saved my life. 

Reading A New Earth while hooked up to chemo for the first time, and one's life doesn't ever get lower in some respects than that, Tolle said, "Whatever IS happening is what is supposed to be happening". The magic of that sentence helped me relax, accept and love. Hope it does the same for you this Thanksgiving. 

Happy Thanksgiving.  



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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from All Together Now
November 20, 2012 12:28 AM!

Five Reasons Why Marketers FAIL on Facebook

Five Reasons Why Marketers FAIL on Facebook | Social Marketing Revolution |
What content works best, what time to publish updates and how to use sponsored stories are consistent themes being discussed among nonprofit marketers.

Marty Note
Great piece that goes perfectly with a note I just made on how companies waste Social Media money ( ). In that note I shared my suspicion that the Facebook problem, no one making any money there, is as much our fault as Internet marketers as the platform creators.

This excellent article from Huffington provides the reasons why we fail in Facebook and every point here rings TRUE. If you have other tactics we IMers need to change to be successful in Facebook share your thoughts. I will grind on it to and see what I come up with.

Via Gina Stepp
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, November 22, 2012 8:21 AM
Thanks for the Rescoop Don. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 9, 2013 6:59 PM!

Social Media Work Flow RESET

Social Media Work Flow RESET | Social Marketing Revolution |

I think this Infographic has aged. If you follow its outline you risk talking to yourself about yourself, a social media No No. Here is how I would rest the ideal 50 social media work week (as if such a thing actually existed :):

8 Hours Curating
4 Hours Bogging (writing)

4 Hours Listening (checking Topsy and quantifying results)

4 Hours Conversations (curating comments, commenting on others)

4 Hours Research, Planning, Analytics

4 Contignecy & Emergencies

4 Movements (i.e. "super campaigns")

8 Hours OPEN


40 hours

I don't believe is schedule every minute of any social media outline. There must be larger blocks for responding, planning, analytics and tweaking. I also don't like "campaigns" as much as created temed movements. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 19, 2013 11:13 AM!

Five Secret Social Media Marketing Trends ScentTrail Marketing

Five Secret Social Media Marketing Trends ScentTrail Marketing | Social Marketing Revolution |

Wrote this piece almost a year ago and it quickly beccame a "Most Popular ScentTrail" with lots of great comments and over 1100 views. Most of it holds up. There is a reference to LiveStrong and Lance Armstrong that is dated, but main ideas seem more right than wrong. 

What do you think? More right than wrong? 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 3, 2013 3:37 PM!

Tech Cures Cancer Movement - Atlantic BT

Tech Cures Cancer Movement - Atlantic BT | Social Marketing Revolution |
Join the Tech Cures Cancer Movement. Marty (@ScentTrail) is donating his 2013 salary to fund the Tech Cures Cancer movement. Find out how you can help.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 24, 2012 9:44 AM!

Why Our Facebook Romance Is Fading

Why Our Facebook Romance Is Fading | Social Marketing Revolution |

Sydney Morning HeraldIt's complicated: why our Facebook romance is fadingSydney Morning HeraldThat, in a nutshell, describes Facebook 2.0; a new phase in the evolution of the social media behemoth that has radically reshaped how 1 billion of us...

Marty Note
I know why our Facebook love affair is fading - Entropy. Wrote about the effect of entropy on web "stars" yesterday ( ), but this article from down under has some interesting perspective too :).  

Now Facebook's future is about the pivot to mobile. Good news for Facebook is they realize mobile is their future now. Bad news is mobile isn't going to be easy.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 20, 2012 8:00 AM!

Social Media Marketing’s Biggest Myth | Jeffbullas's Blog

Social Media Marketing’s Biggest Myth | Jeffbullas's Blog | Social Marketing Revolution |
The marketing industry is sometimes its own worst enemy. “Social media marketing” has become a sort of Utopian ideal in the industry. What it hasn’t become is a well-organized, efficient process.

Marty Note
Love this paragraph:

"What sells online is targeted, meaningful information. What doesn’t sell is half- baked, wannabe materials which don’t work as sales leads or act as deterrents, like hype content. Social media is fussier still. If you were at a party trying to have fun, would you drop everything to be sold insurance? The insurance companies don’t sell to the social sites like that. They work with targeted information, based on the “This is useful” approach to content, and it works." From Jeff Bullas Blog

The idea that you MUST be in social media is wrong. The idea you must be in social media sharing information that helps your customers is right. In the Thank You Economy you will need to give until it hurts and then give some more.

Content isn't free and if you are like most you are a tad skeptical about how the top of the content marketing funnel relates to the end. Trust me it does. I started blogging in 2007. ScentTrail Marketing ( ) was lucky to get two people and a dog for years.

Then a magic thing happened. ScentTrail arrived at the top of the hill and started to slide down. Every content play takes time to develop fans, have enough content out there in enough places and a large enough follower base to sustain itself. Now it is a rare day several hundred people don't stop by, read something, leave a little spam (like daily now :) and share thoughts.

I realized today I've NEVER developed a website that lost money, never. Some of them wandered around a little (lol), but the web will teach you what to do if you are listening, if you are playing.

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