When little kids are concentrating hard on some complicated task, you’ve likely noticed that they tend to stick their tongues out. (And some adults do this, too, though it’s markedly less endearing.) But why? A new study published in an August issue of the journal Cognition offers one theory.
The Montessori method is an educational practice that focuses on how children learn naturally. It has been used all over the world to help children learn for more than 100 years.
VideoAmy compiled this moving playlist of videos to explore the importance of human relationships and the power of being kind, generous, and compassionate.
Building the Pink Tower is a documentary film project that reimagines schools and learning through the lens of Montessori education. donatepinktower.org
The footage presented in this collection of subject-specific videos was filmed in 2013 at Montessori Magnet School at Annie Fisher, one of three comprehensive Montessori magnet schools in Hartford, Connecticut. All three schools have highly diverse student bodies with high percentages of English Language Learners and students receiving free or reduced lunch.
Cozy Classics is a new board book series presenting well-loved stories through twelve child-friendly words and twelve needle-felted illustrations. Now you can share the classics with children of any age! Cozy Classics is written and illustrated by twin brothers Jack and Holman Wang. The first two titles in the series, Pride & Prejudice and Moby Dick, will be published in the fall of 2012 by Simply Read Books.
With over 10 million users, Pinterest has rocketed to pop-culture fame since its launch in beta in March 2010. This rapid growth makes it the fastest growing social media site of the past year. Educators have caught on to Pinterest in a big way. From kindergarten to college, teachers, professors and students are using Pinterest creatively to organize and share ideas from all around the Web and even in their own classrooms and campuses.
Free, unstructured playtime gives kids a chance to discover their interests and tap into their creativity. It’s a crucial element for building resilience in
As you probably know Sir Ken Robinson is one of the pioneer educators who constantly advocate the importance of creativity in education. Here is an another great video of his. Just as is the case in all the other videos, Ken Robinson excels in talking about creativity and in the clip below, he will explain to you wny creativity matters in education and it requires a transformation in the schools work. Accoridng to him, " creativity is not an option, it's an absolute necessity ".
GOOD is a global community of, by, and for pragmatic idealists working towards individual and collective progress. They have created a great documentary on the views of key educators on what they think the future of learning is. There are some positive examples of using educational technology and how it can be a powerful pedagogical tool.
In today’s world, digital technology is now providing a growing selection of means for teachers and school administrators to reach parents anywhere and anytime.
At first glance, the intersections between Montessori education and high-quality digital learning are not immediately apparent. To those of us with some knowledge about Montessori methods, its natural materials and deep traditions seem to stand in opposition to the vision of a futuristic, technology-rich digital or blended learning environment. Here are five intersections between Montessori education and digital learning that this author has observed as a parent to a Montessori preschooler, online educator and an education policy researcher.
The role of play in learning is a complex thing, in part because it is easily misunderstood as “playing is learning.”While that’s certainly true, there is also a role for play in formal learning experiences as well. As self-directed learning becomes more possible and more potent in the 21st century, the idea of one learner riffing casually off another is increasingly accessible.
The 2013 International Montessori Congress will allow us to look closer at how Montessori education is guided by children’s natural development and how that growth fosters a respectful relationship with the environment. The Congress theme, “Montessori: Guided By Nature”, takes root in that dynamic relationship and celebrates that we are all uniquely tied to the physical and ecological makeup of our surroundings.
Cant be there, but have lots of friends going to this event. Wish could see the glass classroom being held in the afternoon of the first day.....amazing.
The child is endowed with unknown powers, which can guide us to a radiant future. If what we really want is a new world, then education must take as its aim the development of these hidden possibilities.
Montessori was so incredibly wise in this area and knew that in order to be effective with any sort of discipline, you must start by observing and respecting the child’s rights as a profound human being.
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