Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
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Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
What pathways are being designed in today's schools to personalize the learning experience?
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
September 6, 2016 11:45 AM!

Personal Learning Backpack: Empower Learners using UDL Lens

Personal Learning Backpack: Empower Learners using UDL Lens | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

The Personal Learning Backpack (PLB) uses the UDL lens to define the tools, resources, strategies, and skills learners will need to support learning.

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on how to use the UDL Lens  of Access, Engage and Express to develop agency with each learner. Discover how you can create a PLB with your learners so that they develop the skills to support their own learning.

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
October 22, 2015 3:02 PM!

Discover the Learner in Every Child

Discover the Learner in Every Child | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
To understand how a learner learns best, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be the lens that reduces barriers to learning and optimizes support to meet needs for all learners.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
This Part 3 in a Collaborative Blog Series on Learner Agency with the Institute for Personalized Learning.
Each learner has variability in how they access and process information, how they engage with content and how they express what they know and understand. Using the UDL lens of Access, Engage and Express to understand learners can not only help the teacher better design instruction but can also offer the learner a way to tell their story about how they learn best. When the learner uses the UDL lens to share how they learn, it validates them as a learner.
UDL is the framework that applies to ALL learners and as a means for creating personalized, learner-centered environments where each learner can develop agency. 
Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
July 3, 2015 11:28 AM!

Where are all the Expert Learners?

Where are all the Expert Learners? | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Bill McGrath from Montgomery County Public Schools, MD, shares why UDL is important for all learners.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
The UDL framework gives us guidelines and a vision to build expert learners:
  • Learners who can navigate flexible learning opportunities with great skill.  
  • Learners who do not just navigate but are active partners and innovators in the design of future learning.  
UDL tells us how to do this so it can work for each and every learner.  
Kathleen McClaskey's curator insight, July 3, 2015 11:34 AM

The UDL framework gives us guidelines and a vision to build expert learners:

  • Learners who can navigate flexible learning opportunities with great skill.  
  • Learners who do not just navigate but are active partners and innovators in the design of future learning.  

UDL tells us how to do this so it can work for each and every learner. 

Inma Contreras's curator insight, January 18, 2016 10:58 AM

Some tips to convert our experience of learning. To learn and to teach.

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
December 7, 2014 6:15 PM!

Access, Engage, and Express: The Lens for Teaching and Learning

Access, Engage, and Express: The Lens for Teaching and Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Access, Engage, and Express, based on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, is the lens for teaching and learning for all learners.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
Access, Engage, and Express (TM) is the lens for understanding how anyone learns best. The reason we came up with these three words was to help educators easily understand their learners using this lens. We want Access, Engage, and Express to be an integral part of their daily approach to teaching and learning.  Using Access, Engage and Express was developed from the Universal Design for Learning® (UDL) principles that are based on neuroscience and how we learn.

"UDL is the framework for Personalized Learning."
Barbara Bray's curator insight, December 8, 2014 10:29 AM

Why do teachers and learners need a lens for learning? This post will share the importance of understanding how you learn best. Access is about how you transform and process information into useable knowledge. Engage is how you best engage with content. Express is how you demonstrate what you know and understand. If you use this lens, you and your teacher become partners in learning. 

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
August 19, 2014 7:00 PM!

Coming Soon! Make Learning Personal: The What, Who, WOW, Where and Why

Coming Soon! Make Learning Personal: The What, Who, WOW, Where and Why | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
Put learning back into the hands of the learner!

Through personalized learning, education as we know it is transformed as learners are empowered to take control of their own learning. This thorough and timely resource draws on Universal Design for Learning® principles to create a powerful shift in classroom dynamics by guiding learners to become self-directed, self-monitoring, and self-motivated.

- See more at:
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
June 28, 2013 9:16 PM!

UDL Guides Personalized Learning

UDL Guides Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guides the process to personalize learning using the UDL principles.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

The UDL 2.0 Guidelines can assist anyone who plans lessons/units of study or develops curricula (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) to reduce barriers, as well as optimize levels of challenge and support, to meet the needs of all learners from the start. They can also help educators identify the barriers found in existing curricula. You can use the UDL Guidelines to help you determine your learners strengths, interests, and challenges and how they:


> prefer or need to access and process information.

