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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 5, 2013 11:19 AM!

Enterprise Crowdfunding ScentTrail Marketing

Enterprise Crowdfunding ScentTrail Marketing | Social Marketing Revolution |

Crowdfunding As New Marketing Channel
Entrepreneurs are excited about being able to crowdfund stocks based on the late October SEC ruling, but crowdfunding can help Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs) and Fortune 1000 companies too. Entrepreneurs and large brands share similar Internet marketing needs for:

* Cash.
* Customer Segmentation.
* Social Media Marketing suppoort.
* Media buzz.

Crowdfunding helps with each of these critical marketing needs albeit in different percentages for SMBs and Fortune 1000 companies as this post explains.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 22, 2013 9:19 AM!

Cancer Survivor Launches Creating Kickstarter-Like Crowdfunding For Cancer Research

Cancer Survivor Launches Creating Kickstarter-Like Crowdfunding For Cancer Research | Social Marketing Revolution |
DURHAM, N.C., Oct. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ –, one of the first websites to connect cancer patients, their friends and family to cancer researchers, launched today.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Thanks to Mickie and team at eReleases for helping with our press release.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 13, 2013 7:26 PM!

Is Crowdfunding A New Marketing Channel? A: Yes

Is Crowdfunding A New Marketing Channel? A: Yes | Social Marketing Revolution |

Crowdfunding As New Channel
If a "channel" is a set of tactics who’s ROI exceeds its costs then YES crowdfunding can become a new channel. Current Internet marketing channels include:

* Social Media Marketing.

* Email Marketing.

* Websites and other digital publishing platforms.

* Pay Per Click Ads (PPC).
* Content Marketing.

* Content Curation.
* Video Marketing.
* Cause Marketing.
* Event Marketing.
* Mobile Marketing.

* Traditional advertising.

* Crowdfunding.

You may notice SEO is not on the list. Search Engine Optimization used to be a distinct channel. One could argue technical SEO should remain a channel, but I think technical SEO belongs as a tactic in each of those channels.

You might think of crowdfunding as a subset of social or content marketing. We don't. We think crowdfunding ideas; content, promotions and product development will become an ecommerce channel in the next two years.

Imagine you have a crowdfunding board showing the latest coolest gizmos or thinking in whatever business you are. What will happen with that content? Content that viral will be shared, LIKED and blogged about.

User Generated Content, (UGC) the one content all ecommerce merchants need and can't buy, flows into crowdfunding like streams into a river. The coolest part of all of this CHEAP UGC is not only is it VIRAL and SOCIAL but it is addictive and fun.

In this game you are the BANK and make money either way. If your ideas get funded you make money. If THEIR ideas get funded YOU make money. If your ideas don't get funded you SAVE MONEY.

Yes, the team at CrowdFunde believes crowdfunding is a new channel.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 20, 2013 8:55 PM!

Crowdfunding Fundamentals

Crowdfunding Fundamentals | Social Marketing Revolution |

Crowedfunding is the next big thing. Crowedfunding is crowdsourcing with money. there is notjing more clear, honest and true than the pattern created by a sentient crowd willing to put up their hard earned money to VOTE for an album, a vew Internet watch or a new App.

The problem icrowdfunding isn't well known or understood. This post helps.

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