Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 218
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Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218
Marketing sociale. Health promotion. Social media.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 30, 2021 6:25 PM!

Giuseppe Fattori speaks on the role of Social Marketing in today's global landscape - Griffith University

Giuseppe Fattori speaks on the role of Social Marketing in today's global landscape - Griffith University | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

“We should be proud of Social Marketing for having promoted social good across all continents by overcoming the stigma that the word ‘Marketing’ carries with it” a strong sentiment by Giuseppe Fattori, Professor in Social Marketing at the University of Bologna.
Giuseppe shares his thoughts on the impact of social marketing during a time of change taking place in the world.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
March 10, 2019 7:02 PM!

Twitter: Top10 #SocialMarketing Influencers

Twitter: Top10 #SocialMarketing Influencers | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

The Social Marketing Influencers. 

From "Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good"

by Nancy Lee, Philip Kotler 2019 
Lista ordinata in base al numero di follower dell’ultima rilevazione effettuata. 
Visualizzare nella modalità “curated”.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 29, 2018 6:49 AM!

What is Social Marketing? How Does it Differ from Communications and Policy? - Nancy Lee

What is Social Marketing? How Does it Differ from Communications and Policy? Nancy Lee Explains.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 2:35 PM!

Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world - WHO

Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world - WHO | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

The new WHO global action plan to promote physical activity responds to the requests by countries for updated guidance, and a framework of effective and feasible policy actions to increase physical activity at all levels. It also responds to requests for global leadership and stronger regional and national coordination, and the need for a whole-of-society response to achieve a paradigm shift in both supporting and valuing all people being regularly active, according to ability and across the life course.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 12:52 PM!

Dalle App di servizio alle App di relazione: come cambia il rapporto medico-paziente. G.Fattori-N.Pinelli-S.Marcotullio

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 11:22 AM!

Beyond ROI: Measuring Digital Health Content's Full Economic Benefits. Enspektos LLC

-Why focusing on ROI is a mistake in health

-Can digital health content change behavior?

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 6:16 PM!

11° Corso di "Marketing Sociale"  Compass - Scienze Politiche -  Università di Bologna. Dal 27 settembre Aula  S.Cristina.  

11° Corso di "Marketing Sociale"  Compass - Scienze Politiche -  Università di Bologna. Dal 27 settembre Aula  S.Cristina.   | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Al termine del corso lo studente acquisisce competenze concettuali, metodologiche ed applicative di marketing sociale applicato a temi di pubblica utilità, con particolare riferimento alla promozione della salute, dello sviluppo sostenibile e degli stili di vita.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 3:41 PM!

A Systematic Review of Social Marketing Effectiveness

A Systematic Review of Social Marketing Effectiveness | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Purpose: To review the effectiveness of social marketing interventions in influencing individual behaviour and bringing about environmental and policy-level changes in relation to alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs and physical activity. Social marketing is the use of marketing concepts in programmes designed to influence the voluntary behaviour of target audiences in order to improve health and society. 

Originality/Value: The research described in this paper represents one of the few systematic examinations of social marketing effectiveness and is based on a clear definition of ‘social marketing’. It highlights both social marketing’s potential to achieve change in different behavioural contexts and its ability to work at individual, environmental and wider policy levels.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
April 12, 2018 6:53 AM!

ISMA: Global Consensus On Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques

ISMA: Global Consensus On Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

 Developed by a 13-member working group chaired by Professor Jeff French (ESMA) over the past two and half years, the Global Consensus paper represents a broad agreement about the fundamental concepts and central principle of social marketing.  The consensus definition of Social Marketing:

Social Marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviour that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good. Social Marketing practice is guided by ethical principles. It seeks to integrate research, best practice, theory, audience and partnership insight, to inform the delivery of competition sensitive and segmented social change programmes that are effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
April 11, 2018 7:57 PM!

Use of Social Network Sites for Communication Among Health Professionals: Systematic Review

Use of Social Network Sites for Communication Among Health Professionals: Systematic Review | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


Conclusions: SNSs provide platforms facilitating efficient communication, interactions, and connections among health professionals in frontline clinical practice, professional networks, education, and training with limitations identified as technical knowledge, professionalism, and risks of data protection. The evolving use of SNSs necessitates robust research to explore the full potential and the relative effectiveness of SNSs in professional communication.


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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:48 PM!

The Digital Health Manifesto

The Digital Health Manifesto | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Digital Health is a cultural transformation, not just a set of new technologies. Written by e-Patient Dave deBronkart and Dr. Bertalan Meskó. ..........................................................................


The root problem is that many digital health writers know plenty about apps but nothing about medicine. A secondary problem is a resulting sense that digital health is for idiots: imagine a trusting reader (you?) who goes to a doctor and mentions the article. The doctor concludes that e-health is stupid and the patient is naive....


It is essential that health and care achieve their potential, which cannot be done based on false understandings. This is why I asked Dave to contribute with his revolutionary ideas and vision. Whenever I saw him speak, there was a standing ovation. If this article helps you see what Dave and I independently observed in our travels despite our completely different backgrounds, we will be grateful.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 5:01 PM!

 Social marketing campaign for prevention of substance use, sexual risk and violence among Latino immigrant youth - Health Education Research 2018

 Social marketing campaign for prevention of substance use, sexual risk and violence among Latino immigrant youth - Health Education Research 2018 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

 Immigrant Latino youth represent a high-risk subgroup that should be targeted with health promotion efforts. However, there are considerable barriers to engagement in health-related programming. ......