> prefer to express what they know.

> like to engage with the content.


When learners know how they prefer or need to access information, engage with the content, and express what they know and understand, then they take responsibility for their learning. 


Access, Engage, Express is a trademark of Personalize Learning, LLC


Barbara Bray's curator insight, June 28, 2013 11:47 PM

UDL Principles guide learners to understand how they learn best. They determine how they prefer or need to access information, engage with content, and express what they know. 

Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from Making Learning Personal
June 10, 2012 4:15 PM!

Personalize Learning: The Toolkit

Personalize Learning: The Toolkit | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

How do you personalize learning? First you need to know what personalized learning is. Here is a new site that provides resources, research, models, examples, and stories. This page provides a toolkit that can help your organization begin personalizing learning to meet the needs of all learners. 


Check out the chart that compares Personalization, Differentiation, and Indivdiualization. You can download the chart and a report that explains the details of the chart.  The Three Stages of Personalized Learning Environments can help you determine where you are in personalizing learning. 


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides the framework in personalizing learning for all learners. UDL also guides the design of the Personal Learner Profile[TM]. It provides the UDL lens to select the appropriate tools for the Personal Learning Backpack[TM]. UDL guides how Personalized Learning meets the Common Core. 

Via Barbara Bray
Jim Lerman's comment, November 6, 2012 5:55 PM
Access the toolkit at:
Jim Lerman's comment, November 6, 2012 5:55 PM
Aysin Alp's curator insight, January 11, 2014 7:01 AM

Personalized Learning Toolkit

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
January 30, 2012 3:48 PM!

Science Fairs are UDL, Personalized Learning

Science Fairs are UDL, Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

From Stephen Petrucci's blog, Leadership i Public Education, a connection is made between UDL and Personalized Learning. Here are some of the connections he has made:


"As we continue to search for ways to frame personalized learning in British Columbia, we can point to some practices that have been around for a long time - notably the Science Fair. Rather than pitting the philosophies of revolution vs evolution in our education system, I believe it is crucial to recognize what currently exists as excellent practice in personalized learning. This approach is very much in line with the appreciative inquiry model which encourages a focus on what is going well."


"The Science Fair project is an excellent example of "independent study" - a term we use in describing a personalized learning framework."


"Finally, it is clear to see how well a science fair project fits in the Universal Design for Learning framework through Multiple means of Representation, Multiple means of Action and Expression and Multiple means of Engagement."

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
August 23, 2016 11:14 AM!

The Learner Profile: Get Up Close and Personal Using the UDL Lens

The Learner Profile: Get Up Close and Personal Using the UDL Lens | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Create a Learner Profile using the UDL lens.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Discover the learner in every child this year by using the UDL lens of Access, Engage and Express. This is Part One of a 3-part series on how to develop learner agency with every child.

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
July 7, 2015 10:08 AM!

Universal Design for Learning and Personalized Learning

Universal Design for Learning and Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Interactive and informative discussions around Universal Design for Learning and Personalized Learning during 7/6/15 #plearnchat.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Over 35 educators across the country came together in a vibrant and vital discussion around the big question in #plearnchat: "Why is Universal Design for Learning the framework for Personalized Learning?" Read the Storify and be amazed what educators are saying about UDL and PL.

Kathleen McClaskey's curator insight, July 7, 2015 10:13 AM

Over 35 educators across the country came together in a vibrant and vital discussion around the big question in #plearnchat: "Why is Universal Design for Learning the framework for Personalized Learning?" Take a look at the Storify and be amazed what educators are thinking about this big question.

Kevin Boozer's curator insight, July 21, 2015 2:51 PM

Hope this helps me learn about makerspace


Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
May 21, 2015 5:13 PM!

The Story Behind My Passion to Personalize Learning

The Story Behind My Passion to Personalize Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Kathleen McClaskey's very personal story behind her passion to personalize learning for all learners.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
This story needs to be told. I am passionate about learners and learning! I believe that every child on the planet is a learner! I am committed to help schools create learning environments where every child can become life long learners and realize their hopes and dreams!  You could say that I am on a mission. But why has personalized learning become my passion and mission in my life?
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
November 24, 2014 1:45 PM!

