Managing Anger and Stress
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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
January 10, 2024 2:48 PM!

Breaking Free from Burnout: Identifying Causes and Creating Change

Breaking Free from Burnout: Identifying Causes and Creating Change | Managing Anger and Stress |

Many think that burnout is simply due to having too many things to do and not enough time to do them in.  However, people tend to experience burnout when a person is not in control of the tasks that they want to carry out, whether it be at work or at home. 

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
October 5, 2023 12:25 PM!

Emotional Regulation: Skills, Exercises, and Strategies

Emotional Regulation: Skills, Exercises, and Strategies | Managing Anger and Stress |

Negative emotions are part of life — ignoring them won’t make them go away. Here's how to build emotional regulation skills.

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Negative emotions are part of life — ignoring them won’t make them go away. Here's how to build emotional regulation skills.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
November 18, 2021 5:39 PM!

Easy Ways to Add Self-Care into Your Busy Holiday Season

Easy Ways to Add Self-Care into Your Busy Holiday Season | Managing Anger and Stress |
For all the fabulous parts of the holidays, there’s also a lot of stress involved. Here are nine ways to practice self-care this holiday season.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

It's that time of year again! Off to the grocery store, What to bake? Who's staying over? For how long? The lists go on and on. How can you maintain your peace and ensure that you too are taken care of? Check out some simple ways to help manage your days throughout this Holiday season.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
February 5, 2018 11:53 AM!

Why Older Adults Are Happier

Why Older Adults Are Happier | Managing Anger and Stress |

People may experience increased happiness as they get older"

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Older adults are generally happier than younger adults and the reason why may be surprising.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
August 18, 2017 12:56 PM!

Why Self-Compassion Trumps Self-Esteem

Why Self-Compassion Trumps Self-Esteem | Managing Anger and Stress |

Researcher Kristin Neff reveals the benefits of going easy on yourself: less anxiety, less conflict, and more peace of mind.

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Researcher Kristin Neff reveals the benefits of going easy on yourself: less anxiety, less conflict, and more peace of mind.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
June 15, 2017 12:43 PM!

3 Questions Your Child Wants Dad to Answer - Positive Parenting Solutions

3 Questions Your Child Wants Dad to Answer - Positive Parenting Solutions | Managing Anger and Stress |
(And How You Can Help Him Answer Them)

We are thrilled to welcome pediatrician and best-selling author, Dr. Meg Meeker, to share her wisdom about the imp
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

One of the best mirrors for children to see through is for Dad to let him/her know how he feels about the child, what he believes about the child. and what he hopes for the child.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
June 13, 2017 12:59 PM!

6 mental health benefits of plants: Does Flower Power boost your mood?

6 mental health benefits of plants: Does Flower Power boost your mood? | Managing Anger and Stress |
We all know that flowers and plants make people happy, but what is it about them that puts you in a good mood? Our smart network of doctors are here to explain.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Nature and flowers in particular can help eleviate anxiety, help you sleep, change emotions. and make you more productive!

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
April 6, 2017 2:00 PM!

Mental Illness in Kids: The Surprising Warning Signs

Mental Illness in Kids: The Surprising Warning Signs | Managing Anger and Stress |
Signs of mental illness such as depression in children can appear in preschool years. You'll need an expert in kids' psychology to care for your child.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Warning signs of mental illness may show up in very young children.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
March 30, 2017 2:20 PM!

Hell Hath No Fury... Understanding Women's Anger

Hell Hath No Fury... Understanding Women's Anger | Managing Anger and Stress |
Anger is one of those emotions that be challenging to express. It also appears to have a large divide in how men and women understand it.
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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
October 11, 2016 12:42 PM!

Why you feel busy all the time (when you’re actually not)

Why you feel busy all the time (when you’re actually not) | Managing Anger and Stress |

Overwhelmed? It can seem like we’re busier than ever, but that’s not quite true, says Oliver Burkeman.

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Oliver Burkeman explains why we may be less busy than we think we are and what this means for our stress level.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
August 4, 2016 12:00 PM!

Is Your Child Stressed About a Test? Try this Simple Shift

Is Your Child Stressed About a Test? Try this Simple Shift | Managing Anger and Stress |

"Next time your student or your child is facing anxiety due to a speech or upcoming test, in addition to all of the conventional wisdom (prepare, organize, practice), let them know that their anxiety can be their ally."

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

For both kids and adults facing big tests: Tips to harness the power of anxious energy for positive outcomes

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
March 2, 2016 11:53 AM!

Are You Catching Other People's Emotions?

Are You Catching Other People's Emotions? | Managing Anger and Stress |
Watch out: You might have caught a case of your co-worker's bad mood.
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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
October 28, 2015 4:31 PM!

Managing Disappointment -

Managing Disappointment - | Managing Anger and Stress |

Unexpected change in life? This quick read suggests healthy ways to manage an unanticipated circumstance.

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Unexpected change in life? This quick read suggests healthy ways to manage an unanticipated circumstance.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
May 13, 2024 10:00 AM!

