To date (Nov 14, 2021) there are 78 responses to my 2022 Budget Cut Survey.
The first section of the survey asks respondents which of the following personnel cuts they would make (see figure above):
- Eliminate hiring a new Deputy Fire Chief
- Eliminate hiring a consultant to provide part-time zoning & code enforcement services
- Eliminate hiring of 1 additional police officer
- No promotion of supervisors within the Police Department
The second section asks respondents which of the following capital spending cuts they would make:
- Reduce number of new police vehicles purchased
- Eliminate Financed purchase of police body
- Eliminate two new truck purchases for Public Works Department
- Eliminate purchase of one Parks and Recreation pickup
- Eliminate Police Department Facilities
- Eliminate purchase of new Admin/Finance/Codes software
The survey is still open: TAKE THE SURVEY NOW!
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Newtown Township Survey. It’s purpose is solely to inform John Mack, a Newtown Supervisor, of your opinions. The opinions expressed here are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.