Creating Connections
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Creating Connections
Tips for managing at a distance
Curated by Jess Chalmers
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
August 31, 2016 7:58 PM!

Managing Virtual Teams: Key Tips and Tricks - Managing people within a single location certainly has its challenges. These challenges are magnified when your team is physicall
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
November 20, 2017 6:54 PM!

How To Master The Art Of Remote Team Communications

How To Master The Art Of Remote Team Communications | Creating Connections |
Seamless remote team communication doesn’t just happen by chance. Here are some tips for remote managers to set up a proven plan that supports remote teamwork.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
October 4, 2017 6:12 PM!

Step-by-Step Guide: Nonprofit Walking Meetings

Step-by-Step Guide: Nonprofit Walking Meetings | Creating Connections |
Earlier this week, I was honored to do a webinar for Soapbox Engage about self-care and bringing a culture of wellbeing into the nonprofit workplace based on The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout. And surely given events of this past week, we all need to continue to prac
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
August 23, 2017 5:43 PM!

Full Circle Associates

Full Circle Associates | Creating Connections |
Communications, learning, and connected solutions for a changing world.
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Rescooped by Jess Chalmers from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
August 1, 2017 8:30 PM!

10 Tricks To Immediately Make Your Day More Productive

10 Tricks To Immediately Make Your Day More Productive | Creating Connections |

We’ve all had those days: You’re under pressure to get things done, but you can’t seem to accomplish anything.


There is still hope. Here are a dozen strategies you can put to work immediately to help you salvage your day and get more done.

Via The Learning Factor
MrChrisArnell's curator insight, August 2, 2017 1:17 AM


We all have those days where we simply can't seem to get going. If those days are usually a write-off for you, it may be worth your time to review some personal productivity tips, and see if any can fire you up to make the most of your day. The 10 tips, as outlined in this article, may just be the place to start out.

Jerry Busone's curator insight, August 4, 2017 7:55 AM

Many of these work ...when Im at my peak performance Im staring my day with quick lists and doing 5 tasks no longer than 9 minutes each to jump start my day... Read -Write-Social Media _ etc etc ...

CCM Consultancy's curator insight, August 7, 2017 1:32 AM

Being busy isn’t the same as being productive, Bailey says. Be sure you’re not craving activity instead of meaningful accomplishment.

Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 30, 2017 8:06 PM!

The Research Is In: Virtual Employees Are the Best Employees

The Research Is In: Virtual Employees Are the Best Employees | Creating Connections |
Virtual employees are more productive, happier, and more likely to be loyal to a company. They're also less stressed, take less sick time, and save money.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 4, 2017 7:56 AM!

Teams - Managing @ CSU

Teams - Managing @ CSU | Creating Connections |

iInformation for Managers and Supervisors at CSU. Find out more about virtual teams

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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 8:18 PM!

Enhancing Global Virtual Teams Through Training

Enhancing Global Virtual Teams Through Training | Creating Connections |
Much of today’s work is accomplished in global virtual teams, but how effectively is training preparing these teams to succeed? As an expected way of operating to accomplish results in most large organizations, global virtual teams are increasing as a result of globalization, technology, and competition for scarce talent. The stakes are high for these teams to deliver, but too often, they are not fully effective due to complexity, lack of team cohesion, competing priorities, and other factors. Training can play an important role in driving performance to a higher level.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 7:17 PM!

How Engaged Is Your Remote Workforce?

How Engaged Is Your Remote Workforce? | Creating Connections |
Whether remote workers are actually engaged in their jobs depends on how much time they spend out of the office.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 7:02 PM!

Managing Virtual Teams

Managing Virtual Teams | Creating Connections |
Learn how to manage remote teams effectively to increase results and engagement.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 2:45 AM!

21 Must-Know Strategies for Managing Virtual Teams

21 Must-Know Strategies for Managing Virtual Teams | Creating Connections |
These are the strategies that we use at TimeDoctor and, where we're managing a virtual team of over 50 full-time members.
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Rescooped by Jess Chalmers from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
June 9, 2015 5:52 PM!

How to Deal With a Difficult Co-Worker

How to Deal With a Difficult Co-Worker | Creating Connections |

It's all too common. Agendas conflict, personalities clash. People get hired for their great skills who turn out to have major issues. Whatever the source, when a colleague (or subordinate or boss) is driving you up the wall, it's up to you to figure out how to cope.

Exiling them to a desert island probably isn't an option, but here are six strategies that can help:

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, June 8, 2015 7:10 PM

A difficult co-worker can suck all the joy out of your work and even make you less effective. But with a few skills and strategies, you can get back to what you need to be doing.