Changing Perceptions - Every Child a Learner

Changing Perceptions - Every Child a Learner | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Discover how to create a culture where learners are more valued than students.
Kathleen McClaskey's insight:
The learner uses the UDL lens to share their strengths and challenges in learning, their preferences or needs to access, engage and express as well as their aspirations, talents and interests. At that moment when a learner is able to tell their story about how they learn with their teacher, the "partnership in learning" begins between the teacher and the learner. This opens the door for the teacher to have a conversation with the learner about learning goals, skills and strategies that the learner needs to work on to reduce any barriers and maximize learning. The undeniable outcome in using the UDL lens is that the child has been validated as a learner. This is something that rarely occurs today in anyone's education and will have a positive and profound impact for any learner. 
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
July 31, 2014 11:42 AM!

"Make Learning Personal" - Free Webinar: Sept 16th

"Make Learning Personal" - Free Webinar: Sept 16th | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

This webinar provides an overview of what is and what is not personalized learning and about how learners learn best using Universal Design for Learning principles.

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

Kathleen McClaskey and Barbara Bray will present a webinar sponsored by NISCE (National Institute for Student-Centered Education) on September 16th from 4-5 ET. based on their upcoming book: Make Learning Personal.


This webinar provides an overview of what is and what is not personalized learning and about how learners learn best using Universal Design for Learning principles. Expect to learn about interesting models and hear stories with Wow moments where teachers’ and learners’ roles changed. Walk away with some rationale why it is important to personalize learning for each learner.


Register Today at

Norma Rodriguez's curator insight, August 5, 2014 1:01 PM

Excited to be a part of this!

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
March 10, 2013 2:26 PM!

6 Steps to Personalize Learning

6 Steps to Personalize Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

"The Six Steps to Personalize Learning is a hybrid workshop that is on-site and online to help teachers move to a Stage One Personalized Learning Environment."

Kathleen McClaskey's insight:

The Six Steps to Personalize Learning workshop can be personalized for your school, district, or region. We come to you to guide the process. Several of the ideas and strategies in the steps include:


>> Universal Design for Learning

>> Class Learning Snapshot

>> Personal Learner Profile

>> Class Learning Toolkit

>> Redesigned learning environments

>> A repository of transformed lessons and projects aligned to CCSS

>> Inquiry-based strategies

>> Skills to choose the appropriate resources and tools to support teaching and learning.


As facilitators, we coach you in person and online as you apply the steps in your classroom. After the workshop is over,  you can continue ongoing discussions in an online Community of Practice (the Personalize Learning Collaboratory) with other educators from around the world. 


Contact Personalize Learning  at

María Dolores Díaz Noguera's curator insight, July 8, 2013 3:05 PM

Seguiremos las etapas en la práctica educativa.

Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from UDL - Universal Design for Learning
April 1, 2012 2:05 PM!

Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age | UDL and Student-Centered Learning

Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age | UDL and Student-Centered Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

A new publication, Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age, from the Students at the Center was recently released that focuses on creating an "ecology of learning"  where new student-centered pathways can benefit ALL students with the use of digital technologies. UDL can be the framework fto make that happen.


"David H. Rose and Jenna W. Gravel consider how advances in teaching technologies enable new curricular designs that offer exciting ways to create classrooms that are student centered.


Given the myriad ways students differ, how can educators determine the essential components of curricula that use new technologies to support student-centered approaches to learning—for all students, not just a few? Universal design for learning is a promising framework for doing that. UDL provides a structure and guidelines for making decisions about instructional designs that meet the challenge of diversity. Many options are built into UDL, based on research and practice from multiple domains within the learning sciences—education, developmental psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience."

Julie Regimbal's curator insight, September 11, 2014 5:15 PM

Dr. Rose is speaking at the Equinox in Manchester, Vermont.  Sponsored by the Vermont Council of Special Ed Administrators 11/21.  Very excited to be brining him here

Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
January 20, 2012 10:18 AM!

»The Virtual Staffroom Podcast» This is Personal

»The Virtual Staffroom Podcast» This is Personal | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

In this podcast, Barbara Bray and I discuss personalized learning, differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning and how apps could support a persoanlized learning environment. Included in the resources is a link to "Personalized Learning Toolkits:  Designing New Pathways for Each Child".


Thanks to Chris Betcher for asking us to do this podcast!

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