Piriformis Syndrome and Chiropractic Care | Sciatica "The Scourge & The Treatments" | Scoop.it
Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks.

Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the small muscle located deep within the buttocks, known as the piriformis muscle, becomes tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks. Causing pain and tenderness and sometimes numbness in the buttocks, piriformis syndrome pain may also radiate down the sufferer’s leg, and in some cases, even into the calf. The piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg outwards.

Unfortunately, once an individual has suffered from piriformis syndrome, the condition can recur periodically, usually brought on by too much exercise or sitting for a long time without stretching.

Whatever the initial cause, piriformis syndrome treatment options are vital in relieving the painful symptoms and healing the condition.

Hands on therapy, used with other types of treatment or on their own, these types of therapies are popular because of their effectiveness, as well as the fact they are drug-free ways to gain relief from the pain. Massage is a commonly used therapy for piriformis syndrome, as it helps increase blood flow to the area. The physical therapist can manipulate the area to relieve the tightness of the muscle.