Suntech iPark's curator insight, June 8, 2015 9:38 PM
What brings out the best or worst in you at work could be your passion, or your co-workers.
Webmaster Seo's curator insight, June 10, 2015 9:29 PM

so true

Scooped by Jess Chalmers
May 17, 2015 7:03 PM!

5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Building TeamsSwitch & Shift

5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Building TeamsSwitch & Shift | Creating Connections |
Bringing diverse individuals – with different strengths, weaknesses, skillsets, and in most cases, their own goals and agendas – to work toward a common goal is not an easy job.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
October 11, 2018 5:14 PM!

The Virtual Work Skills You Need — Even If You Never Work Remotely

Building relationships virtually takes training and effort.
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Rescooped by Jess Chalmers from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
November 19, 2017 5:51 PM!

How to Stay Focused When You’re Working from Home

How to Stay Focused When You’re Working from Home | Creating Connections |

No commute. No drive-by meetings. No dress code. Remote working can seem like a dream — until personal obligations get in the way. These distractions are easy to ignore in an office, but at home it can be difficult to draw the line between personal and professional time.


Consider when you’re working on a project and get a call from a friend. You know you need to finish your work, but you feel rude for not talking when you technically could. Or think about when you’re planning your daily to-do list, but also need to decide when you’ll squeeze in your personal commitments. Taking the time to put a few loads of laundry in the washer midday can seem like a quick task — until you find yourself making up that work time late at night. In the end, it’s never entirely clear when you’re really “on” or “off.”

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, November 19, 2017 5:26 PM

Create “office hours,” and stick to them.

Jerry Busone's curator insight, November 20, 2017 7:24 AM

 few good tips for this home shored . I would add... build in a commute (even a walk to your office ) , get ready for work like to would if you drive to work.. keep office hours ... take logical breaks and walks ...Lunch etc... work from a task list.

Scooped by Jess Chalmers
September 18, 2017 1:06 AM!

LinkedIn: Log In or Sign Up

Up Close and Personal: On-Line is Face-to-Face
Jess Chalmers's insight:
Share your insight
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
August 23, 2017 5:40 PM!

Let grownups be grownups (in remote meetings)

Let grownups be grownups (in remote meetings) | Creating Connections |
In today’s FVC (Facilitating Virtual Collaboration) workshop, the topic came up about how facilitators can engage participants in a remote meeting so that they don’t check email, tune o…
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Rescooped by Jess Chalmers from Digital Delights - Digital Tribes
May 16, 2017 5:31 PM!

Social Mindset: A Key to Engaging People

Social Mindset: A Key to Engaging People | Creating Connections |
It is more than obvious now that the way people feel about their workplace has direct material impact on performance of the business. This simple equation gets even more complex when we think of forces that are fundamentally changing how we work. Our workplace conversations today are dominated by

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 9, 2017 6:58 PM!

How to work out loud

How to work out loud | Creating Connections |
In school we were taught to shield our work and keep our thinking to ourselves. In the workplace we are encouraged to collaborate and communicate with peers.

This mindset shift has been expanded on
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 4, 2017 7:41 AM!

Managing virtual project teams

Managing virtual project teams | Creating Connections |
Many projects are now ‘virtual’, i.e. some or all of the team are located remotely and may be working in different time zones. The project manager needs all the traditional soft skills, an
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 7:57 PM!

Managing Virtual Teams: How to Influence Your Virtual Team - Udemy

Managing Virtual Teams: How to Influence Your Virtual Team - Udemy | Creating Connections |
Learn step-by-step tips that help you get things done with your virtual team, without wasting time on useless meetings
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 7:08 PM!

39 Companies Share Their Secrets to Remote Work Success

39 Companies Share Their Secrets to Remote Work Success | Creating Connections |
We surveyed 35+ successful companies that work remotely to find out how to succeed in a remote setup. Check out the amazing responses!
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 3:04 AM!

[Infographic] Managing Remote Teams: 5 Keys to Setting Expectations

[Infographic] Managing Remote Teams: 5 Keys to Setting Expectations | Creating Connections |
Managing remote teams isn't easy, but setting the right expectations can make it a lot easier. Use these five keys to set expectations for your remote team.
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Scooped by Jess Chalmers
April 3, 2017 2:27 AM!

Supporting Your Virtual Team in a Digital World

Supporting Your Virtual Team in a Digital World | Creating Connections |
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Rescooped by Jess Chalmers from Leadership
May 26, 2015 7:35 PM!

5 Lessons To Align Your Team And Achieve Superior Results

5 Lessons To Align Your Team And Achieve Superior Results | Creating Connections |
Use these 5 lessons from the experts in long distance travel to align your team and achieve your company's shared mission.

Via Anne Leong
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