Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
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Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
What pathways are being designed in today's schools to personalize the learning experience?
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
March 19, 2015 10:22 AM!

Assessment AS Learning #plearnchat - March 23rd, 7pm ET

Assessment AS Learning #plearnchat - March 23rd, 7pm ET | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Assessment AS Learning - Trend #8 of the 10 Trends to Personalize Learning

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Join us in #plearnchat with educators around the world to discuss these important questions about Assessment AS Learning. 

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
July 31, 2012 4:03 PM!

Personalization: Assessment AS Learning

Personalization: Assessment AS Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Assessment AS learning (Personalization) is based in research about how learning happens, and is characterized by learners reflecting on their own learning and making adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding. The teacher’s role in promoting the development of independent learners through assessment as learning is to:

> model and teach the skills of self-assessment

> guide learners in setting goals, and monitoring their progress toward them

> provide exemplars and models of good practice and quality work that reflect curriculum outcomes

> work with learners to develop clear criteria of good practice

> guide learners in developing internal feedback or self-monitoring mechanisms to validate and question their own thinking, and to become comfortable with the ambiguity and uncertainty that is inevitable in learning anything new

> provide regular and challenging opportunities to practice, so that learners can become confident, competent self-assessors

> monitor learners’ metacognitive processes as well as their learning, and provide descriptive feedback

> create an environment where it is safe for learners to take chances and where support is readily available


Reporting in assessment AS learning is the responsibility of learners, who must learn to articulate and defend the nature and quality of their learning. When learners reflect on their own learning and must communicate it to others, they are intensifying their understanding about a topic, their own learning strengths, and the areas in which they need to develop further.


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