How to Manage Stress and Anger

How to Manage Stress and Anger | Managing Anger and Stress |
Stress and anger can affect your mental and physical well-being, but there are ways you can learn to cope with these feelings effectively.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Identifying anger and stressful triggers with ways to help manage and deal with them.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
December 23, 2021 11:21 PM!

What is a Mental Breakdown and When to seek help

What is a Mental Breakdown and When to seek help | Managing Anger and Stress |
Kevin Curtis, Crisis Services Director at University of Utah Health Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) discusses what a mental breakdown is and what steps you can take to get help.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

How do you know if you are on the brink of a mental breakdown? Here's some ways to help identify if it might be time to get some help.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
October 14, 2021 3:40 PM!

Voice of Experience: Three pieces of anger

Voice of Experience: Three pieces of anger | Managing Anger and Stress |
People express anger differently depending on a variety of factors, including personality, coping skills, history and context. Regardless, we are all its victims at one time or another, and sometimes this emotion deceives us.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Have you ever let your anger get the worst of you? Or wondered what on earth got into the person who cut you off on the freeway? You might considered these three components to understanding Anger and why people may react the way they do. 

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
November 7, 2017 1:02 PM!

Covered in Red: How the Brain Uses Anger to Hide Pain - Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute

Covered in Red: How the Brain Uses Anger to Hide Pain - Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute | Managing Anger and Stress |
What is really happening underneath the anger? Some mental health professionals refer to anger as a secondary emotion.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Do you frequently experience anger? Take a look at what lies beneath...

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
July 24, 2017 11:35 AM!

Mess & Stress: The Science Behind Your Clutter - Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute

Mess & Stress: The Science Behind Your Clutter - Fuller Life Family Therapy Institute | Managing Anger and Stress |

If you find yourself struggling to keep your external space organized, it might reflect a similar internal struggle. 

Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Find out how stress and your environment impact each other. by Shani Bell's curator insight, January 12, 2021 5:23 PM

This article talks about the benefits of having a clean space and how having a clean space can lead to better sleep and cognition, as well as a reduce in stress.  The article gives tips such as focusing, stashing the mess away, and putting the mess back can lead to a cleaner physical and mental space. 

Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
June 13, 2017 11:38 PM!

Actually enjoy your next family road trip with these simple tips - Positive Parenting Solutions

Half the fun of any trip is getting there, right? Well, maybe not if you envision mile after mile of whining, choruses of “are we there yet” or refere
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Enjoy family car trips by allowing children to make choices concerning contents of their own carry on bag, snacks, and radio station.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
April 12, 2017 12:01 AM!

OT Tips to Conserve Parental Energy - Special-ism

OT Tips to Conserve Parental Energy - Special-ism | Managing Anger and Stress |
The daily doings with kids in tow can wipe out the strongest of parents. An Occupational Therapist shared tips to conserve parental energy >>
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Tips such as: pick up immediately after bath time so you don't return tired to a clean up later; store wipes and fingernail clippers for quick duty in car; and the use of gardening knee cushions at bath time   help smooth parents' days! 

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
April 4, 2017 12:01 PM!

Early Emotional Support May Help Kids Manage Feelings Later

Early Emotional Support May Help Kids Manage Feelings Later | Managing Anger and Stress |
Preschool children given high levels of caring showed specific brain changes.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Preschoolers can begin learning to manage their feelings.

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
March 28, 2017 2:00 PM!

Mental Health in the Workplace - More than Just a Moral Objective, It's Dollars and Sense

Mental Health in the Workplace - More than Just a Moral Objective, It's Dollars and Sense | Managing Anger and Stress |
In early 2016, Jessica Leber of Fast Company made an impressively strong case for increase
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

In a capitalist society, companies need to help employees balance the demands of their jobs and the demands of their everyday lives. 

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
August 30, 2016 12:12 PM!

11 Back to School Strategies for Parents - Jennifer Christian, M.A., LPC

11 Back to School Strategies for Parents - Jennifer Christian, M.A., LPC | Managing Anger and Stress |
11 coping strategies that help parents manage back to school stress and offer a little self-compassion in the midst of all the to dos.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Jennifer Christian, M.A., LPC prescribes self-compassion for parents managing the back-to-school transition

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
June 23, 2016 1:20 PM!

How to Curb Self-Defeating Habits - Mindful

How to Curb Self-Defeating Habits - Mindful | Managing Anger and Stress |
Explore these five mindfulness practices to help you uncover and untangle from the feedback loop of negative thought patterns.
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

"Thoughts are not facts, they can always be changed. The same holds true for attitudes and behaviors."

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Scooped by Fuller Life Family Therapy
January 27, 2016 1:30 PM!

Mindfulness of Anger - Mindful

Mindfulness of Anger - Mindful | Managing Anger and Stress |
Take three minutes and try this mindfulness practice for dealing with one of our strongest emotions. 
Fuller Life Family Therapy's insight:

Got three minutes? Learn to deal with anger through this mindful practice!

Sue Cook's curator insight, April 5, 2016 9:43 AM

Got three minutes? Learn to deal with anger through this mindful practice!