UPDATE (8/26/2021):
In an opening statement during a 5.5 hr @CouncilRockSD special meeting, Superintendent Fraser, following guidance from #BucksCounty Health Dept, recommended a mandatory mask policy for students. The Board deferred making a decision. View his comments on Youtube: https://youtu.be/7KqfHpaeliI?t=118
“You can and should expect to see our schools and our classrooms look and feel very much like they did in February 2020.” As reported in the August 6, 2021, edition of the Bucks County Courier Times: “The board did take action on May 20, and at that time, the board voted to open this upcoming school year with a mask-optional approach,” Fraser addressed the room. May’s vote, he said, had his support and took into account recommendations from Bucks County Health Director David Damsker, who along with other health experts has said that COVID-19 tends to impact kids less severely than adults.
[Video: https://youtu.be/qOBsAxChW98?t=331]
NOTE: In the August 9, 2021, edition of the New York Times, “Lingering physical, mental and neurological symptoms are affecting children as well as adults, including many who had mild reactions to the initial coronavirus infection.”
Churchville Resident comments against Critical Race Theory
These comments deliberately equated CRT with DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusiveness). The commenter specifically referred to DEI as “evil cultural Marxist ideology.” His closing statement that “we will not rest until this cynical narrative is removed from our classrooms” was met by cheers from the audience.
[Video: https://youtu.be/qOBsAxChW98?t=884]
Mr. Fraser said “We will not be teaching critical race theory …critical race theory has nothing, will have nothing to do with the Council Rock School District.” Critical race theory, said Mr. Fraser, is not coming to the school district. He also said that CRT and DEI “aren’t even close to being the same thing. And one of them I very much value in our school district and one I very much do NOT.”
[Video: https://youtu.be/qOBsAxChW98?t=3046]
Meanwhile, In the August 9, 2021, edition of the New York Times, “Lingering physical, mental and neurological symptoms are affecting children as well as adults, including many who had mild reactions to the initial coronavirus infection.” Doctors say even youths with mild or asymptomatic initial infections may experience long Covid: confounding, sometimes debilitating issues that disrupt their schooling, sleep, extracurricular activities and other aspects of life. “The potential impact is huge,” said Dr. Avindra Nath, chief of infections of the nervous system at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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