Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise
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Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise
Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise
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Rescooped by François GARREAU from Sustainable Procurement News
September 27, 2021 7:21 AM!

Carnival Corp Releases ‘Sustainable from Ship to Shore’ Report

Carnival Corp Releases ‘Sustainable from Ship to Shore’ Report | Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise |
Carnival’s sustainability report sets 2030 goals and 2050 aspirations across six specific areas of focus areas, from climate change to the diversity of its workforce.

Via EcoVadis
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Rescooped by François GARREAU from Sustainable Procurement News
April 13, 2020 2:19 AM!

▶️ � #COVIDー19 pourrait changer la #durabilité telle que nous la connaissons

▶️ �  #COVIDー19  pourrait changer la #durabilité telle que nous la connaissons | Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise |
Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, has become a shorthand for what companies do to integrate environmental, social and governance issues into their businesses. Until now it’s been a mashup of philanthropy, employee engagement, renewable energy programs and investor relations. But the coronavirus pandemic will press industries and investors to make sure CSR is truly connected to delivering value.

The frenzy around sustainability and ESG investing at the end of last year might have led to some froth, but this is a moment when the wheat will be separated from the chaff, says John Goldstein, head of the sustainable finance group at Goldman Sachs.

Via EcoVadis
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Rescooped by François GARREAU from Sustainable Procurement News
June 3, 2020 2:05 AM!

Is# sustainability undergoing a #pandemic #pause? | Greenbiz

Is# sustainability undergoing a #pandemic #pause? | Greenbiz | Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise |
If you were to believe the mainstream business media, there would be no question whatsoever that the twin crises of a pandemic and a recession have pretty much put the kibosh on sustainable business activity. I mean, why, amid all this human and economic carnage, should companies be focused on anything besides keeping their doors open?

Last month, for example, the Wall Street Journal published a piece ("Sustainability Was Corporate America’s Buzzword. This Crisis Changes That") proclaiming that when it comes to corporate commitments and programs, "executives have called a timeout." It said in part:

Today, every occupant of every C-suite is trying to figure out what they’re willing to throw overboard as the economic storm spawned by the pandemic is swamping their ships. Businesses that were planning to help save the world are now simply saving themselves.

Via EcoVadis
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Rescooped by François GARREAU from Insights into the Global Economy
February 6, 2020 12:57 PM!

What will we #eat in #2030?

What will we #eat in #2030? | Prospectives et nouveaux enjeux dans l'entreprise |
We’ll still eat meat, but, perhaps more like our parents and grandparents, see it as a treat to savour every few days.

Via Westminster Business School
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