We developed a 12-month campaign to be delivered via print ads, multi-platform social media promotion, contests, youth-generated videos, blog posts, and text messaging. We describe the process and outcome of campaign development and make recommendations for future campaigns.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 4:34 PM!

Nudges for Health Policy: Effectiveness and Limitations - Victoria A. Shaffer

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 30, 2021 6:15 PM!

L'Italia nel Board Europeo del Marketing Sociale

L'Italia nel Board Europeo del Marketing Sociale | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

The ESMA Board supports the development of ESMA as a globally recognised professional organisation for European Social Marketing. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 7, 2019 4:57 AM!

Marketing-driven government (Part 1) - By Jeff French

Marketing-driven government (Part 1) - By Jeff French | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Marketing is an approach to social programme design and delivery that should underpin how governments and not-for-profit agencies develop and select policy, shape how services are delivered, and build sustained partnerships with citizens and other stakeholder organisations. However, marketing is a very often misunderstood and misapplied within Government
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Social marketing - Health Promotion
October 29, 2018 8:37 AM!

Marketing sociale e promozione della salute

Marketing sociale e promozione della salute. Presentato all'interno del corso di "Web Marketing" - Luca Conti - Università Bicocca Milano

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 1:14 PM!

Alcune immagini da "European Social Marketing Conference" Anversa 2018

Alcune immagini da "European Social Marketing Conference" Anversa 2018 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 12, 2018 12:48 PM!

Ten ways to waste large amounts of public money on Social Change programmes. Jeff French

Superba (ironica) lezione magistrale di  Jeff French

European Social Marketing Conference. Antwerp 2018

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 6:50 PM!

4th European Social Marketing Conference - Anversa 5-7 Settembre - Il programma completo.

4th European Social Marketing Conference - Anversa 5-7 Settembre - Il programma completo. | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |


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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
July 26, 2018 4:06 PM!

L'efficacité du marketing social en promotion des saines habitudes de vie

L'efficacité du marketing social en promotion des saines habitudes de vie | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
  • Les interventions de marketing social se distinguent des campagnes de communication, notamment par l’utilisation d’un éventail de moyens pour encourager, soutenir et outiller la population ou le groupe auquel est proposé le changement. 
  • La stratégie du marketing social peut agir sur les déterminants environnementaux des comportements. Elle peut avoir pour objectif, par exemple, de convaincre des décideurs de prendre des décisions qui auront pour effet de rendre les environnements plus favorables à l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie.
  • L’efficacité du marketing social peut être optimisée par la planification et la mise en œuvre d'interventions respectant un ensemble de critères qui font consensus dans la littérature scientifique.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 6, 2018 4:51 PM!

Social Marketing Conference  June 27-28, 2018 University of South Florida

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
April 11, 2018 8:00 PM!

Guidebook for Patient Access to Health Information  -#esante #digitalhealth #hcsmeu

Guidebook for Patient Access to Health Information  -#esante #digitalhealth #hcsmeu | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

April 04, 2018 - HHS and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has issued a new guidebook to assist patient access to health information. This playbook comes as a part of the HHS and CMS MyHealthEData initiative.

The ONC Guide to Getting and Using Your Health Records is an online and patient-facing document helping patients overcome the challenges they face in accessing their medical records. The guide reviews obtaining a patient health record, checking the health record for accuracy and completeness, and using health records and data sharing for better patient engagement.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek, Giuseppe Fattori
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:50 PM!

The 2017 State of Cancer Report: The Impact of Digital Information and Patient Support Networks

The 2017 State of Cancer Report: The Impact of Digital Information and Patient Support Networks | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
There are clear differences in how each generation of cancer patients and caregivers use online resources and approach their cancer care.


In 2014, there were an estimated 14,738,719 people living with cancer in the United States. Every year, about 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer. In only two decades, the way patients with cancer approach their diagnosis has changed in dramatic ways.

Perhaps the biggest factor in that revolution is access to the internet — and more useful health information and support communities on it.


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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
March 5, 2018 3:46 PM!

Patient–Physician Interaction on Social Media: The Physician's Point of View

Patient–Physician Interaction on Social Media: The Physician's Point of View | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
The use of social media (SM) in healthcare has provided a novel means of communication in line with a more modernised approach to care. For physicians, SM provides opportunities for enhancing professional development, networking, public health, and organisational promotion, among others. For patients, SM provides potential for taking a more active role in health, sharing information, and building virtual communities, especially in the case of chronic and/or rare diseases. SM has the potential to bring patients and physicians closer together, beyond the walls of clinics; however, the interaction between physicians and patients on SM has received mixed feelings, especially from the physicians’ perspective. On the one hand, the potential for a more enhanced, albeit remote, communication has been viewed positively, especially in an era where digital technologies are fast expanding. Conversely, concerns around breaches in professional boundaries and ethical conduct, such as mishandling of patient-sensitive information on these platforms, have fuelled heavy criticism around its use. From this viewpoint, issues arising from the use of SM in healthcare, with a focus on the patient–physician interaction, discussing the potential benefits and pitfalls are covered in this article.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 25, 2018 4:49 PM!

Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass – Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche)

Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass – Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche) | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Concluso il Decimo Corso di “Marketing Sociale” Compass, Università di Bologna (Scienze Politiche).  Presentati 9 progetti di buon livello,  3 particolarmente innovativi saranno portati avanti  dalle Associazioni di volontariato.

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